Beautiful Syn Filled Eyes

Unholy Confessions

[Chantel's P.O.V.]

I sat there in the room Chanel left me in feelig so bored. I swear if she doesnt come back in 2 more minutes Im out of here. I was about to get up when the door flew open. But it wasnt Chanel. There stood Matt with a serious look. I stood up and stared at him. He had this look in his eye that I recognized to well. He closed the door behing him and continued looking at me with that same serious look. I could tell he was beyond pissed. I saw him starting to ball up his fists and before I knew it...

"You need a shoulder to cry on like old times?"

Matt took a deep breath and before i knew it he walked over to me, hugged me tight and started crying. And it wasnt the sniffle crying, he was literally balling up. I hugged him back and slowly sat down with him and just continued telling him Im sorry.

I remember when me or Matt wanted to cry when we were younger we would go to each other because we hate looking weak to others. So we would find each other and just cry together. We were that close.

"I...I so much," Matt was able to finally let out.

"I missed you so much too Matt."

It took all what Matt had to pull away from me and wipe his tears away. His eyes were so red I felt extremely at fault.

"Chantel why did you leave? Why didnt you tell me to begin with?"

"Matt I am so sorry. I had to leave to make my life better. You knew all the shit that I was goig through. I couldnt take it anymore." by then I started crying.

"You know you could have stayed with me. I love you like a sister Chantel. I never saw you as my cousin. I only saw you as my sister and it hurt so much when Brian told me that you left."

"Matt I did wanted to tell you. I didnt even plan on leaving that night but they had beat me Matt. I just packed my things and left that night."

I continued telling Matt about my life after I left to the part of me having my own salon and my new location is right by the pier. He was so happy for me. I know because he told me. Then he continued telling me about the guys and the band. We caught up in everything by the end of our conversation we set up a lunch date during the week. We were back in good terms.

"I am so glad you came back home," Matt said before giving me another big hug.

"Im glad too," I said with a smile. Matt was about to say something when the door flew open. It was Brian. Ugh just great.

"Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" he asked. Thank god he doesn't recognize me.

"No, Matt it was nice speaking with you but I have to go now," I said before getting up. Matt looked at me with a confused look but right away he got the hint that I didn't want to be there anymore. He gave me a quick hug again before I left. I was out of there in a blink of an eye. I felt bad for just leaving but I really didn't want to talk to Brian.

[Matt's P.O.V.]

Brian walked in and I knew right away Chantel didn't want him to know that it was her. I gave her a quick hug and told her that i would text her tomorrow. Once she left Brian sat on the couch.

"Who was that?"

"Just a reporter," I said completly lying. I dont know why I said reporter. It was the first thing that popped into my head.

"She looked familiar to me," Brian said as he lit a cigarette.

"Really from where?" I said in hopes that he didn't recognize her.

"Like this girl that I saw in the morning at Starbucks. SHe was hot too," Brian said with a smirk. I laughed and thought how the hell am I gonna tell the guys that Chantel is back home.
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