Status: Active

Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy

Pete was never someone I talked to; he was the guy I was always told to stay away from.

He was well known around the community as the “badass” among teens and the “bad boy” among parents.

I always heard this growing up so when I became best friends with his little brother; Daniel the first warning to leave my mother’s lips were of course “watch out for Pete”.

None of this is relevant though; well it wasn’t until I started falling for my best friend’s brother and believe me when I say I started to fall hard.

Author’s Note: title credit to Fall Out Boy

Also let’s be honest; I had such an unhealthy obsession with Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the 3rd that I wasted all of my pre-teen/emo boy guyliner loving phase on him that I do own him.

He’s in my closet sulking about Ashley and Craig Owens; yeah be jealous.

Now if you have a problem with what I just said then press the back button and read another story ;)

Also the chapters will go in this order; Summer’s point of view, Pete’s point of view, and Daniel’s point of view unless I say otherwise.

Let's get this story on the road shall we?

©2011 Neche; own the original characters and pretty much everyone but Pete and FOB.