The Star Dreamer


My name is Polly –Anne Smith, but everyone calls me Dolly due to that was the latest toy for girls around that time. When I was younger I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, an actress. As soon as I had that idea at the age of 10, I joined the school and local drama group. My first play was Snow White, my favourite film as a kid, and I was pretty happy when I found out I got the main part. I’d worked so hard to get it. My older brother, George and my best friend, Bee helped me learn my lines as my dad left us when I was 4 and my mom was an alcoholic. She’d told me ever since that play that I was going to get nowhere in life and that I was a rubbish actress. I just ignored her as she was wasted half the time. Play after play and I was certain that I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.
I was pretty well known around school as I was usually in the school productions. George and Bee went to every one of my drama rehearsals and performances saying that I would make it big one day, well that’s what most people said. There was just one person who I could never seem to impress, and that was Alexander Gaskarth. He came to watch one of my shows once and said that I was rubbish. I never let it get to my head as my mother had said it on numerous occasions. His friend Jack had physics with me and Bee and he just said that Alex was jealous.
‘Jealous? Jealous of what?’ I’d questioned.
‘I have no idea’ Jack quickly answered.

So me and Alex avoided each other due to whenever we were near one another, we’d fight. When the two of them started a band with Rian and Zack, me and Bee was asked to go watch them, and as good friends (except Alex on my half) we went along. I had to say, they were good. Even George said that they were good when he went to see them. As the band got more and more popular they gradually got signed.

In 2 weeks, we’d all finish school together, but tonight it was my last performance for the school. My teacher had asked what I’d plan to do after school had finished. I looked at her and stuttered out ‘I-I-I don’t know’ I honestly had no idea at all what I was going to do, I knew that I couldn’t stay in this town anymore as George had joined the US Army 3 months ago and I couldn’t handle mom on my own now. I knew that college wasn’t my thing so I was stuck. I sighed and put a smile on my face as I was due on stage in a few minutes. I quickly looked behind the curtain and saw the whole room full to its limit. I smiled when I saw that Bee, Rian, Jack, Alex, Alex’s latest girlfriend Stacy and Eric Steverson sat on the front row. I cringed when Eric saw me. I was partnered with him in English last year for a Shakespeare project and he developed a little crush on me. Alex teased me constantly and one day I just punched him. Eric Steverson was no longer brought into convocation when I was around.

I remember having the ‘idea’ as soon as the curtain went up. Anyway, I continued with the performance and was presented with a large bouquet of roses and a card wishing me luck in the future. I’d need all the luck I could get if this idea was going to work. I walked off stage, wiped my make up off, changed out of my costume, picked up my belongings and took one last look around backstage, remembering every detail. I went outside to my car and was pulled into a hug by Jack and Bee, shouting in my ear, ‘You were awesome!’ and ‘I can’t believe that was your last performance Doll’ The rest of the guys said ‘well done’ as did Alex’s Girlfriend Stacy, Alex was nudged by Rian to say ‘Well done ‘to. We said goodbye and I planned to tell George and Bee what my plan was.

“Bee, where are you off to college?”
“I’m going to California, you should go to the same college as me!”
“We both know that college isn’t for me but I have an idea”
“Well Doll, spill it!” laughed Bee
“in the paper the other day, they said that they wanted actors/ actresses aged between 17-20 for this new TV show.” I stopped.
“carry on, im listening” encouraged Bee.
“I was thinking of going for it. You see, you’ll be living it Cali because of college and we could like share an apartment or something.” I babbled
Bee laughed and said ”Doll, I think that’s a great idea. We’ll have to check for free apartments now as they’ll be filling up as the term starts!”
We looked for about 3 hours and found the perfect apartment. It was exactly the same distance form Bee’s college and the TV studio. Later that night after Bee had gone home, I e-mailed George telling him my idea’s hoping that he’d approve.
I got the answer the next day saying that he was perfectly fine with the idea and that the guys in his trope had nick named him GI George. So it was settled, I was off to California as soon as term finished, auditioning for a part on a new TV show.

My bags had been packed for a week; we were leaving the day after graduation. I was hoping that this was the right choice and that all would go well. All Time Low were starting tour so we never really got to say goodbye properly as they were practicing day after day, but when we did see them, they promised to keep in touch and to never forget us.

That was an empty promise.