The Star Dreamer

3 Years Later

I’m 21 now and still living my dream. Bee and I still haven’t talked to All Time Low, The Friday Night Show had the highest ratings in the company’s history, we had kids from all ages come to watch the show, and the friendship between the four of us had never been stronger.
This week’s show was a spoof of batman and robin, with an interview and a live music performance from the British band You Me at Six. Mr Winter calls us into his office to give us a briefing of our latest challenge. We have a slot on the show called Team Challenge! The shows viewers would write in a challenge for us to do, for example last week we had to learn the names of children, a school class with 30 pupils; it’s harder than you think. Chad and Rose pull out a name from the hat and that will be their partner for the week.
“Ok guys! This week’s challenge was sent by Lily, 10, from Virginia. She says ‘Dear Chad, Scotty, Rose and Dolly, your show is awesome! I love watching you do Team Challenge! For your challenge this week, I think that you should do Broadway! Or sing some really good Disney song! Love you All’ Well guys I think I’ve found your challenge!”
And so Chad and Rose have the hat, Rosie picks out Scotty and I’m partnered with Chad. Rose and Scotty get the film Grease, the songs were ‘We Go Together’ and ‘You’re The One That I Want’. Whereas Chad and I got the Disney songs. The songs were ‘I See the Lights’ and ‘A Whole New World’ from Aladdin.
Off to rehearsal we go, the order we’ll go in is Rose and Scotty singing ‘You’re The One That I Want’, then Chad and I singing Aladdin, Rose and Scotty’s final song ‘We Go Together’ and then the final song of the night, ‘I See The Lights’ from the newest Disney film, Tangled. This would give Chad and I chance to change from our Aladdin costumes to our Prince and Princess costumes.

FF to Friday Night
“Live in 5 minutes!” Shouted Bee. She’d got the job to pay for the apartment, she insisted. We all got the final touches to our hair and make -up and cue the intro music to The Friday Night Show.

Jack’s POV
We’re in a hotel and I’m bored. I hate being bored. Alex has gone for food, Zack’s in the shower and Rian is just ignoring me. I sigh and get a drink from the fridge; I turn the TV on and flick through all the channels. I stopped on one show called ‘The Friday Night Show’ The intro music starts and I take a large gulp of my drink. I look at the screen and see Polly –Anne Smith shouting at me “GOOD EVENING AMERICA!” I gasp but my mouth is full of juice, resulting in me choking.
“Jack? Jack are you OK?” asks a frantic Rian. I keep choking and point at the TV screen; he follows my finger and has the same reaction as me. My breathing goes back to normal and we both watch the TV. The show carries on, she still looks the same, she still acts the same. Why didn’t she tell us? I frown as I think this, we promised that we wouldn’t lose contact and we broke that promise. My frown soon left my face as I watched her and some guy with blonde hair doing some spoof of Batman, Rian and I were in stitches, so was Zack when he came out the bathroom. The break came on and we all looked through our phones for her number. We found it but I wouldn’t ring.
“Let’s try Bee’s” Zack suggested. I’d liked Bee back in High school. Her’s wouldn’t ring either. That’s when Alex walked through the door.
“Hey guys! Whatcha doing?”
“Alex, Dolly’s on TV” said Rian. Alex froze up as Rian told him that.
“She is?” Alex asked. We all nodded, then the intro music started up again. We all turned our heads and watched the TV.

Dolly’s POV
“Welcome back guys! Now that we’ve had a break, it’s time for this weeks....”
Cue intro for Team Challenge!
“TEAM CHALLENGE!” The audience screamed and clapped, Rose, Chad, Scotty and I just laughed.
“So this week’s challenge is songs from films! The two films are Grease and Disney Medley. We each have to sing two songs each.” Said Scotty
“That’s right. I got partnered up with Scotty here and Dolly was partnered with Chad” Rose added.
“Please enjoy this amazing band that has traveled all the way from ENGLAND!” Chad said in an English accent. Then we all shouted “YOU ME AT SIX” and ran off stage.
“Break a leg out there Rose” I shouted over my shoulder. She chuckled and ran to the side wings in her blonde wig. Bee walked in and sat next to me
“You know Doll, it’s been 3 years since Alex said all that stuff to you on the phone” she said while staring off into space, I looked at her. I could tell she missed them. I sighed and said “I Know Bee” and gave her a smile. She helped me do my make-up and my hair, and then I was ready to go.

Alex’s POV
She still looked beautiful. Hell, she’ll always look beautiful. I argued with her all through school because I was jealous. I was jealous because people always said how well she’ll do. No one said that about us. Well some people did, but not as much as they did her. It was 3 years today I said all that horrible stuff on the phone to her. I regretted it the next day as I was off my head the rest of the night. I tried to ring her the next day, and Bee, but it wouldn’t ring. I just knew then that Dolly and Bee both hated me. She started the song off; it was a new song by Disney. She sang it pitch perfect as did her friend. She was dressed in a purple dress that went down to the floor with short sleeves. Her hair was in perfect ringlets, and on her head she wore a tiara. She looked and sounded like a princess.
“She made it” whispered Jack.
“What?” I asked.
“She made it Alex. She’s taking over Hollywood.” He paused and looked at me “and she never told us” he added with a frown. Jack and Dolly were good friends, Dolly was friends with everyone. I’d realized that Jack must have not talked to Bee either. He’d liked her a lot. Nice going Alex I told myself.
“Why didn’t she tell us?”Asked Zack, the look on everyone’s face was going to make me crack soon.
“Guys, I am so sorry!” I said looking down.
“What?” they all asked confusion clear in their voices.
“She told me that she was gonna go on TV and I said that I didn’t care and not ring me or you guys again. I said that we were so busy for her, and that she’s not that good anyway and that I’m better than her. I was drunk and I really didn’t mean it.”
“WHY ALEX? SHE WAS MY FRIEND!” Shouted Jack, Rian and Zack didn’t even look at me.
I was toast.