The Star Dreamer

The Letter

On Wednesday its fan mail day. It's the day which Scotty, Chad, Rose and I get to read and sometimes reply to. We were all laughing at a joke that one of the kids had sent in. I opened up a Letter addressed to me. The envelope is a bright orange colour with chicken scratch writing. Ha, Jack used to write like that. I sighed and opened the envelope. I gasped when it said “To Dolly and Bee" no one but Chad, Scotty and Rose knew Bee worked and lived with me.
"I don't know if you'll read this letter but I sure hope that you do. Its Jack Barakat, I know that you'll remember me. I am so so sorry that I never stayed in touch with you two like we hate promised. I only found out two days ago what Alex said to you on the phone. We all tried to call you but it wouldn't ring. Alex says that he is sorry and that he didn't mean to say the things he did. Can we please meet up sometime to apologize in person. The guys don't know that I've sent you this letter; please please please please can we meet up. I've missed you both and I'd love to know what you’re doing now. Well what bees doing as we all saw you on TV Friday night? We are all so proud of you doll face :) please write back or call me on 2233901289 lots of love Jack Barakat xx"
I read that letter over and over again. I said to the group that I would see them tonight and that Bee wanted Rose and I home. We ran to the car and sped to the apartment.

"Bee!" I shouted through the apartment.
“WHAT” she shouted with a mouth full of food.
“Jack sent us a letter” I said quietly, passing the letter to her. She read it a good few times before looking up at me.
“What are we gonna go Doll?” she questioned me. I shrugged things of something to say.
“I think we should go over all the pro’s and con’s.” Said Bee slowly walking over to the fridge and sticking it there with a magnet. I thought this over in my head and agreed.
“Rose, can you come here?” I shouted. She was halfway dressed for going out with the boys tonight. “What’s up?” she asked. Bee and I had told the other 3 about the All Time Low situation and they all knew that it was a touchy subject.
“Rose, Bee and I got a letter from ATL” I said looking at her. Her mouth dropped open.
“What did it say? Are you OK? Were they awful again?” she said getting angry.
“Well actually it was just Jack, but he wants to meet up, Doll and I want to go over the pro’s and con’s of meeting them.” Bee said calmly. “Do you think it would be OK if Doll and I missed tonight’s dinner with you, Chad and Scotty?” She added.
“Gosh, sure you can have all the time you want. I’ll tell the guys now OK?”
We nodded and let her get changed.

After Rose had gone, Bee and I cracked open the wine. We sat with a large flip board which I got free from the studio. On one piece we wrote down all the negatives, and the other all the positives. Bee and I were both steaming by now; we decided to ring the number.
Ring, ring, ring
“Hello”? Asked the voice
“Helloo, it is Polly- Anne Smith and Queenie Stuart.” I shouted, while Bee giggled.
“Oh my God, it’s Jack, hey I'm so sor-“
“Don't rig, I mean ring us OK? Byee!” I said interrupting his sentence.

We slammed the phone down and ignored the rest of the calls coming to the phone.