The Star Dreamer

Blast from the Past

“We need food” Stated Bee looking in the empty fridge. I looked over her shoulder and sighed.
“Come on then. No one will be there now” She said while walking over to her converse trainers. We pulled into Wal-Mart car park and got out the car. It had been a week since we had called Jack.
“Hmm......we need som- Doll, what are you doing?” she asked me confused as I dropped to the floor. I shhhhed her and pointed to the door. The four of them walked towards us in the supermarket
"Good going Bee, couldn't you have waited till tomorrow!" I whisper yelled as they passed us. We both turned to face the shelf and the same time, hiding our faces. We waited till they walked past us and ran down the aisle, trying to get out the shop. That's when I fell over and attracted the attention of everyone in the shop when a mountain of boxes fell on Bee and I.
"Ouch!" I yelled causing even more unnecessary attention
"Bee? Doll? Is that you??" asked a confused Alex Gaskarth. Bee and I looked and him and then to Jack, Rian and Zack, that were now walking towards us and then we finally looked at each other. We nodded to each other and ran out the shop and into the car to the apartment.
"What the Hell!?" shouted Bee shocked. She was almost in tears and I must have broken at least 5 of the driving rules. I looked into the mirror; behind us was an open topped car, with four boys in it.
“Bee they're following us!" I stated. She looked behind her and nodded. I pulled into the apartment, I locked the car and ran with Bee up the stairs as the elevator wasn't working again. We looked behind us and the boys had jumped out the car and were now following us up the stairs
"BEE, HURRY UP!!" I screamed.
"I Knew it was you two!!" shouted Jack. Bee and I reached our floor, I pulled the keys out my pocket, tried opening the door but I couldn't open it due to the fact that I had the wrong key. The boys were running up the corridor
"Doll hurry up" wined Bee. I opened the door and quickly closed it before the boys could get in. I locked it and stepped back from the door. Bee was trying to get her breath back and I was too. The guys were banging on the door begging us to open it.
“Open this door Polly Anne. Now!” Shouted Jack.
“No Way!” I shouted back, pacing the floor.
“Please open the door” asked Alex in a sweet voice.
“Oh Piss off Alex, because, you know, you’re better than me and your just too busy and I'm not that good anyway right?” I shouted but laughed sarcastically.
“You know I was joking” he shouted back, banging on the door.
“Do I Alex? Do I really? All you did in school was tell me how rubbish I was” I stated.
“I didn’t mean it.” He said quietly.
“Yeah, well look where it got you!” I ran my fingers through my hair.
It was quiet for a minute when Rian spoke.
“Please Doll”
I thought for a moment, Rian was great friends with me in middle school. I’d known him the longest and I know that he wouldn’t rub anything in my face. I looked at Bee, who seemed to be thinking. She walked up to me and we both slid down the door and put our head in our hands. She looked as if asking permission to ask something.
“If we let you in what will happen” asked Bee quietly.
“We’ll be the best of friends again’ said Rian.
“We’ll ring you all the time till your sick off us” added Zack
“I won’t argue with you again unless it’s over TV” Alex said. Bee and I widened our eyes at that one.
“We’ll buy you a puppy!” Added Jack.
“Well, I do like puppies” I admitted.
“Yay” they said together.
I looked to my left and met Bee’s blue eyes. She sighed and nodded. We stood up together and got the keys for the door.

Jacks POV
I fell to the floor to sit down and sighed, the rest of the guys followed. If they don't open this stupid, blue green door, I am gonna to.... a) break it down b) Punch Alex or c)Punch Alex and never talk to him again. Not looking good for Alex right now.
“I hope they open the door” said Alex.
“You’d better Alex” growled Zack under his breath. Alex’s eyes widened and he looked down. We heard shuffling behind the door; we all looked towards the door. We heard the lock click, and we all stood up quickly. The door opened a crack and we saw Bee and Dolls heads. They both had unsure smiles on their faces. They opened the door further so that both of them stood in the door way. Bee was twisting her hand and looking at the floor, while Dolly looked at us and sighed looking down. My heart broke at that, it was one of those sighs when you know that the outcome is negative.
Doll ruffled her hair with her hand and looked at us.
“Do you promise all the things you said?” she asked.
We all nodded and she nudged Bee. Doll held her arms open wide and smiled saying
“Come Here”
We all ran towards her and engulfed her and Bee into a massive hug.

Dolly’s POV
We stuck our heads so that we could look at them, but I know that we both had nervous smiles on our faces. I opened the door and sighed looking down. I knew that Bee wasn’t looking at them as she was twisting her hands. I thought for a moment while ruffling my hair and asking them,
“Do you promise all the things you said?” I asked looking at each one of them. They each nodded and the looks on their faces almost made me laugh. I nudged Bee and she looked at me. I smiled and opened my arms and they ran into them.
It knocked the wind out of me. I don't know about Bee but I was struggling to breath. In my ears I could hear them all repeating the same thing over and over again.
“I am so, so, so sorry.”
I rubbed their backs saying it was OK.
“Right guys, as much as I love this, I can’t breathe” Came the muffled voice from Bee.
The guys released us and stepped back. Bee and I straightened out our clothes. The guys started walking around the apartment, Jack wouldn’t let go off Bee and I though.
“Jack you need to let go.” I whispered.
“I know, but I don't want to.” He whispered back.
“Why” Whispered Bee
“Cos I missed you both and I don't wanna lose you again” he explained while whispering.
“We’re not going anywhere” I said outloud, fed up from whispering.
“I know you’re not now” he laughed. He finally let go and Bee ordered pizza.

FF 2 hours later
It was just like old times except we were older and Alex wasn’t arguing with me. We were sat in the living room, laughing, when the door opened.
“Hi girls, I'm back!” shouted Rose through the apartment.
“You’re having dinner without me. Again!” she laughed. She walked through the room and looked at the guys. They all stood up and looked at her. Her face looked like she knew them but she couldn’t put a name there. Alex stepped forward and said to her,
“Hello, we’re All Time Low. My names Alex Gaska-“ He didn’t get to finish because Rose’s fist connected with his nose. An angry look on her face, she was just about to swipe at Jack when Bee tackled her to the floor.
“Rose. Stop it!” Shouted Bee as Alex stood up with a bloody nose.