The Star Dreamer

The First Day of Training

2 weeks later.
I stood in front of the gym at 10:00am, in my training clothes. I had on a watch that George used to wear when he was training. He didn’t need it anymore so he gave it to me. I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and waited for Chad, Scott and the camera people to arrive. Rose was getting changed, she shouted through the cubicle door, making conversation about this whole thing. She was a regular visitor at the gym. I wasn’t, neither was Chad and Scott. I did rollerblading sometimes for fun with Bee, and Chad and Scott played the odd game of football. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, signalling that I had a text. Then another, and another, and another two. I unlocked my blackberry and opened the first text, it was from Jack.
Hey, good look working out today. I know that your gonna hate it :D

Then Bee – I’ll have dinner ready for when u get hme :) Don't work 2 hard! Xx

Alex- Hey Doll, still need a lift from the gym l8r? Anyway, have fun xx

Rian- Sweat it out Doll! Xx

And finally Zack- Remember drink plenty of water and eat! Have fun, we can be gym buddies :D

I groaned at the thought of going to the gym with Zack. I went once ages ago and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. I texted them all ‘thank you’ back and replied to Alex’s text.

Hey Alex! Please can you give me a lift later, we finish at 1:00pm. Okay? Till then xx

I looked up and saw an angry looking Chad and Scotty. I smiled at them, trying to cheer them up.
“Dam, I'm not looking forward to this” said Scott placing his bag on the floor
“Me neither...hey Doll, what time did you get here? We don't start time half past 10” asked Chad
“Well, we all know Rose likes the gym, so she insisted we come early. What time are the cameras coming?
“Erm..... Dale said at 25 past and it’s like...” he said looking down as his watch “10:27 am now” There doors flew open and there stood Rose, her hair in a high bun.
“Hey guys!” she said jumping over towards Scotty and Chad. They mumbled a hello and pried her arms off them. She grinned and watched when Dale walked through the doors with the camera men.
“Morning Kids!” he said laughing
“Morning” we mumbled, apart from Rose who shouted it.
“Alright kids, you are climbing the mountain in 2 months, so train hard. The camera men will be following you guys, this will take up about half the show. Remember, have fun. Chow kids”
Then he walked off.
“Do we just wait now?” I asked the camera men. He nodded
“Well guys my partner is, Dolly!” said Rose. I forced a smiled and inwardly groaned. She was gonna end up killing me.
“But-“started Chad, but a buff looking man and woman walked in to the room.
“Morning guys, our names are Pete and Jodie, and we are gonna be your trainers for the next few weeks.” He said.
“Chad and Scotty will be partnered together with Pete, and Doll and Rose will be with me” said Jodie.
“Alright follow me” said Jodie, as we walked away from Chad and Scotty.

Alex’s POV
Ahh, a day off finally. I rolled over and saw Jack lying there.
“AHH!” I shouted falling out the bed. Jack laughed and looked over the bed, helping me up.
“What the hell Jack” I mumbled standing up, rubbing my now aching hip bone.
“Sorry Bro” he said laying down on my bed. I shook my head and walked over to my closet.
“So much for the lay in” I thought.
“What's up Jack?”
“We’re all going to Bee’s in like 10 minutes, so get ready”
“But it’s early” I whined
“Alex, shut up. She’s making breakfast”
“Oh free food!” I threw some clothes onto the bed and Jack left the room, telling everyone I’d be down in a minute. I checked my hair in the mirror and walked down the stairs.
“Let’s go guys”
We reached Bee’s in 5 minutes; we knew how to get there like the back of our hands because we spent so much of our free time here.
“Hey Bee!” shouted Rian as he closed the door behind him. We all walked into the kitchen expecting Bee and Doll to be sat there like they usually were, but today it was just Bee.
“Help yourselves to the food” said Bee smiling.
“Thanks Bee, where’s Doll and Rose?” I asked slightly confused.
“Oh, it’s the first of her training for the mountain climb. That reminds me, I’ll have to text her” She walked into her room to get her phone.
“Hey are you gonna text Doll?” he asked wiggling his eyebrows. I threw a slice of toast at him. He laughed and dodged it.
“What was that all about?” asked Zack with a mouthful of bacon.
“Alex has a little crush on our Doll” said Jack proudly
I looked down, feeling my cheeks burn.
“Really?” said a voice from the doorway. We all whipped round and saw Bee smirking.
“Ah Bee, you can’t tell her!” I said panicking.
She chuckled to herself and sat down next to Jack.
“I’m not gonna tell her Alex” she said sipping her tea. “now everyone send her a message because I know that she is dreading today”
We all pulled our phones out and sent her a message. I sent,
Hey Doll, still need a lift from the gym l8r? Anyway, have fun xx
I waited a few minutes and she replied with,
Hey Alex! Please can you give me a lift later, we finish at 1:00pm. Okay? Till then xx
I smiled, but tried to hide it by eating another slice of toast.

I parked outside the gym at ten to one. I walked over to the nearest shop and bought two bottles of water and two kitkats. I walked back over to the car and sat down, but before I could even switch the radio on, Doll fell into the seat next to me, her cheeks a bright pink.
“Hey Doll” I said smiling
“Hey Alex” she breathed
“I got you a drink and a kitkat” I replied, getting them out the carrier bag. She smiled wide and drunk half the bottle of water in what must have been 5 seconds, she opened the kitkats and crunched on it.
“Thanks Alex, I needed that” she said smiling at me.
“It’s alright doll, so did you work hard?” I said pulling out of my parking spot.
“I hated it. Rose is defiantly a machine; she only just broke a sweat! I could breathe after the first half an hour, I like collapsed on the floor and demanded water. I felt a bit bad after that because I feel on the camera men. I'm gonna be so stiff tomorrow, but I get a break from it. We have this trainer called Jodie, and she’s real nice, and she’s never done anything to me, but I can’t help but want to punch her!”
I laughed and told her to continue
“I told her and she said that it was okay, but then I felt bad about saying that, so I said sorry. I'm so tired!” she yawned
“Well, we’ll be home in a minute so don't fall asleep. What time did you get there?”
“Erm, Rose woke me up at 8:45am shouting at me to wake up. We reached the gym at like 10 o’clockish. Scotty and Chad got there at like, 10:15, I think? But I saw them at twenty-five past. Rose is off to getting a lift to her friend’s house, she’s staying over there for a few weeks”
“It’s gonna be quiet around your apartment then “I said chuckling
“I doubt that, Jack stays over quite a lot”
“Jack likes Bee” I said shrugging
“OH MY GOD, I KNEW IT!” shouted Doll jumping up and down in her seat.
“He liked her in high school”
“I thought he did, I know that Bee did”
“She did?” I grimaced
They could have gotten together ages ago, but thanks to my big mouth- that didn’t happen.
We pulled into the apartment’s parking lot, and got out.
“Let’s get Jack to ask Bee out. She hasn’t had a date in months” said Doll, pulling her bag out the boot. She closed in and walked towards me. I locked the car and we started walking inside
“We should. I know that Jack likes her, and now that I know that Bee likes him they should go out on a date. She’s the only girl I know that can tolerate Jack.” I said laughing as we reached the elevator.
“We are taking the elevator today. My legs hurt” said Doll, dragging me closer to the elevator. She pushed the buttons and turned to me
“I think I know how to get Jack to ask her out! You know Chad? Well he messes with Bee, pretending to have a crush on her, and I know that she doesn’t like him that way because she promised that she was telling the truth. Well, if I ask Chad to like flirt with her and stuff, Jack will get jealous and ask her out! He got jealous one time when Charlie Cotton asked her out, she said no cos she was waiting for Jack to ask her out”
The door pinged open and we walked out the elevator.
“Sounds like a plan. When is it gonna happen?” we asked as we turned around the corner.
“I don't know, but when I do I’ll send you the code words ‘Puff the Magic dragon lies in wait’”
“What is it about you and Puff the magic dragon?” I asked as we reached the door.
“George used to read me stories with him in” she said shrugging opening the door.
“YO MAMA BUMBLE BEE, DJ DOLL IS IN DA HOUSE!” she shouted through the apartment, we walked over to Bee in a ‘Gangster’ walk.
“GIRL? WHAT YA DOING IN MA HOUSE?” Bee said playing along, and bumping chests with her. Jack laughed and the two of them. He was leaning on the back of the sofa.
“Think this is funny do ya?” said Doll, swaggering towards him.
“WELL DO YA?” she shouted. Jack’s face was one of pure shock. He put his hands up but it was too late. Doll pounced on him and the two of them fell screaming backwards onto the floor.
The two of them were laughing,
“Y-Y You looked so funny!” laughed Doll, grabbing her stomach.
“Well, you gave me a shock” confessed Jack sitting up. She sat up also and lifted her hands to me, asking me to pull her up. I pulled her up and we sat on the sofa, and Bee came in with food. We all sat and ate, Doll talking about her day. After we’d finished, the guys played Mario Kart, I sat and watched with Doll, Bee was in the kitchen but she came and watched a few times. After a few games, suddenly Rian went
“Doll’s asleep” I looked down onto my right shoulder and saw that Rian was right. Doll was asleep on my shoulder.