Unexplained Feelings *Most Likely on Permanent Hiatus*

Chapter 1

“Can you explain to me, again, why you married Missy?” Ryan Dunn asked an unresponsive, drinking Bam Margera, as he watched the brunette walk across the street, staring at her phone causing her to walk straight into a teenager who seemed to be off on another planet.

“Bam, I think she might just attack that poor kid. I’m gonna go save him, okay?” Bam waved his hand, just barely acknowledging that Dunn was leaving him alone in the bar to save some kid that he didn’t know.

“Hey, Missy! Leave the kid alone!” Dunn yelled at the bitching brunette, crossing the street, and getting in between her and the fallen kid.

She glared at him before flicking off the boy on the ground and walking away. “You’re a jackass, Dunn.”

“And a paid one at that!” He yelled at her retreating back. Turning around to the kid on the ground, he held out his hand to help the kid up. “Sorry about her, she’s a bitch, if you didn’t notice.”

The boy looked at Dunn like he was insane. Dunn, mentally slapped himself, of course he fucking noticed. Stop sounding like an idiot, Dunn. Pull it together.

“Where are you going?” Dunn asked, looking around at the surrounding stores. Not one of them looked like one that the kid would be going to. He nodded at the hair salon that Ape worked at. “Cool, I’ll walk you.” The kid looked at him weird again. “Well, only if you don’t mind.” Dunn stated, quickly realizing what he had said wrong.

The kid nodded and started to walk to the salon. Dunn followed after him. The kid was easy to walk with, his pace leisurely.

“Are you getting your hair cut?” Dunn questioned as they walked in. He had observed the tufts of light brown curls that were just barely coming out from underneath the black beanie that adorned his head.

The kid shook his head no and walked up to Maggie who owned the shop.

“Hey Maxxie. Isn’t it your day off?” She asked, looking at the boy. It wasn’t odd that he was there on a day off, but usually he just went and sat at his desk, working because he had nothing better to do, as he put it.

“Lex broke up with me today and I don’t have anywhere to stay anymore. I would just get myself an apartment or a room at a hotel, but I don’t have the money to and I don’t stay long enough in once place. I was hoping that I could stay with you or another one of the stylists for a little bit until I figure something out.” His voice was soft, but Dunn was stunned by the power and grace of it. This kid, Max he guessed his name was, was really reminding him of someone, but he couldn’t figure out who it was.

“I would let you stay with me, but my whole family’s home for a reunion, but I think April has some empty rooms.” Maggie stated. “Let me go get her.”

“So your name’s Max?” Dunn asked. The boy nodded. “And you work here?” Another nod. God, this kid must just really not want to talk to him. “How old are you?”


“Dunn! What are you doing here?” Dunn heard the harsh voice of April Margera yell his name, sounding scared, like she thought he would wreck the shop if he was left alone for more than five seconds.

“I’m with Max.” Dunn stated. “Missy was bitching at him and I saved him from her wrath.” Ape nodded as if she approved of this before turning to Max.

“Oh, honey. Are you okay?” She cooed. “I currently don’t have any free space in my house, but I’m sure that Bam wouldn’t mind housing you for a little bit. You like H.I.M., maybe even more than he does, which I used to think was impossible, so he shouldn’t mind having you in his home. What do you think, Dunn?” She sent a look Dunn’s way, telling him that he better side with her.

“Well, I’m not gonna give Bam’s house away for him, but I think the guest room is empty until Ville comes and even then, Raab, Rake, and Dico have moved out, so when Ville comes to visit in a week, there’d still be open rooms. I could put in a good word for Max too.”

“That would be nice Dunn. Don’t you think, Max?” April caught Max’s drifting attention, bringing him back to the conversation. Max nodded. “Okay, Dunn, why don’t you go and talk to Bam. I’ll bring Max over in a little bit after we collect his stuff.”

Dunn nodded. “Bye Max.” Dunn waved as he exited the store. Max barely gave a nod of acknowledgement to the leaving man.

Dunn walked back to Antonio’s. Bam was still sitting where Dunn had left him, now with three empty glasses of beer around him. Looking at his phone and seeing that it was only eleven in the morning, he stated, “it’s too early to be drinking.”

“Not according to Vito.” Bam stated, getting up and handing Dunn his keys. “I needta go to the music store.” He walked out of Antonio’s.

“Did he pay?” Dunn asked the waiter who came to clear Bam’s glasses.

“He put it on your tab.” Dunn cursed Bam to hell when he heard that answer.

“Great, thanks.” Dunn walked out of Antonio’s and got into the driver’s seat of Bam’s blue hummer. “So why are we going to the music store?”

“I ordered a new H.I.M. poster and I just got an email saying that it was there.” Bam slumped into the seat.

“Don’t you have too many H.I.M. posters?”

“There’s no such thing Dunn!” Bam exclaimed overdramatically.

Dunn just shook his head. Bam still had six posters of the cover of Razorblade Romance in his room and then another picture of the album cover off to the side somewhere. He still believed that something had been going on between him and Ville before Bam decided to get married to Missy.

“Okay,” Dunn started the car. “Let’s go get the poster.” He’d mention Max after they got the poster because Bam would be really happy after he got the poster and that would insure a better answer.
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So this is the beginning. I don't know if I'm going to really work on it, but if I do, I'll post stuff.