Unexplained Feelings *Most Likely on Permanent Hiatus*

Chapter 6

R.I.P. Ryan Dunn and Erik Roner ~ Forever an Inspiration

Chapter 6

Max searched through his duffel bag for something warm. He was cold even though it was almost eighty degrees outside. Fuck, he thought. I’m probably getting a cold. Pulling a pair of baggy jeans, he walked into Bam’s room, searching for something warm to wear. Walking into the closet, he saw one of Bam’s Element hoodies. He pulled it on, thanking God that it was warm.

Walking out of Castle Bam and to Bam’s Skate Playground, as Max liked to call it, he watched as Jim rode his bike around the ramps. Max hung around the edge waiting for Bam to notice him. When he did, Bam jumped from where he was a slid down the death ramp on his side.

“Holy shit. That looked like it hurt.” Max stated climbing onto the ramp and coming to stand next to Bam’s body that was lying on the bottom of the ramp. “That so definitely hurt. Hope you don’t mind, I borrowed one of your hoodies”

“Nah, I could never mind. But aren’t you hot?” Max shook his head.

“I think I’m coming down with a cold because I’m not warm.” Bam nodded, getting up and placing his hand on Max’s forehead.

“Dude, you totally have a fever.” Bam looked worried, but Max waved it off.

“I’m fine. I’ll take some medicine. When am I supposed to pick up Ville, Linde, and Jonne?”

“In like an hour. You should probably go. Oh, shit! I was going to make you signs! Be back in a minute, guys!” He yelled at Nitro Circus before running back to the house, pulling Max with him. Jim’s eyes followed the two.

“Dunn! Where are you?” Bam yelled into the house as he ran in, pulling Max down to the Pirate Bar.

“Right here, Bam.” Dunn was sitting at the Pirate Bar counter, his head resting in his hands. He had such a killer hangover. “Can you not yell for a couple of minutes?”

Bam laughed at the sight of his poor friend. “Sure man. I’ll make you a hangover cure in a second, but first we have to make signs.”

“Why are we making signs?”

“So Ville and Linde and Jonne know to go with Max!” Dunn clutched his ears again. He couldn’t understand how Bam could be so awake and alert; he’d had more to drink than Dunn had. Stupid Margeras, he cursed.

“Ok,” he took the paper that Bam was shoving at him. “What should I right?”

“Just like ‘Dunn’s Bitch’ or something like that.” Ryan nodded and started to work on his sign.

Minutes later, Dunn handed his sign to Max. The blackette laughed when he read the simple “King of Rock n’ Roll aka Linde” on the sign. He recognized it as the title of the Daniel Lioneye album. It took Bam five more minutes to finish his sign, but when he handed it to Max, the blackette saw that it not only read “Bam’s Bitch aka Willa Walo,” but it also had a unicorn and a heartagram on it. He shook his head; oh Bam.

“What about Jonne?” Max raised an eyebrow when Bam and Dunn shared a look, both writing all over the next piece of paper.

Max took this sign when it was handed to him and raised his eyebrow, if possible, even higher. This sign read “Sparkle,” “Pixie,” “Horny Bitch,” and it was covered with stars.

“You guys need help.” Max laughed at them. “Okay, I’m gonna go.” He grabbed his iPod, phone, wallet, and the keys to the red Hummer.

“Here.” Bam grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge. “Knowing you, you’ll get thirsty.” Max smiled.

“Thanks.” He kissed Bam and Dunn on the cheek. “See you in a little bit.”


Max walked into the pick-up area at the airport. There were a bunch of people milling around and that made him a little bit uncomfortable, so he walked to the edge of the crowd and held the signs, up over his face, Bam and Dunn had made, only when he saw a crowd of people coming through. He observed the three Finns, from behind the signs, as they stood off to the side, watching people from the crowd help others with their bags, soon they were left with Max and a couple of other people. Jonne was the first to notice him. He got Ville’s and Linde’s attention, pulling them over to Max.

“Are you Max?” Ville asked.

“Hei.” Max stated, with a perfect Finnish accent, removing the signs from in front of his face.

“Max!” Jonne exclaimed, staring at Max in shock before hugging him tightly. Max hugged back just as tight. Soon Jonne was pushed aside though and Linde replaced him, before Ville came and replaced Linde.

“When Bam said a Max was picking us up, I thought that the possibility of that Max being you was so small that there wasn’t even a chance, but here you are.” Ville laughed. “You show up in the weirdest of places.”

“I think it’s an art form that I’ve perfected over the years.” Max laughed with him.

“Let’s get out of here. I need a smoke.” Ville stated, already pulling the cigarettes from his pocket.

Max helped them pick up their bags, carrying them to the red Hummer.

“He even let’s you drive the Hummer?” Ville sounded impressed.

“We bonded when we washed it, intoxicated, at three o’clock in the morning in forty degree weather.” Max shrugged. Ville nodded, this seemed a good enough answer. Both Bam and Max were crazy, so he could see them bonding like that.

“What are you doing in the States? I thought you were in Germany.” Jonne asked from the back seat of the Hummer. Linde was sitting next to him. Ville had taken the passenger seat. Ville had immediately turned the stereo off when he heard his voice playing over the speakers.

“The skiing in Germany sucked, so I flew back to the States to try and get some good snow in Utah, but I ended up stuck in Philly because I didn’t have enough money to get to Utah or Colorado, where I have people I can stay with. I called up my ex, told him I wanted to rekindle our relationship and get him to take me in.”

“So how’d you end up at Bam’s?” Linde asked.

“I got a job at the salon that his mom works at when Lex first took me in. Eventually, Lex broke up with me again, which didn’t bother me, but I didn’t have anywhere else to stay, so I went to work, bumping into Missy, Bam’s ex-wife on the way. Ryan Dunn saved me from her and then followed me to the salon. April told me that Bam had extra space and Dunn said that he’d talk Bam into letting me stay there. It just all worked out and I ended up there.”

“That’s awesome.” Jonne was bouncing in his seat. “So how’s everything going for you, relationship wise? You said that Lex guy broke up with you, but have you met anyone else?”

“Nah, but I’m not really looking either. I just want to make enough money, so that I can head out to Chile over the summer.”

“How long has it been since you last went skiing?” Ville asked.

“Almost a year.”

“Wow.” They knew that he always had a problem with staying in one place too long and the face that he hadn’t been skiing in so long was shocking.

“Yeah, but enough about me. my life’s boring. How’s H.I.M. and Negative? I haven’t heard much about you guys for a while.”

“H.I.M.’s on a hiatus.” Linde informed him. “Ville’s been having a rough time figuring out lyrics for the next album and since we base the music off the lyrics we can’t really do much.”

Max looked at Ville and could see that he wasn’t happy with the fact that he was having a hard time. He’s probably freaking himself out, telling himself that he can’t write anymore and this is the end of his career, Max thought. He grabbed Ville’s hand and held it in his, trying to comfort the older man.

“Negative’s having a problem with their arrogant bassist.” Jonne spoke about his band.

“That sucks, man. What’s going on?”

“We think he’s gotten into some heavy drugs.”

“Well, fucking shit, that sucks.” Max wracked his brain for another question. “Jonne, why did Bam and Dunn write ‘Horny Bitch’ on your sign? I mean, I think you’re the horniest person I know, but still.”

Jonne smirked. “I might’ve attempted a threesome with them once when I was drunk.” This caused Max to burst out in laughter.

“Oh my God, you’re horrible.”

“I know.” He shrugged. “What can you do?” Max left it at that because, really, what can you do? Turning on the radio again, he switched the CD player to his iPod and put on Apocalyptica.


Max and the Finlandians had been at Castle Bam for a little over an hour before anyone noticed that they were there. Max had made himself a hangover cure just because it tasted good as hell and Jonne was already making a dent in Bam’s vast alcohol collection. Linde and Ville were sitting on the floor, playing a game of chess. Occasionally, they would talk to Max or Max would comment on what they should do next. Max turned on his iPod, eventually, tuning out everyone else, begging for sleep to come and soothe his aching head.

Bam found them in the living room. Jonne was staring at the TV mindlessly. Max was asleep on the couch, and Linde and Ville were playing chess at the coffee table. Closing the sliding glass door to the balcony shut quietly, he walked over to Ville, trying not to make squelching noises with his feet, but the Finn was so absorbed in the match that he didn’t notice.

Bam picked up the brunette, threw him over his shoulder, and ran out onto the balcony, ignoring the screams of protest from the Finn and the banging fists on his bare back.

“Bam! Bam! Put me down, you fucker!” Ville’s fell to deaf ears as Bam threw him into the pool from the edge of the balcony, jumping into the pool behind him. Sputtering, the Finn came up for air. Instantly he was assaulted by the loud cheers, congratulating Bam.

“You look like a wet cat, Ville.” Ville looked up towards the sound of the voice and saw Jonne smiling at him from atop the balcony. Ville flicked him off, obviously not happy with his comment.

Ville attempted to climb out of the pool, but was instantly pulled back in by Bam, who pulled him to the shallower end and wrapped him up in a hug, a hug which Ville tried to shrug off, but Bam was persistent and finally Ville hugged him back.

“Hey, Ville.” Bam smirked at the soaking wet Finn.

“Bam.” The Finn nodded before climbing out of the pool. “I’m going to go get dry and, with your permission, stay dry.” Bam laughed at the smiling Ville.

“You have my permission.”

“Thank you.” Ville walked into the Pirate Bar, where he was met by a not-so-good looking Max. “Are you okay, Maxxie?” He asked, walking over to the blackette and pressing the back of his wet hand to Max’s forehead and then to his cheeks. Max flinched back from the touch before realizing it was cold and felt good against his forehead, leaning into it. “Sweetheart, you’re burning up.”

Max sighed, just leaning into Ville’s touch more, either ignoring the fact that Ville was soaking wet or he hadn’t noticed, neither choice was good in Ville’s opinion because Max didn’t really like water.

“I know. I don’t feel good, Vil. I’m gonna go to bed and sleep.” He pulled away from Ville’s hand, pulling a water bottle out of the fridge and taking two Advil before heading upstairs. Ville stared after him, worried. Max was always the kind of person to put off his health. He’d just have to watch after him for a little while, make sure he was sleeping, eating, and not drinking any booze. Man, was Max going to hate him.


Bam walked into the Pirate Bar. He saw Linde and Dunn cuddling up in front of the fire place and he sighed. He still hadn’t told Ville that he liked him and it was starting to get to him, but he still wouldn’t tell him. It wasn’t worth the risk.

“Ryan, Linde, do you know where Ville is?” At the sound of his voice, Linde jumped up, embarrassed and not used to having others see him have more ‘intimate’ moments with his lover. Ryan wrapped his arms around Linde, cooing words in his ear and Bam watched as Linde’s body slowly relaxed against Dunn’s.

“He’s up checking on Max. Max wasn’t feeling too good, getting sick or something like that.” Ryan told him.

“Thanks.” Bam ran up the stairs, leaving them alone. Running all the way up to the third story he walked to Max’s room and knocked on the door. “Max? Ville?”

Ville opened the door and pressed a finger to his lips, motioning for Bam to be quiet. Letting him into the room, Bam was surprised to see Max, who looked way too pale to be normal, lying on his bed, staring at the black ceiling with a cold washcloth on his forehead. Bam raised an eyebrow at Ville questioning Ville.

“I’ll be back in a little bit, Max.” Ville whispered, pulling Bam out of the room. “I think he has a migraine, mixed with a little bit of the common cold. Do you remember when and what he ate last?”

“He definitely ate an apple last. That’s all he eats. And I think he ate one yesterday before we went out to go drinking.”

“When’s the last time he had a drink?”

“Uh… Well, what did he drink when you guys got back?”

“I don’t know. Whatever it was it kind of smelled like one of my hangover cures.”

“He was drinking a hangover cure. I taught him how to make them.”

Ville nodded. “I guess we’ll just have to watch him, but he should be fine eventually. You guys should eat more.”

“This coming from the rock star that looks like a twig.” Bam stated, laughing at Ville’s pout.

“I’m not a twig! And even if I were, I could get more girls and guys than you!” Ville taunted.

This was probably true, Bam considered. Before he could open his mouth to retort, Ville had opened the door to Max’s room, checking on him. Ville smiled. That must be good news.

“He’s asleep.” Bam nodded. “Where’s your friends?”

“Dunn’s cuddling with Linde down stairs. Novak’s passed out somewhere. The Nitro Circus crew is out eating dinner. No one should be coming back, except, maybe, Jim tomorrow. Want a drink?”

“You know I can’t, Bam.” Ville sighed. “Please don’t tempt me with offers.”

“Okay.” Bam shrugged. “How about this, so as not to tempt you, I’ll swear off drinking too.”

“Really?” Ville looked at him. This was very un-Bam-like. Sure, Bam would do a lot of things for Ville, but this was a lot of things to a whole new level.

“Yeah, really. It can’t be that bad being sober all the time. Wanna go to the cave?” Ville nodded a yes almost instantly. The cave was his favorite place in Castle Bam. “Cool, let’s go.” Bam led Ville to the entrance in the Pirate Bar, ignoring the sleeping forms of a Linde and a Dunn.
♠ ♠ ♠
AN: So, this chapter has introduced the Finlandians! Yay! I'm excited myself because it's starting to move along faster. I just finished writing chapter nine. It's going to be a two part-er because of how long it is. I think this chapter was about six pages long on Word with about 2,618 words and nine is ten pages long, with 6,447 words. I'm impressed with myself, if you can't tell, lol.
Anyways be excited, 'cause I am. :D:D:D