
One of Three.

Frank has never exactly been a cool kid. Not a huge popularity junkie, but not totally ostracized, either. He's thin and short and maybe a bit on the 'emo' side, and that's just something he's learned to accept about himself. Although this might make for a great story on jocks beating his thin little ass, but people aren't nearly as brave as they make it out in movies. The most he'll get is a short joke in the locker rooms, or a nasty giggle when he can't reach the science beakers in Chemistry.

But for the most part, Frank Iero is totally and completely anonymous, hanging out with his best friend Mikey and trying to find his way through high school as invisibly as possible. He's been harboring that same crush on Mikey's older brother, Gerard, since maybe the second grade, and he watches way more Mtv than he'd like to admit. Just a typical, in-the-closet-gay, high school boy; seventeen and not too high up on the social food chain.

But all that is about to change.

“So, you really can't come over this weekend.” Mikey says, pushing up his glasses as they walk through the halls of Belleview. Frank sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. It's not that he doesn't love Mikey, or his house, but Mikey's parents are a little bit crazy when they're together (not that Frank's aren't weird either), and they're going to be there all weekend. Mikey is also a lot cooler than him, and ever since Gerard got home from college in August, Frank has been feeling a little more than loserish when the pair are together. Or whenever he's around Gerard, really, because it makes him start pining and feeling like he belonged in a sad pop song or something. So he likes to stay at home and do that by himself, where it's less obvious.

“I have a date,” Frank says, closing the door on his locker. He immediately regrets that, because he's never, ever had a date. That was a horrible excuse.

Mikey stares at him, jaw agape. “No way, Iero. “ Frank gives him a look, because seriously -- why does this have to be a 'no way, Iero' kind of confession? Is he that sexually stagnant?

“It's a guy, isn't it? You don't have to hide it from me.” Mikey looks at him in a mix of shock and awe, because his little best friend is growing up. They've never even really had many talks about this kind of thing, except maybe when they're talking about porn. It makes Mikey feel a lot better, too, because himself, Ray, and Bob are all headed off to college in the fall, and it'd be nice to not leave Frank totally and completely off to fend for himself.

Frank doesn't answer, scuffling his feet. “He, uh, goes to community college. Bergen Community.” His fake boyfriend is close to Belleview and fairly anonymous – perfect. Mikey's eyes widen and he ducks into his phone, hiding his smirk. Frank just rolls his eyes and keeps walking, not wanting to expand on the conversation. This is going to be one white lie he'll never live down.

In reality, Frank spends the weekend while he's 'with his hot date' watching all of the Sabrina the Teenage Witch episodes, and watching horror movies until he passed out on his guitar, earning him some great lines in his face come morning. His mom watches some with him, but there is zero guy action – unless you count Frank and his hand. He runs a few errands on Sunday and gets a greeting card from his Aunt, which had a five-dollar bill and continuously played 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' whenever he opened it. Frank knew the words backwards and forwards by the evening.

Monday rolls around again and Frank walks in – for once in a good mood because he actually got enough sleep (who knew N*SYNC was so damn soothing) – and Mikey is giving him the biggest shit-eating grin he's ever seen in his life.

“How was it?” Mikey asks, Ray and him sharing English notes by his locker.

It takes a really concentrated blank stare from Frank for Mikey to roll his eyes and keep on talking. “You didn't call me all, Frank. I know what you did,” Mikey's face is practically glowing, and Frank's white lie suddenly seems a whole lot bigger.

It's no secret that Mikey isn't straight – he's not gay either, but that kid just really gets people in general. And Frank hasn't gotten kissed since the sixth or seventh grade in Mikey Way's basement – also known as Gerard's room. They were playing 'Seven Minutes in Heaven', and Jesus Christ, Gerard must have been a Sophomore at the time. There's an awkward moment for you. They sat in that basement and Frank only placed a fumbling kiss on his cheek, painfully aware of their age difference. Gerard assured him that his secret was safe, and Frank said that he'd keep a secret, too. In that moment, Frank really, really wants to tell Mikey that he actually did something, make his best friend proud.

He figures maybe just taking the passive route will work, so he smiles and continues on with his good mood, pulling what he needs for next period's quiz out of his bag. Ray and Mikey stare at him in awe, and Mikey gives an excited squeak – which is very different from his normal monotone, Frank notes.

“Frank isn't a baby virgin anymore!” He says, playfully tapping his shoulder. Mikey isn't really touchy either, so this also surprises Frank. A lot. This also seems to surprise a few other kids, too, and all of the sudden Quinn is there, giving Frank a look.

“Frank got laid? Buy a guy?” Quinn says incredulously, giving Frank the once-over. Everyone knows that Quinn is kind of a big mouth, and also a total snob at times. Even Ray looks a little proud to nod for Frank, just to put that in his face.

“In community college, too,” Mikey adds, bragging. Frank contemplates sinking through the cheap linoleum and into the grave. This isn't exactly what he had in mind for a Monday.

Frank feels something swoop in the pit of his stomach as Quinn saunters away, looking at him over his shoulder. “Congratulations, Frankie” He says, and then the school bell rings.

It's really funny how fast things travel – by lunch time, people are staring at Frank like he's some new piece of gossip meat. Which he totally is, because gay sex is the perfect topic of conversation between people around the ages 14 to 18. There are whispers, and suddenly everyone knows that Frank is gay – and no longer an ass virgin, which is horrible, and ten times more embarrassing than Frank would like to admit. But he tries to walk tall (no pun intended) as he crosses the cafeteria, wishing that Bob's car would get out of the shop so they could go off campus. He sits next to Bob and grabs a coke out of his bag, fizzy and lukewarm.

“I heard you were having sex with a professor at NYU,” Bob says conversationally, stealing a sip from Frank's can. Frank's jaw drops, and more of that sinking feeling digs itself into his skin.

“No,” He starts, and then looks around – people are literally eavesdropping on his conversation, he swears it. “This is getting way out of hand.”

Bob shrugs his shoulders, because he doesn't know and really, really doesn't care – Frank is his friend, and he doesn't care much for his sexual life. Nobody knows about Bob's, either, and that's something Frank rarely would like to consider. He personally thinks that everyone's sex life should be a private thing, but apparently he's alone in this. But still, gossip travels too fast around their average-sized high school, and suddenly gay sex is on the forefront of everybody's mind – and that means that Frank is on the forefront, too.

“Iero – how's it going?” He hears Jepha ask, eyebrow cocked. He knows about five gay kids in the whole school, and suddenly it's like he became 'on the market' or something. Jepha never gave him a second look until this day.

He nods at Jepha, then says nothing, continuing on his walk past the double door and into his AP Italian class, where the teacher is hissing something at him and handing him papers.

He passes them out, and yelps as some douchebag in senior year trips him. “Watch where you're going, you sodomite.” The kid simpers, and Frank whirls around, expression fierce.

“Fuck you, dude. Fuckin' twat.” Franks maybe not as smart as this guy – who is actually really smart, given the fact that he's in an AP – so his voice is pretty loud, and suddenly the whole room goes quiet. Frank doesn't even notice, because he can't remember what a sodomite is and that's just frustrating, and he's really getting fed up with the weight of his lie.

He finally realizes that the room is quiet, and his blood freezes in his veins. The teacher straightens up, pawing his mustache. “Iero, principal, now,” He says, picking up the receiver. Frank just grabs his bag and starts walking in shock – anonymous Frank, now going to the principal's office? These going-ons are simply unheard of. Maybe he's in some sort of nightmare, and in the next five minutes he'll be naked in a Math class he doesn't remember enrolling into.

When he walks into the receptionists' office, he sees a two boys leaving the room, one with a bloody nose, and the other with a twisted smile. The kid recognizes Frank and almost waves, and Frank knows that he's from his Biology class last year. His name is Brian – he started having people call him Schechter when he became a Junior (which is kind of a mouthful and isn't really sticking). He's known for trying too hard to get laid, and always, always getting stood up by girls. And getting really drunk and puking all over himself at some party two years ago. Figures.

When Frank walks into the principal's office, he's given a fair warning, and he tries his best to pay attention at Mr. Palotti's long-winded explanation at why they need to keep girls and boys off of the streets, and off of the bong. He says it a few times, like a chant, before finally letting him go with a yellow detention pass. Good for one day, and one day only – that being tomorrow. Frank just sighs and shoves the yellow wad into his pocket.

When he goes to wait by Mikey's car, a familiar body is already leaning against it. “G-Gerard?” Frank stutters, staring up at the dark haired boy blocking his path.

“What are you doing here?” Frank asks, and Gerard gives an easy shrug.

“What are you doing here, Frankie?”

Gerard looks really good – really, really good. He's somehow gotten not dorky and really cute in college, and Frank suddenly becomes painfully aware that he still owns the exact same pair of shoes. So ratty, God, he must think Frank is on welfare or something. He scuffs his red Chucks on the pavement and hopes he doesn't look down. His smile is so wide that Frank can see his back cavities and each one of his little teeth, and he feels so excited and nervous that doesn't do much besides stand there, stupid grin tied onto his face. “I'm waiting for Mikey – guessing you are, too?”

“Ah, no – I'm just coming back for a tour of my old glory days,” Gerard motions to the crusty looking exterior of the high school. Frank giggles, remembering that Gerard was not all that popular in high school – he spent more time with Mikey than anyone else during those days, barring Bert, his 'first love'. That and playing Dungeons and Dragons – which totally is not endearing to chicks, contrary to popular belief.

Frank wonders if Gerard still even talks to his old high school and part of college sweetheart. He knows he still sees Bert from time-to-time, selling drugs outside of the local Stop and Shop. Gerard was pretty smart to realize he was too good for Bert – Mikey also mentioned Gerard 'experimenting' a lot in college, so that probably made their relationship kind of impossible, too. Frank is pretty curious about Gerard experimenting.

Frank smiles shyly and sets his bag down on the pavement. “I could give you a tour, if you want – I'm sure you'd like to see the new art room we got. It's pretty high-tech.” They got a new projector last week, and Mrs. Valtina hadn't been able to shut up about it. Frank had done some reading about SVA while Gerard was gone – apparently, they had nicer shit than generators.

“Nah, it's okay – I'm sure they're great though. Maybe some other time?” Gerard flicks ash off of the cigarette that Frank didn't even realize that he was smoking. “My car is actually parked over there, but I just wanted to give Mikey these papers before I went out – you think you could give them to him? It's his college applications, he left them at home this morning.” Frank nods and takes the papers, and Gerard gives him about a million thank yous before he starts walking to his car.

“We should really hang out sometime, Frankie – we've got a lot to catch up on.” Gerard calls as he walks backwards, hands stuffed into his pockets. Frank wants to take a picture of him, with his badass faux-leather jacket and skinny jeans – he's even jealous of those fucking combat boots, and he wonders when Gerard became so city and stylish. It almost annoys him, but not that much. It more adds to the heat and flame of the crush.

“Frank,” Mikey says, breathless. Frank remembers Mikey's inhaler in the back seat, and is thinking about grabbing it when Mikey takes his arm, panting.

“Did you seriously fucking punch out Rabbi Robinowitz in class?” He asks, hands tight on Frank's hoodie. Frank shrugs out of the grip looking shocked. He remembers that nickname, and then – oh, he remembers why he doesn't fuck around with that kid. The guy is so religious that Frank can literally feel God's wrath every time he passes by him.

He shakes his head. “That is a gross dramatization – but maybe I got a fist in his ego, I guess. If you wanna take it that far.” Frank figures, reaching for the handle. “Look, Mikey, I think we need to talk about --”

The breath is knocked out of him as Mikey hugs him, looking a little bit starry-eyed and very, very proud. “Look at you, Frank. Finally coming out of your shell. Fucking badass.” Mikey pushed up his glasses and lets him get into the car, and Frank pushes the thought from his head as they drive out of the parking lot.

“Who is the guy, by the way – from college?” Mikey asks. Frank keeps his eyes on the window.

“Uh, Darrien.” He says, swallowing back the taste of his lies. “Darrien Fiorelli.”

At least he was Italian – his ma would be proud.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this is loosely based off of 'Easy A', stop judging.