Status: Beginning

Losing Alexandra

Chapter One: Starting New

Alexandra walks up the hard concrete steps of her new high school. Her knees were shaking and heart was beating a million miles an hour as she opens the heavy mental door. She walks into the hallway with lots of stares saying, “Who are you?” She shifts her bright blue eyes to the floor and speed walks to the office. She walked up to the front desk, which behind it had a rather unfortunate looking lady with white hair and a frown that seemed to be permanently there. In California everyone use to be so happy, why are people in Maine so unhappy with things? Alexandra thought to herself.
“You must be Alexandra May. I have your classes right here." The bell has already rang so I’ll have to get you a pass.” The office lady said in a monotone voice. Then she turned around grabbed a notebook and signed it.
“Here you go.”
“Thank you so much.” With that said, the lady gave what appeared to be a little smirk of satisfaction and Alexandra smiled back and walked out of the office. Staring at the schedule Alexandra looked around. okay first hour algebra room 7B. Let’s see 5B, 6B, 7B. Okay well here goes nothing. Alexandra took a deep breath, moved her book bag up her shoulder, and opened the door. Stares from everyone in the room from everyone except one girl with straight brown hair and a pen rapidly writing in her left hand. Alexandra swept her long blond bangs out of her eyes and walked completely into the room and showed the teacher her pass.
“I’m Alexandra. I’m new and that’s why I was late.” The teacher looked at her for a second like he was trying to understand what she just said. He stared blankly at the pass for a few seconds and then waved his hand and told her to sit where ever. Alexandra looked around and noticed there was an empty seat next to the girl with the rapid pen. For some reason Alexandra felt like she should sit there. She walked over and sat down and the teacher continued to teach. He didn’t stop until the bell rang. She hoped not all the classes were like this. Alexandra was use to teachers letting her talk a little before the class ended but she’s in high school now and is realizing a lot is going to change. The day dragged on exactly like the first class, until lunch. Alexandra got her trey and had no idea where to sit. She looked around and like in all the movies she saw she started for the bathroom. She figured there is no way people will accept her yet. She's new. And she started to feel defeated when she heard. "Hey."