‹ Prequel: Some Kind of Magic
Sequel: Irresistible

Hey, Princess

Prince Charming

Elsie was special. Of course, I didn’t notice that when I was four; to me, she was just some annoying, pigtailed giggly girl that overly enjoyed the game “tag”. But I watched her grow up, and through that time she had become this headstrong, free spirited, beautiful teenager to whom I was deeply attached. Even after knowing each other for so long, I didn’t actually become close with her until the age of ten, when she moved in down the street and we were forced to spend time together for our parents, who were friends since their University years and were also involved in the same career. When I found out Elsie was also accepted into Westwood Private School and we would have classes alongside each other, things took a turn for the best and an innocent friendship turned into camaraderie and closeness that I never thought I could ever be with something outside of my family, what I had with my twin. Not once had I ever felt so secure.

There was something about what we had that guaranteed we wouldn’t separate. We loved each other like true friends would, but on my side there was always something more hidden deep within. I wasn’t going to succumb to it—I wouldn’t let myself do that—because we were meant for each other this way and anything more could ruin it. I didn’t want to be the instigator. I refused to be the cause of the wreckage of one of the most solid friendships ever made. So one summer, I created a pact with Elsie that we wouldn’t let anything come between us. We wouldn’t let feelings take over.

But I knew that those types of pledges only lasted for so long, and time had run out.

I knew I wasn’t any prince charming, and I didn’t own a horse to ride off into the sunset on. I wasn’t even close to being the leading man in a classic fairy tale, and maybe I didn’t know anything about romance or how to sweep a girl off her feet. But I knew what it felt like to be crazy about someone, and I was crazy about her. I wanted her, and one way or another, I was going to get her.
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This is the first time I’ve written a story in a boy’s perspective. It’s going to be interesting.
But I love Robbie so I had to, and this gives me a chance to try a different writing style that I’m not used to. We’ll see how it goes.
I’ll be writing this at the same time I’m writing for Isabelle, so everything sort of lines up, but not really. Yeah, confusing right? Whatever.
Comment for me, please and thank you!