But If We Sing These Words, We'll Never Die.

Sparkles and Cupcakes

  I awoke after yet another dream. But this one was different. This time it was Zacky and me and he told me it was time to move on. He said it was time to leave my past behind and worry about the future. 

  I laid in bed for what seemed like hours, staring at the ceiling and wondering if it was best for me to move on like he said. My thoughts were interrupted by "We Love Like Vampires" by Sparks the Rescue blaring in my right ear, which signaled it was time to get up. I hit the button, sighed and rolled out of bed. Two and a half hours later, I arrived at school and wondered around trying to find my locker again. What happened next, I hadn't expected at all. 

  I opened my locker and confetti spit out at me along with a huge sign popping out at me that read "WELCOME!" I reached out to touch the sign to make sure I wasn't dreaming. When I did so, someone jumped on my back, wrapped their arms around my neck and shouted "FRRAAAANNNNKKKKIIIIEEEE!!!!" I screamed like a little girl and the person attached to my back giggled. 

  "What the hell was that?!?" I almost screamed as the person jumped off my back and leaned  against the lockers next to me.

"Hiya! I'm Mikey! You have to be frank or else I'd feel stupid. LOOK! My unicorn sparkles is here!" he exclaimed as he pulled out a stuffed unicorn from his backpack. Was this real? I mean here is an attractive guy who was taller than me and most likely a senior standing next to me acting like a little kid.

"HI RAYMOND!" Mikey shouted as an also taller than me guy appeared next to me. He had a Fro that I must admit looked totally amazing. I mean, it could possibly rule the world one day. Anyways, this guy came up to us and Mikey got on the ground and wrapped his legs and arms around "raymond's" leg. 

"Not this again." Ray said and glared down at Mikey. "Haven't I told you to stop this Mikey? Last time I almost cracked my skull open." Then Ray turn to me and said," I apologize for Mikey. He acts a bit childish for his age. I feel sorry for you. You have to share a locker with him. Oh and Uh my name is Raymond Toro, or Ray for short." He stuck out his hand to me and I shook it.

"I'm Frank."

"Nice to meet you."


  After a while of standing there talking, I found out that Mikey's  older brother Gerard was my art teacher and that Ray was in the class with me. They told me all the shortcuts to classes they could in the amount of time we had for a passing period. I was surprised at how nice they were and how much they were like me. I'm starting to feel like moving here wasn't such a bad thing at all. 
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Hey guys. I'm gonna try to update everyday.
If i dont i will try and update twice the next day.
Im a tad bit sick, So im trying.
Please Comment and subscribe people.
P. S. Sorry Its short-ish. Dx