The Black Parade

Famous Last Words

Gerard's POV.

Mikey can you hear me?

Mikey what did i do wrong? I Thought you were happy, i didn't know. I suck being a brother, I should have ask, i knew something was up. And Lindsey wants to get divorce, and every thing is just fucking horrible. Why Mikey? Why did you do this? I know it's hard but please, why? Suicide was not the answer.

I miss you, Mikey. Everybody does, even Alicia. Did you know that Alicia is pregnant? Yeah, she was going to tell you the same day that you died. You would been a great father. She's having a boy, she's going to call it after you, Michael.

I couldn't anymore Michael, you were gone, everyone is. Lindsey is moving out soon, you're gone, mom and dad are crying because of you, and My Chemical Romance? No more. We could not do it, not without you.

I hope you thought about me, about everyone, mom, dad, Alicia, the band, i hope you thought about the pain, and the tears we have to go through. When you died, when we walked in the park. You said goodbye, and you apologies, I dint know why, but i do now. The doctors said you took an overdose of pills. But i dint want to hear that, i dint want to know that you were dead.

I saw you die. You said goodbye, you said you loved me, you said that i would do anything stupid. But when you left, you fell right on the ground. "Mikey? Michael?" I called. You dint answer. I ran over to you, it was to late. I love you Mikey I hope you know that, I miss you.

Was is the Famous Last Words Michael? Goodbye?