Love Bite

Dieing Without Death

I finished the last one of them off. He was hiding in a corner, hoping I won’t see him. Fool. We aren’t called ‘creatures of the night’ for nothing. I broke his spine in three places and viciously sank my teeth into his neck. His warm blood trickled down my throat, but didn’t satisfy me. Nothing will satisfy me.

My dearest love is dead. Stone, cold, motionless, dead. Unfortunately not like me. I am only part dead, see the difference?

I went over to her limp body and held her rigid in my arms. I pressed my face to hers, no breathing, no life

It was my fault. If only I had been patient enough to find a secluded area. Then they would never have found us. Never have killed her. I was foolish, blinded with love.

Her veins were visible where the poison had begun to spread, but on her chest was an open wound, blood still trickling out.

I brought my fingers to the wound, allowing her blood to spill on them. I held them to the moonlight to see it glistening crimson. I slowly brought my fingers to my mouth, and taste her sweetness. The blood of a virgin. Pure and ripe. It drove me insane.

The writhing and agony is torturous. I imagine this is equivalent to the feeling of a broken heart, although I do not have a heart. Its as if the weight of an iceberg is lying on my chest. Crushing me and freezing me.

I pushed my long fingernails into my chest, tearing apart pieces of flesh with a sick ripping sound. I did not know it was possible to experience so much pain. If there was an easy way out, I would take it. Unfortunately for me I am damned to an eternal life. I now know the meaning of the word damned.

But even if I had the chance to die, would I take it? Yes. Anything would be better that this, even if it did mean being human and dieing.

I must sound utterly pathetic. Giving up is not an option for me, as mush as I wish it was. What would happen now? Would I spend the rest of eternity mourning the death of her? The one person that made forever worth it.

For once I wished I was man. I could easily grab a knife and end my pain. Or even thrown myself from a window. It would be incredibly easy.

Its funny how limited my choices are. You’d think if you had as much time as me there would be more options. There’s not.

The only thing I could do is return her body to her parents. I at least owe them that. I swiftly picked her up and glided towards her home. Home was supposed to be with me. I laid down her body on her bed and pushed her hair away from her face. How was it possible for her to still be so beautiful?

I couldn’t bare it anymore. I fled from her room, from the town, from the country. I didn’t know where I was, or what time of day it was, but nor did I care.

I feel like I’m dieing, although I know that death will never come.
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I decided to write another chapter. I'm not sure if I should continue or not, does anyone even like it?