Meant to Be

A New Song

“Why did you guys leave me out there for so long by myself?” David asked.

“Your dad and Alex’s dad are here. We tried to tell them that it didn’t matter you had permission to be here and so did Alex. Her dad is talking to her now.” Chuck said.

“She looked really scared.” Jeff said.

“You left her by herself?” David asked.

“Pat is near them if he hears anything he is to protect her.”

“So where is dad?”

“Right outside that door.” David walked out the door and immediately his dad grabbed his ear. From the corner of his eye he could see my dad and me. I was crying and dad was waving his hand around at the moment when the crowd went dead a slap was registered across my face. I fell to the floor and hitting it knocked me out. David broke from his dad and ran to me. He punched my dad who was kicking me as I laid there. Pierre and Jeff weren’t far behind him and pat was taping the whole thing.

“You god damn child abuser if I ever see you near her again you won’t be lucky enough to walk away.” David said threw his teeth he picked me up and carried me over to the bar.

“Daddy he ain’t a retard and I love him. He treats me better then you ever could.” I mumbled as I woke up a little.

“Your dad won’t mess with you again. I promise.”


“Yeah you want to go home?”

“Where is home?”

“I’m not sure I don’t think we can go back to your mom’s and my parents’ is out of the question.”

“Are we homeless?”

“No we aren’t. Stay here for a minute don’t move.” He left me to talk to the guys.

“David what is up?” Seb asked.

“We get money for this right?”


“How much?”


“Can I have it please?”


“She was kicked out. So am I we have nowhere to stay and I can’t let her sleep on the street.”

“It’s yours.” Pierre said.

“Thanks but don’t you want to discuss it with…”

“It’s yours.” They gave him the money and we left. All the guys, Tabby, and Pat came with us to the motel to watch the tape.

We were able to stay at the motel for a few weeks thanks to the fact that we agreed to help out with the counter and I helped with the candy stand that was inside. But after the third week they kicked us out. None of the guys could take us in so we slept on the streets. Plenty of people drove by us and looked at us as if we were inferior to them. We didn’t eat that week. We were on the streets for a month until the next battle. We both looked anorexic and everybody just kind of laughed at us.

One day while we were on the street we asked this guy who had a ton of money and had food if we could have a little because we were starving and he walked away. We shined shoes and helped people carry groceries to their cars anything for a dollar. Just not too many people would give us a dollar. It got to the point where I was ready to go and try prostitution. We had to eat and no one cared about the two kids who were starving.

“This is crazy how come no one cares. It’s unfair.” Seb said at one of the band practices.

“It’s life we can’t help it.” David replied.

“Kids are starving in the streets, rich guys driving SUVs. It’s bad enough that our families are the ones who sent us to this way we live in world war 3 and we are the enemies.” I said.

“No one is gonna save us we have to do this all ourselves. I swear if I’m ever part of a family again it will be normal.”

“What is a normal family?” no one had an answer for it.

“I just want to jump.”

“Someone asked me if I was trying to get on TV. Diet pills and surgery was everybody’s guess.”

“I’m sick of this town, sick of being broke. We just want to live our lives. You wouldn’t believe what we have thought of doing.”

“Prostitution. Drug runs. Stealing.”

“We have tried everything we could think of.”

“We are at the end.”

“New song?” Pierre asked.

“What kind of song could you get from our depressing life story?”

“Tell me what’s wrong with society when everywhere I look I see young girls dying to be on TV won’t stop till they reach their dreams. Diet pills surgery Photoshop pictures in magazines telling kids how they should be. Is everybody going crazy is anybody going to save me can anybody tell me what’s going on tell me what’s going on if you open your eyes you’ll see that something is wrong?
I guess things aren’t how they used to be there are no more normal families parent’s act like enemies making kids feel like its world war 3. No one cares no ones there I guess there all too damn busy and money is our first priority…. Tell me what’s wrong with society when rich guys driving big SUVs while kids are starving in the streets no one cares no one likes to share I guess life’s unfair.”

“Write it up it could be a hit.” David said. “I don’t feel like practicing today we need to find jobs.”

“No one will hire us we are just kids. And we’ve tried everywhere already. Nobody will hire some homeless kids.” I said.

“I know.”

“We need an address.”

“We can’t get one.”

“What about homeless shelters?” Jeff asked.

“They won’t take us.”


“They say we should go back to our parents.”

“They don’t believe we were kicked out.” I said. “We should go.” we got up and left before they could protest.

That night there was a ton of drunk drivers out. It was the end of the school year so of course most of them were teenagers. One of them jumped the curb and hit David and me as we were walking to the alley we called home. We didn’t have time to jump out of the way or anything. The car drove off after he hit us. Another car stopped and called 911. We almost died. We both fell into comas and it took David 3 weeks to get out of his. I was still in mine when he woke up. Pierre and Chuck hadn’t left our sides since they found out. Our parents never showed up. Big surprise there.

“What happened?” David asked when he woke up.

“You were hit by a drunk driver.” Pierre said.

“A drunk driver?”

“Yeah you’ve been in a coma for 3 weeks.”

“I have?”

“Yeah you have.”

“Where’s Lexie?”

“The bed beside you she hasn’t woken up yet.”

“A drunk driver hit us?”

“Yeah you guys were walking on the street a car jumped the curb and hit you. Alex was hit first and her arm got caught in between the mirror and the car so she was dragged for a little while. You were thrown into a wall. They have no idea who it was who hit you.” Chuck said.

“Where’s mom?”

“She…” chuck looked to Pierre unsure of if he should tell the truth or not.

“She never came huh?”

“Right.” Pierre said.

“I figured as much. I’ve been in a coma for 3 weeks.”


“So I missed the battle?”

“Yeah we won though we used the money to pay for the hospital bills. I played bass and sang. I’m surprised we won.”

“Thanks guys. Do you think she’ll be ok?”

“We aren’t doctors.”

“I didn’t ask for a medical opinion.”

“We have no idea. She has been having some good days but she also has had plenty of bad days.”

“I see.”

“Do you want to know what all is wrong with you?” Chuck asked.


“you see when you were thrown into the wall you split your head open and you also did something to your spinal cord so they don’t know if you will be able to walk again. You luckily only got side clipped so there wasn’t that much damage other then the head and spinal cord thing. Only bumps and bruises.”

“And Lexie?”

“She almost lost her arm. Her leg was cut she had to get stitches. She also split her head opened. Since they hit her dead on she probably won’t ever walk again or have feeling in her legs. Her face is messed up they said she might not even pull out of her coma. And they also said she lost the baby.”

“What baby?”

“She was pregnant. But she lost it if she wouldn’t of the would of tried to save the baby which might of killed her. “

“She was pregnant and I made her live on the streets?”

“I know you guys were trying your hardest but when you guys get out go talk to your parents get back in the house.”

“Ok if you say so. This is all my fault.”

“No its not don’t say that. It’s your parents they didn’t have to kick you out and make you live on the streets.”


“No buts that is the truth.”


“We are going to go home and call everyone ok?”

“”yeah that’s fine.”


“bye.” they left and David looked over at me he fell back asleep looking at me.

“Alex are you upset about something?” David asked as we drove.

“No not at all. I “

“Just can’t believe that we did what we just did?”

“Exactly I never planned on doing that so soon in life.”

“I love you.”


“Why would you do that if you didn’t love me?”

“All guys just want one thing and if they don’t get it they won’t love. Anyone at all they won’t love.”

“Who the hell told you that?”


“He’s wrong. God damn he is wrong.”

“No he’s not look at you. You are smiley and happy and you are telling me you love me every minute.”

“I loved you before this and I thought because of it you loved me too but I guess I was wrong.”

“But we can be friends.”

“Yeah friends.”

“With benefits.”

“No that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. I want you completely or just as friend don’t mess with my heart so much.”


“Alex I love you and that maybe the last time you hear me say that. We should just forget this ever happened.”

“Maybe we should.” my voice was so small how could I be treating the guy I love so harshly. Love is not an option I can’t love him I have too much baggage to be able to love him. Way too much baggage for me too ever loves him. How could I not love him though? He is so sweet and so wonderful how come I can’t just love him like he deserves to be loved. He deserves to be loved so much more then I am able or ever will be able to love him.

“Are you mad about something? Your voice went very soft. Are you feeling all right?” he snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Huh? I’m alright why do you ask?”

“Your voice got all soft.”

“That is because I love you.” I said it in a barely audible voice.


“Nothing. I just have a lot to think about with dad and all.”

“So what did he do to you anyway?”

“well I came home from hanging with you and he went crazy and started yelling and hitting me then he pulled me into my room and pushed me onto my bed and pulled my shirt off then he held me down and pushed the knife into me and cut me.”

“Why did you let him?”

“What do you mean why did I let him? I didn’t mean to let him I had no choice. I’m sorry I had no choice. I had to let him do it to sorry I can’t fend off full grown men.”

“Sorry I know you can’t so where are we going anyway we’ve been driving for like 2 hours.”

“Actually driving?”

“Yes we were only parked for like an hour and a half and we left at 3 it is now 5.”

“So it is we should stop somewhere and get some sleep.”

“Yeah we should but look the sun is rising.” I looked at the sun rising. It was a beautiful red sun rise it made me feel as if everything was going to be ok everything would be fine. David moved closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder. He moved my head so he looked into my eyes. He leaned and kissed me. “Sorry I wasn’t thinking we said nothing would happen. And I kissed you god I am stupid why I would do that.”

“Don’t worry I know you didn’t mean it.”

“I didn’t.”
“Its ok it must be the sun rise because I was going to kiss you. Why can’t life also be so beautiful and easy to deal with?”

“I know your dad is being really mean right now but…”

“Its fine I’m sure I deserve it how could I not deserve it?”

“You don’t your great and wonderful and perfect but your dad just doesn’t see it I guess. He must not to hit you and use you like he does.”

“You’re too kind I know I I don’t know I suppose you could be right I just wish life would go the way it should go it deserves to go smoothly.”

“It will one day when we are together. Shit I didn’t mean that I just meant.”

“David you know I love you but I can’t let you get hurt.”

“He won’t hurt me.”

“He already did once. And it was because of me I can’t let it happen again.”

“No if we love each other like you claim we do I think we should be together.”

“No David hun you don’t want to be mixed up with a girl like me more then you have to.”

“If you say so I really wouldn’t mind.”

“Please David no just I need a friend.”

“I’ll be your friend but I wish I was more.”

“Maybe one day.” I kissed his cheek then we took off again.

“Where were we going again?”



“sure.” he turned on a road and we headed to America.

“Lexie I miss you come back.” David said quietly before he went back to sleep. Pierre and Chuck heard what he said then left.

“If she dies he might go also.” Chuck said when they got into the elevator.

“I know that but we can’t let it happen. She had a baby in her and he made her live on the streets. He made her…”

“Don’t point fingers Pierre. We need to be strong.”

“We lied to him.”

“He can’t take the truth. She is dying and it is his sister’s fault. We can’t expect him to deal with that. Anyway she should be dead by the end of the week. She isn’t going to wake up and even
If she does she is almost brain dead. She won’t be able to do anything. We had to lie about it.”

“If he was told by someone else though.”

“He won’t be we are paying good money for their silence. It won’t be as hard this way and he’ll go home.”

“Why can’t he just stay with one of us?”

“your dad left you again, my parents don’t want him in the house, Seb’s parents have enough to worry about, and Jeff we can’t leave him with Jeff’s parents they are to strict.”

“I don’t feel right about lying to him.”

“Then let me do it.”

“Please don’t. Let’s just be honest. What could possibly happen if we tell the truth?”

“He could die.”

“Why would he die?”

“He won’t go home if he knows they are responsible for the only girl he has ever loved death. Wouldn’t you be mad and maybe kill yourself.”


“David is also more emotional.”

“I know.”

“Let’s keep it the way we just told him.”

“It might be for the best.”

“It is.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Only about 1 more chapter after this one so enjoy!