Meant to Be

A new friend and bad news

"Powerful" David said." you came up with that right now."

"Me and my parents got into a fight last night about this stuff so I guess I was a little emotional about it."

"It’s perfect. It needs a little tweaking but it's perfect." Seb said.

"What should we call it.” Jeff asked.

"Perfect." I said. They looked at me then they all gave me a hug at once.

"We just need to finish it teach it to you guys and then we should be good.” Pierre said.

"What if we don't do it totally acoustic? What if we start it out acoustic then as the first chorus kicks in the rest appear and rock out?" David asked looking into space.

"So you mean we'll use Wednesday as an example you start out playing an acoustic and singing then we all join in on the chorus?"

"Isn’t that what I just said?"

"Yeah and you were staring into space as you said it so I was making sure you knew what a great idea you just came up with!"

"It’s good really?" David's eyes lit up and he had a huge smile on his face.

"Of course why would I lie to you."?


"It’s different but it should set us apart from the rest." Chuck said.

"You guys get started on getting it done while I have David teach me some bass.” Pierre said.

"I'm going to go boarding while you are having a great time doing whatever it is you do when I’m not here." I said.

"You can borrow my board.” Chuck said throwing it at me.

"Thanks I’ll be back in let’s say an hour so I can hear your perfect greatness."

"Do you want me to go with you?” David asked, "Pierre and me can do this at the skate park."

"You stay here and practice."

"OK." I left them to practice. As I boarded down the last street to the skate park I wish I had paying attention. I hit this crack and had my board go flying. It rolled in the way of another girl's board and she flipped her's as well.

"Alexis I’m sorry are you ok,” the girl said getting up.

"Why are you sorry i hit you," i said picking up Chuck's board, "wait do i know you?"

"I've only sat in front of you in at least one class since kindergarten."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah i am. I guess i wouldn't notice me if i was hanging out with Pierre and David. You’re always hanging out with them."

"I hang out with Seb, chuck, and Jeff sometimes too. Even without David or Pierre."

"Not the point."

"What was then?"
"YOU HANG OUT WITH THE GUYS ALL THE TIME. YOU DON'T NOTICE ANYONE ELSE. But if i had the chance to stare at Pierre all the time I’d take it."

"You like Pierre?"

"Yeah but he never notices me."

"He only notices himself unless you're really close to him."

"Like you?"

"I was thinking like his mom." the girl started to laugh.

"I guess you don't pay all that much attention to him either. You’re dating Will right?"

"Wrong. I’m going out with David."

"Since when?"

"Yesterday. Are you going to the skate park?"


"Let's go then. What’s your name?"

"My mom calls me Kit, my dad calls me Scout, and my birth certificate calls me Tabitha, but some people call me Tabby."

"Cute which do i call you?"

"You can call me either Tabby or Tabitha."

"Cool you can call me Alex everybody but David does."

"What does he call you?"

"Lexie." we arrived at the skate park and to my dismay we found Will there. "I don't feel like skating do you want to go to Chuck's with me and watch the guys practice?"

"Alex baby come here." Will said skating towards us. "I have to ask you something"

"So chuck's house?" we skated away.

"Damn it I have to go back." tabby said about a block away," I have to pick up my sister."

"Ok." we skated back and Will was still there.

"Alex just talk to me?" Will said.

"If you can do one trick on vert that i can't do you can ask me one question." i said. Will accepted and did his trick. As i was copying the trick one of his friends grabbed my leg. I hit the vert hard on the side and slide down to the bottom. My whole body including my face was scraped.

"I win." Will said.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked clutching my side as I stood up.

"First you leave me then you ignore me. All I want to know is does he have a bigger dick then me?"

"How am I to know?"

"You sleep with him don't you?"

"I’ve never seen him naked."

"Does he have one at all?"

"Yes he has one." tabby came back with her sister then we left. We took her sister home turns out she only lives a block away from me in between my house and Pierre's. "The guys are practicing over at Chuck's I’m supposed to go back over there you want to come?"

"Practicing what?"

"Band practice."

"Fine with me. We walked back to Chuck's house.

"So why Pierre? I mean he isn't terrible but he isn't angel either."

"Back in seventh grade we had to do a project together. And I had so much fun doing that project it was great and I kind of got a crush on him. I couldn't help this I know he isn't perfect but he is really cute."

"Ok just wondering."

"Why David? He’s not perfect either."

"Because back when I was 6 I promised him I would never leave him. And then he came and saved me from Will Thursday night. Yeah I always kind of wished it would be him and me it always just made sense that it would be. But when he saved me from will I found that I loved him more then I would ever love anyone. And he loved me also."

"Saved you from Will?"

'He put roofies into my drink at a party we went to. David somehow found out that he was going to do it and he followed us to the party and he and Pierre followed us to the room Will took me to after I passed out. They tackled him while I laid on the bed half naked passed out."

“Him and Pierre? Then why David?"

"I woke up in David's bed and i was wearing David’s shirt and i was kissed by David. It made sense for it to be David." we arrived at Chuck's house.

"I guess it does." we walked into the basement and found the guys playing video games.

"What are you doing?" i yelled.

"Playing video games.” David said slowly.

"You’re supposed to be practicing. What about the battle of the bands?"

"We decided to take a brake. We couldn't help it i was bored."

"Fine whatever. So this is my new friend."

"Tabitha." Pierre said.

"Yeah do you know each other?"

"Kind of."

"How long have you been playing video games."?
"When did you leave?"

"20 minutes ago."

"10 minutes."

"Back to practice then."

"What do you want for your birthday?" David asked.

"My birthday?"

"It’s Wednesday."

"For you guys to win the battle and how is that going to happen when you are playing video games."

"Fine Pierre already learned one of the songs on bass though."

"Let me hear it then." they all got up and started to play WHEN I'M WITH YOU. They agreed on letting David do the main singing part so Pierre wouldn't have to concentrate on singing and playing bass. To my surprise it actually sounded good. Not as good as when as it normally sounded but they have only been working on it for 5 minutes.

"What else did you get done." David grabbed an acoustic guitar and started to play perfect. He looked so awkward trying to play in the cast but still it sounded all right. And just as they planned when the first chorus started the rest of the guys jumped in. it sounded as if it would sound great if they practiced more.

"How was it?” Chuck asked.

"It needs more practice."

"But we only started learning today how does it sound?"

"It sounds like you started learning it today. It’s a good thing you're all really talented."

"Thanks. Did you like it tabitha?" Pierre asked.

"Umm... i guess it was good i really don't know though."

"Ice cream time." Daivd shouted.

"Ice cream?" Seb asked.

"They said we sounded alright we should celebrate with ice cream."

"Alex said we needed more practice.” Jeff said.

"Lexie can we please go out for ice cream?"

"Lexie? When did you change your name?" Seb asked.

"Yesterday i asked David not to call me Alex anymore,” i said.

"Ice cream?" David asked again.

"Lets go." we all left for ice cream.

"Seriously what do you want for your birthday?"

"I didn't get you anything for yours."

"You’re buying my ice cream today."

"Am i?"

"Yeah happy birthday to me. Now what do you want for yours."

"My birthday is on a weekday and you guys need to concentrate on the battle."

"What would you want if it wasn't that day?"

"I would want to go to the amusement park and just spend the whole day with my friends. I don't want to have to worry about anything. So an amusement park and maybe a movie."

"Ok maybe next year we can do that for you. I’m sorry we got into the battle that just happened to be on your birthday."

"It’s ok i just want you to do good."

"We will just for you." we arrived at the ice cream shop. David and I split a banana spilt and a chocolate milkshake. Tabby didn’t have any money so Pierre bought her a cone and they spilt a strawberry shake. Jeff had a cone as did chuck. Seb had a sundae.

"So what are the plans for the birthday?" Jeff asked.

"Go to school then go to the battle with you guys." I said as I took a bite of banana.

"I see it seems to me that we could celebrate it on Tuesday."

"You guys need to practice. I don't really want to do anything for my birthday."

"But you’re turning 17." seb said.

"David turned 17 yesterday and all he got was a broken arm."

"I got ice cream today.” David said happily.

"So what's your point.” Pierre said," Birthdays, mean more to girls anyway."

"I want you guys to win at the battle and that’s all." we finished our ice cream and left.

"Back to practice?" Chuck asked.

"What if we all just stay over at your house and practice all night. Well not like straight all night like we can sleep and have fun but make sure we practice." Seb said.

"Yeah that's fine."

"Wait what about me I don't want to stay at David’s all night by myself." I said pouting a little.

"Then stay over too I don't care if you don't care."


"Guys that's not fair, me and tabby were going to go out tonight." Pierre said.

"Then go out and you both can crash at my house afterward." chuck said looking at them weirdly.” we can meet at my house around 10:30 for an actual practice. You guys can show up whenever you want though. Just be there before 10:30. We’ll are sleep in the basement so bring blankets."


"I got to get home mom wanted me to help her paint the living room." seb said.

"I got to go home to mom is going grocery shopping and I want to make sure she gets food I’ll eat." Jeff said. They left.

"I have to go tell my parents that all of you are staying over and clean up the basement a little. So we have places to sleep." chuck ran off.

"You guys want to go out with us like a double date?" Pierre asked. David and I looked at each other.

"Sure." we said,” what are we going to do?"

"Movie Definitely." Tabby said, "maybe a little dinner."

"Sounds great." Pierre said.

"Sounds like what everyone else does. But sounds fun."

"Want to go rollerblading with me?" David asked.

“Like right now?” I asked.

“Yeah. Do you want to?”

“Sure why rollerblading?”

“Cuz we never do it.”

“The last time we did was 7 months ago.”

“That’s my point.”

“Can we come?” Pierre asked.

“Sure lets go.” we headed towards the roller rink.

“Why aren’t we just going boarding like always?” I asked unsure if I liked the change or not. “I’m better with a board under my feet.”

“Because boarding in a cast doesn’t sound like all that much fun. I have more of a chance of falling on my arm while on a board then on skates.”

“Ok if you believe that.”

“I do why didn’t you tell me you saw Will at the skate park?”

“It’s not important.”

“That’s how you got scraped up right? He did something.”

“It doesn’t matter I left when I saw he was there.”

“You didn’t have to. You could of boarded.”

“I wanted to get back to you. Is that so wrong?”

“It’s not. How did you fall then?”

“You know that vert trick I’ve been trying to land?”

“The one where you pull the board to your chest and twirl?”

“That’s the one. I went to do it and one of Will’s friends grabbed my leg so I hit the vert then slid down it. How did you know it was Will’s fault?”

“Tabby told me. Well she told Pierre who told Chuck who told Jeff who told Seb who told me. Now why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I didn’t want you to go after him.”

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah. For the most part. I’m scarped and got a few cuts but nothing bad.”

“Then why would I go after him?”

“Because one of the cuts was a little big.”

“I’ll kill him he should know better. You could have been hurt.”

“But I’m not I’m fine. It hardly even bled. And I don’t want you to get hurt anymore. Isn’t it bad enough you got a broken arm because of me?”

“This is not your fault,” he held up his cast, “it’s mine believe me it’s mine.”

“Lets not talk of it anymore we should be having fun.”

“Fine.” we arrived at roller rink and skated for two hours. I fell on my ass like 50 times; David was there to laugh each time. He ended up falling once, Pierre fell 20 times and Tabby none. By the time we left it was around 5:30 so we went straight to the movies.

“I can’t go home to get blankets or pillows.” David said as we left the movie. “Mom will kill if she sees this cast.”

“I don’t have enough for you me and Alex.” Pierre said. “Tabby are you coming over?”

“If my mom will let me.” Tabby said.

“Lets go see if not will she let us borrow blankets?”

“She’ll let you borrow blankets.” we walked to Tabby’s house and to her surprise her mom said she could sleep over with the guys and me. I think she mainly did this out of fear there would be a gang rape if I were the only girl. She gave us plenty of blankets and pillows. We went over to Pierre’s to our surprise his parents were home. Usually they were at some weird fancy good cause convention. The only time they were ever home was to yell at him. We walked in and walked back out with blankets and pillows without them saying a word to us.

We ran back to chuck’s to make sure we were there in good time to get good sleeping spots. Chuck was sitting outside the door when we arrived.

“What’s up Chuck?” Pierre asked as he stopped running to catch his breath.

“The guys from the battle of the bands called. Our competition is Sum 41.” Chuck said.

“They’re really good.”

“And none of their arms are broken.” David said, “Why don’t you just say we have no chance because stupid David got his arm broken. Maybe if he wouldn’t of we would have had a shot but since he did we suck!”

“That’s not what I said or meant.”

“Yes it is. Why are letting a little thing like our competition bring down our good thoughts? I thought we were stronger then that.”

“David sometimes you have to accept defeat.” Chuck said.

“You’re kidding. We worked so hard to get that shot and now you want to give up. I’ll do it by myself if I have to. We’re not down yet just cuz I broke my arm doesn’t mean that we can’t win. Maybe this is better for us anyway.”

“How do you figure?”

“They won’t think we’re good but we’ll rock and we’ll win because they won’t be playing their hardest because we had to switch our line up and now we suck.”

“You know he could be right, we do play last.”

“I could be right?”

“I think you are right.” Pierre said. We went inside and watched TV until Jeff and Seb decided to come around 9:30.

“First thing we need to do is practice we are going up against Sum 41.” Chuck said as went down to the basement. They practiced for an hour almost straight allowing time for the guys to get drinks and David to concentrate on something else.

“Study time,” I said, “David has to pass his Chemistry test.” we took a half hour study break then let them practice again.

“Are you coming on Wednesday?” I asked Tabby.

“I think Pierre would be mad if I didn’t.”

“Are you guys like going out like couple wise.”

“Yeah we are. Turns out he had a crush on me too.”

“So I’ll see you there I guess we have to cheer them on. We’re the only ones who know who they are.”

“Does that make us groupies? We listen to their music then make out with them after the show.”

“We only make out with two.”

“So were personal groupies each with a favorite.”

“I guess we are. Too bad we are second seat to a bass.”

“Same bass for both of us.”

“That’s sad.”

“When does your mom come home?” Seb asked sitting next to us.

“Tomorrow.” I answered, “why?”

“No reason.” he went back to the cooler. All the guys were crowed around the cooler.

“They’re weird.”

“Her mom comes back tomorrow which would be Sunday. I already asked my mom to let the school know I wasn’t going to be in school Tuesday Wednesday.” seb whispered.

“Mom won’t let me do this.” David whispered.

“She’s your girlfriend.” Chuck said. “ I’m out those days too.”

“Me too,” Jeff said, “you better figure out a way David.”

“I know what if I just never come home?” David said.

“I’m out those days.” Pierre said.

“How do you get out? You’re parents are never home.”

“I call myself in my mom told them I could for twice a week. Unless I had a doctor send a note to school.”

“I wish my mom was cool like that.”

“She’s not now how are you getting up there with you’re girlfriend?” Jeff said.

“I’ll just not come home Monday.”

“Can you do that? She won’t ground you will she. She’ll let you do the battle?” Seb asked.

“We won’t have time to go to each of our houses she won’t see me until afterwards.”

“Fine what about the cast will she ground you for that?” Pierre asked.

“She shouldn’t when I tell her you pushed me down the stairs.”


“I won’t don’t worry I’ll stay over with Lexie tomorrow.”

“You’re staying where tomorrow?” I asked as tabby and I walked over.

“Do you think your mom would let me stay over?”

“Maybe I don’t know. Why?”

“I can’t go home until after the battle.”


“Maybe if we win she won’t care about my cast.”

“Fine I’ll ask mom.” He gave me a hug. “Shouldn’t you guys be practicing?”

“Yeah what is your point?” Jeff asked.

“Don’t hate me but you still need work and if you’re going to win for me shouldn’t you practice?”

“I guess.” Seb said looking at the guitar. He went and picked it up then began playing the song we all loved. ADDICTED. The rest of the guys soon joined in and they sounded great.

“We’re sorry we were looking for the band our boyfriends are in they are good but that sounded to great to be theirs.” Tabby said. We laughed as they gave us weird looks.

“So we should play that song?” Pierre asked confused.

“Yeah definitely. You guys sounded amazing.”

“Thanks you. But are you just saying that cuz we made out earlier?”

“Does it make a difference?”

“Not to me.”

“It does to us.” Chuck said.

“You guys were brilliant. No joke.”

‘Good enough to win?”

“If you keep practicing.” the guys got all excited and started playing WHEN I’M WITH YOU. I think they have been sneaking in practices because they sounded to good. Yes even Pierre and his bass playing. Tabby and I were both impressed by David’s singing he sounded so much better and assured of what he was doing when singing then when just talking. They then played us the set they were planning on playing at the battle. We decided to take out MEET YOU THERE and replaced it with ADDICTED. So now they only had 2 acoustic songs.

“How did you learn ADDICTED so fast?” I asked Pierre.

“I already knew it and we tweaked it a little it works nicely now doesn’t it.” Pierre answered.

“If you already knew it why didn’t you just suggest it from the start?”

“Because not to many people understand it. They think we are trying to be stupid and say dick.”

“But you have to say dick to be addicted to someone.”

“We know that but they don’t understand.”

“I think you have practiced enough for right now what do we do now?”

“How bout figuring out what we are doing for your birthday?” Chuck said.

“Going to the battle. And school what else is there to do. I don’t care though what kind of rock star girlfriend would I be if I cared that you guys had a show on my birthday?”

“We can celebrate the day before?”

“You guys need to practice I really don’t mind.”

“What about the day after?” David asked.

“When you have your Chemistry test. I don’t think so. Your mom already hates me lets not add to the reasons.”

“But we always do something for you.” Pierre said.

“This year you’re doing the battle. You’re taking this harder then me.”

“So you are upset?” Seb asked.

“I didn’t say that. Don’t put words in my mouth. We can do something that weekend. We can go see a movie or something.”

“Ok I guess that could be fun.” David said a little disappointed. “What do you want present wise?”

“I don’t need anything. I already got what I’ve been wishing for.”



“If you guys both wanted each other why did you take so long to get to each other?” Jeff asked.

“It was complicated I’m sure.”

“You were with the jackass Will. How complicated is that?” David said.

“Why I was with Will is the complicated stuff.”

“ Explain why you were with him because I still don’t understand.” Seb said.

“ When you guys started the band I got really jealous of how much time David was spending with you and not me. So I hooked up with pretty much the first guy I found who would give me the time of day. And that happened to be Will.”

“Who tried to rape you? I bet you won’t ever do that again.” Chuck said.

“Try to be raped?”

“Go for the first guy who says hi to you.”

“Well if he was as cute as you I might.”

“I thought I’d be the cute one.” David said.

“You’re the cutest. Chuck is just cute.”

“Now I’m jealous.” Chuck said.

“Sorry but all of you are no match for David.”

“I suppose so seeing how you don’t share a bed with us.” Pierre said

“Shut up.” I hissed.

“You guys share a bed? As in you’re sleeping together?” Seb asked.

“Sorry guys.” Pierre said. David and I didn’t say anything.

“Are you sleeping together? Is that why his mother hates you?”

“ That’s how it looked earlier, when we came to get you.” Chuck said. Still we said nothing.

“You are you’re sleeping together. You shouldn’t be you guys should be happy kissing. You do realize she could get pregnant.”

“We haven’t done anything!!! We’ve been sleeping in the same bed fully clothed! Just shut it guys. What kind of guy do you think I am? The kind that would just take advantage of a girl like that? If you think that can we really be called friend?” David said.

“Sorry David.” Chuck said.

“It’s ok just don’t jump to conclusions.” they decided that it was time for us to watch some TV and eat. Chuck had his mom bring down Mac and Cheese.

“There’s a lot more people then I thought,” his mom said looking at Tabby and me. “ I didn’t realize it was coed.”

“I told you.” chuck said. “You said it was alright.”

“I guess whatever.”

“We could leave, if that would make you feel better.” I said.

“And your parents wouldn’t mind?”

“We just go stay at my house. My mom isn’t home.”

“ I’ll go with you I don’t want you in that house alone.” David said.

“David couldn’t protect you two like I could so I’d have to go.” Pierre said.

“I could too protect them.”

“I don’t trust you with my girlfriend, protect yours I’ll protect mine.”

“Deal. Lets go.”

“You aren’t going anywhere!” Chuck’s mom yelled.

“Why not?”

“You’re staying here and that’s final.”

“Fine.” she left.

“Smooth,” Chuck said, “really smart.”

“No parent wants teenagers to be by themselves. Especially not when they are dating.”

“Genius.” Jeff said. We ate and watched some dumb movie. There was more then enough food for all of us. David and I fell asleep on the couch, Pierre and Tabby on the floor, Seb in the chair, Jeff and Chuck remained awake.

“Does his mom know he is over here?” Jeff asked.

“No of course not.” Chuck said. “ I wish he would just grow a spine and stand up to her.”

“It’s not his fault,” I said getting up, “they make him feel dumb they tell him he’s dumb you can tell that is the truth. Listen to how he talks about himself he’s always calling himself dumb or stupid. He knows he isn’t exactly dumb but his mom and dad call him it all the time. He is seriously just a kid and he doesn’t understand that the people who he looks up to as heroes would make fun of him to the point of brainwashing. Isn’t it our job as friends to make sure that he knows they are wrong? Call me weird but since we were 5 I’ve been telling him he isn’t dumb and that we would be graduating together. Then last year he told me he was going to drop out.”


“You didn’t know. Last year after midterms he failed two so he told me he would drop out he was just a dumb kid it didn’t matter. He didn’t come to you?”

“No he didn’t. Is that why he was out for the week.”

“Yeah he ran away, so his mom told everyone he was sick I was glad we found him. He ran to some relative’s house in Quebec. They called me cause he told them not to call his parents he needed time to think. That was when he decided to go off his meds.”

“How did we miss that?”

“You miss a lot when you don’t pay attention.” I went back over to David and went to sleep.

“You think she’s lying?”

“No I don’t that’s the bad part.” Jeff said.

“Lets get some sleep.” chuck and Jeff joined in on the sleeping. Jeff taking the second couch and chuck part of the floor.