Meant to Be

The Battle

Once we got back home David came to my house and the rest went home to get ready. Dad was at home when we got there. He and mom were passed out on the couch so we went and hid up in my room.

“Remember when we ran away?” I asked.

“How could I forget?” He asked back.

“Remember what happened? Between us?”

“Yeah I think I do but I’m not sure.”

“We made a mistake we proclaimed our love. We….” My voice droned on and on explaining what David began to picture in his mind.

“David I’m in my pjs , I don’t really want to be going all over. I just came to see if I could sleep with you tonight.” I was standing outside his window it was raining and I was in a tank top and shorts. “Please it is very cold out here.”

“I can tell.” He said laughing. I gave him a puzzled look and he simply pointed to my nipples. Since it was cold they were protruding quite a bit. Of course I had to fall asleep after my shower so I didn’t have a bra on and it was a white tank top. “Come on in I’m sorry I kept you out there for so long.” I climbed in his window and shook my head. Water droplets flew in every direction. “Hey! Watch where you are shaking your head.”

“Sorry. God it is cold. I swear I’m not even kidding.” David once again pointed at my nipples.

“I can tell. I like the white tank top. I can see your boobs.”

“Perv! Why are you even looking?”

“Cause you are cute and I’m secretly in love with you.”

“Well do you have a different shirt I could wear? This one is clinging to me and I don’t want everyone to be able to see my boobs.”

“I like this one it suits you fine.” He took me up in his arms and held me close to his body. His arms and body were warm and I felt as if I was melting in his arms. “Why are you here?” He pulled away from me a little.

“If you can see my boobs why can’t you see why I’m here?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you have a shirt?”

“Yeah I do let me grab it.” He dug through his closet and pulled out a shirt. He handed it to me. “Do you want me to leave?”

“It’s your room you can stay.” I pealed off my tank top. David watched his eyes were fixed on my breasts. “What are you staring at?” He didn’t answer. “David what are you staring at?” I was standing there topless my nipples protruding. “DAVID!” He shook his head and snapped out of his trance. “Sometimes I forget you’re a guy.”

“What does that mean?”

“You are in love with boobs.” He laughed and tackled me onto his bed. I rolled out from underneath him and he wrapped his arms around me.

“Alex is something wrong with you?”

“Why do you ask?”

“My arms go around you. Well they did before but now you can you lost weight.”

“Maybe a little.” David flipped me onto my back and grabbed my stomach…

“You have no fat on you I used to be able to grab a little bit of fat when you laid on your stomach.”

“Don’t make a big deal about it.”

“You haven’t been eating lunch or anything I…I can’t believe that you’re letting yourself lose weight. We just got you up to average.”

“Don’t lecture me please.”

“What is this cut from?” He pointed to the cut that was directly under my right boob. He could tell it was a fresh cut it hadn’t completely scabbed over.

“Dad did it. Before dinner and when I got back out to eat they were throwing the food away. I don’t know why he did it either.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong today you were with me for most of it.”

“I know he just got all mad and cut me in front of mom. She didn’t even say anything.”

“I’m sorry that it happened like that. Why don’t you …” I leaned in and kissed him. “Wow.” I giggled at his facial expression.

“Was it nice?”

“I wasn’t expecting it.”

“I can’t go back home if he’s there. He will kill me.”

“What do you want to do then?”

“Can you take me somewhere?”


“Thanks let go.”

“Put a shirt on first. You don’t want everyone to see your boobs do you?” He reached out and traced around one of my nipples and squeezed my boob. “Sorry I… I’m so sorry.” He pulled his hand away and I put my shirt on.

“Let’s go.” I kissed his mouth again and climbed out his window we got into his car and left. We drove for a few hours before he said anything to me about what had happened in his room.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to touch you like that. It just you are so beautiful and I just I forgot that and I love you.”

“You love me?”

“Yeah I do and you know I do and I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to touch you it just happened.”

“You love me.”

“Yes I do very much so.”

“Pull over then.” David pulled off at the abandoned drive in theater.

“What.” I kissed him and crawled into the back. He followed me and soon he was on top of me and we were making out. I let his hand slide under my shirt and he was squeezing my boobs and cupping them and holding them. I moved my hand into his pants and he allowed me to do it.

“Umm. If you take off your pants I could…”

“Alex what are we doing?”

“We are going to have sex. If you take off your pants I could give you a hand job or a blow job.”

“Alex?” I took off my shirt and laid there exposed to him. He licked my boob and kissed once he got to my nipple. He kept our pants on and just started pushing our breathing got heavy and soon the windows were fogged over.

“Take off your pants it will be alright.” He did so and I took mine off. We soon became naked, he pushed his dick into me and we had sex in the car. He pushed into me and it felt so right he fit perfectly in my body and. We had sex for an hour and a half. “How do you feel?”

“I love you but why did we do that?”

“Didn’t you want to? That is what all guys want isn’t it?”

“Alex I don’t think so.”

“But you did it with me so…”

“You’ve done it before haven’t you?”


“With who?”


“David are you listening to me?” I asked and he snapped out of his memory.

“The drive in.” he said breathing shallowly. “We…”

“Had sex. I had totally forgot but we did.”

“I told you I loved you and you never said it to me.”

“I know.”

“You said all guys want is sex.”


“We had sex and you were so experienced you knew just what to do and I asked if you ever did it before and you said yes and I asked who with and you said.”


“Were you lying?”

“No never. That night when mom was at work he had sex with me and so I took a shower and that was before I went to your house.”

“We’ve had sex?”

“Yeah we have and lying with you last night having that guy raped me last night kind of
Makes me want to do it again.”


“Mom and dad are passed out and so I was wondering if you would like to have sex with me right now?”

“Lexie but you …” I walked over to my drawer and pulled out a box of condoms.

“Would you like to have sex right now?”

“We could I guess.” I walked over to him and pulled off his pants. I got on my knees and gave him a blow job. Then I put the condom on. I stood up and he undressed me. I took off his shirt and climbed into bed he climbed on top of me. He pushed into me and kissed me. About 2 hours after we started mom walked in on us. I was sitting in his lap and he was humping me.

“Alexis Jane Belford!” My mom yelled. David and I both were shocked. I got off his lap.

“Mom! What are you doing here?”

“I live here what is he doing here naked in your room with you naked on his lap?”

“We were having sex what is the fucking child molester slash abuser doing here?”


“The person who you allowed to have sex with you and get you pregnant with me!”

“Your father and I have worked out what went wrong in the past and now we are thinking about getting remarried.”

“Like hell you are!”

“We are David I’m going to have to call your parents.”

“Please don’t.” He said in a whisper.

“I have to they would want to know.” She went to the hall David and I threw on clothes and climbed out the window and ran to Pierre’s house.

“It was great.” I said as we passed the park. He pushed me down onto the grass and kissed me.

“You were terrific. I really just want to touch you again.”

“I want you to touch me again.”

“You don’t want to touch me?”

“I want to do more then just touch. Maybe tonight we can get a motel room and I can treat you like the rock star you are.”

“Maybe we can.” we got up and went to Pierre’s it was an hour before they had to be at the battle.

“You guys just had sex.” Pierre yelled when we got to his room.

“Yeah so.”

“Alex but you were just raped by that guy.”

“I asked David if he wanted to.” I said.

“Ok I guess it is fine.”

“You didn’t have a choice if it was or not.”

“I still love you Alex.”

“Pierre this changes nothing between us.”

“I know but I felt like I had to say that I still love you.”

“Ok that is good to know I guess.” I gave him a hug and wondered what he meant by he still loved me. I excused myself from the room for a minute.

“What was that about?” David asked.

“You do realize what she is doing right?”


“She doesn’t feel as if anyone loves her. Will loved her when he was drunk and wanted to get laid. Even her dad did it to her when he wasn’t feeling loved and after he was done with her he said I love you. That guy in the hotel told her that he loved her once they were done, she wants to be loved by a guy but she thinks the only way is to have sex with him.”

“How did you know about her dad?”

“She told me well she told Tabby. When you ran away the other night she had a dream and Tabby was with her while this dream was going on and when she was 3 he started raping her.”

“No no it had just started last year when she was 16.”

“No it started when she was 3 that is why umm… 1st grade she was gone for that month she was getting over a STD. And when she got beat when she was 6 that also had to do with you and sex. You see he was afraid that when you got older you would take away what he thought was his. His daughter’s vagina. He claimed it for his and was afraid you would take it. So he beat her and hoped that it would make you stay away. When your mom found her she was suffering from an STD and she had torn tissue down there. That is why she had a fever and was shaking.”

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked walking in.

“Why did we just have sex?” David asked.

“Because we love each other right you love me now right?”

“I loved you before.” his voice was mixture of shock and disappointment. “Did you think I wouldn’t love you if we didn’t?”

“David it… it isn’t like that entirely.”

“No I understand you didn’t want to be with me because you love me but because you felt bad for me and you wanted me to say I love you. That hurts. I love you no matter what. I have loved you for the longest time and you just now admitted you love me why was I so blind.”

“David I do love you and I thought everyone else makes me have sex or make out or be intimate with them for me to get love out of them I thought you might be the same way.”

“Why Alexis have I ever treated you like the only way I would love you is if you were a whore or a slut!?”

“No but…”

“I’m not Will.” I was crying and David was trying to put everything together.

“I know you aren’t and I love you honestly no matter what even if we never have sex again I love you.”

“This is the second time you got me that trap. Maybe I really am dumb.”

“You aren’t dumb and you know it just because I had sex with you twice doesn’t mean you are dumb. I loved you both times.”

“What about your dad how many times did you with him?”

“I didn’t want to. He can over power me to no other and I couldn’t stop him. I was 3 for crying out loud.”


“Yes 3 he shoved his penis in me for the first time when I was 3 and when I was 5 I had a fucking STD. Why did you bring it up?” I was mad and quit breathing. I fainted and collapsed onto Pierre’s hard floor. David ran over to me and held me in his arms he cried until I woke back up.

“Are you sick again?”

“I don’t think so I don’t know. Why do you ask?”

“Lexie you just fainted.”

“Who is Lexie?”

“That is you.”

“No I’m not I’m Alexis. My best friend called me Alex. I miss him hope I can go see him his birthday is tomorrow.”

“Is it really?”

“Yeah but here I am stuck in this stupid hospital.”

“Yeah do you think he will be mad at you for missing his birthday?”

“No he won’t be he knows I’m sick.”

“How do you know he knows?”

“I’ve sent him letters. I hope he got them.”

“How old are you?”

“I’m 6 but I will be 7 in a week.”

“That is very cool.”

“Who are you are you new here?”

“My name is David.”

“Oh that is my best friend’s name. Can I tell you a secret?”


“I love him like as in more then a friend he is going to be my boyfriend one day. Maybe even get married. I just hope he doesn’t break my heart.”

“He won’t ever break your heart.”

“How do you know?”

“I don’t think anyone can break your heart.”

“That is sweet of you but my daddy broke my heart.”


“He tied me up and beat me and he abused me.”

“Why are you in the hospital?”

“They say I have something wrong with my brain and my throat. They won’t tell me what is wrong with my throat though they only talk to mommy about that. I had a brain tumor.”

“That is terrible. So where is your daddy now?”

“Mommy kicked him out.”


“Yeah I think I get to go home tomorrow but I’m not sure.”

“I think it is the day after.”

“That is fine I got my friend a new skateboard it has a dog on the bottom and his name is bright colored grip. It cost me a lot of money.”

“How much?”

“I’ve been saving my tooth fairy money for 2 months for this skateboard. And lemonade stand money and hot chocolate stand money too.”

“How much was it?”


“And he is turning how old?”


“I see you must really like him.”

“I plan on marrying him one day.”

David leaned down and kissed me.

“Lexie come back.”

“David what happened what’s wrong? I swear I didn’t plan for you to think that it was because I wanted you to love me because I know you love me. And I love you.”

“I know you do.”

“That is good.”

“Let’s go to the show.”

“Ok.” I kissed him then we got up and followed Pierre to the venue. It is only 20 blocks from his house. David held my hand as we walked. The equipment was already there thanks to Jeff and his minivan. David had to get his bass tuned for Pierre and do his vocal warm-ups. I waited for Tabby to get there so I could have someone to hang out with. I was standing by the stage waiting for her when I heard a voice from behind me.

“Alexis?” the voice behind me asked. The voice was male which automatically made me tense up. He touched my shoulder, “Alexis?” he asked again. Slowly I turned around and to my relief I found Pat.

“Patrick!” I screamed, “You scared the hell out of me.”

“Bad day?”

“Yesterday was a bad day.”

“Wasn’t that your birthday?”

“Today is.”

“Oh by the way the guys were talking…”

“We celebrated it yesterday because of the show today.”

“Oh I see now.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Well I am friends with the band and for my extra credit film class I have to do a film so I thought I would capture their first show. I thought it would be a good thing for them so they could look back and laugh.” he held up his camera as if to prove what he was saying. “Do you have anything to say before the show?” he turned on the camera and pointed it at me.

“First of all I have to say I hope they do alright they had to change their lineup because of personal injuries and have only been playing this way for a week. Second of all they are very good even if it doesn’t show tonight. And thirdly I’m not just saying this because I’m currently dating one of the members.”

“You’re dating one of them which one?”

“What do you mean which one?”

“They all defend you except for David. They all have your back is it a group date thing? The way any of them will watch your back no matter who it means they have to take on. Except for David, so which one is it?”


“Probably not David, so I’m gunna guess Seb or Chuck.”

“Wrong. Why not David?”

“Most guys try to protect their girlfriend especially when her gang leader ex is harassing her.”

“It’s David.”

“Oh I’m sorry.”

“And he did protect me that is why his fucking arm is broken. Maybe if you paid more attention to the world you would see this but you don’t.”

“I’ m sorry I should erase this part.”

“Tabby!!! This is Pierre’s girlfriend.” I said to pat who still had his camera going. He started filming her forgetting to edit out the part before that.

“Hi guys yeah so the band simple plan sucks if it wasn’t for the fact that the guys are hot we wouldn’t be here.”

“Is that what you really think?” Pierre asked as David and he walked toward us.

“That depends.” Pierre wrapped his arm around her and brought her in for a kiss.

“That is just great.” pat said.

“What are you doing here?” David asked drawing our attention form the kissing couple.

“Oh yeah for my film class I have to do a live action documentary thing so I thought what could be better then at your guys first show.”

“Sweet hope you aren’t just wasting tape though.”

“That would be bad.”

“Yeah it would be.”

“We should watch it sometime.”

“Yeah we should.”

“How about after the show so you guys can see where it went wrong?”

“perfect.” the rest of the guys came up to us. Pierre and Tabby even stopped making out.
“Hey Pat is going to tape us and we are going to watch it after the show so we can see where we went wrong.”

“That is great. Thanks pat you are great.” Chuck said. He and pat left to go get some drinks. David pulled me away from the rest of the group.

“I love you and I am really sorry about earlier.”

“It’s ok I mean we are still going to be dating right? I didn’t do anything wrong did I?”

“Yeah we are still dating I am not going to break up with you again. I just don’t think I’m ready for that to happen again. Look I am at a really weird place in my life right now so I’m really not ready for that or I’m not sure I know it shouldn’t be complicated but it is for me and I know that it might frustrate you I’m sorry if it does but I’m just not ready.”

“That is fine I’m happy to hear that.”

“You are?”

“Yeah you see you were kind of right a major reason I brought it up was so you would love me. I know it sounds stupid and I know it is dumb but I just had this fear that since all these guys have slept with me and you hadn’t since that day that maybe you might have stopped loving me and I thought if we had sex then you would love me again.”

“Sweetheart no I will always love you.”

“Thanks I love you so much I don’t want to lose you and I was so afraid that I was going to.”

“You won’t.” he pulled me into a kiss. “I’m sorry I know you don’t like pda’s. “He said as he pulled away.

“It was fine.” I kissed his cheek and caught sight of the clock. “You need to go get ready I don’t want you to be late for your debut.” he kissed me again and ran off. Me, Pat, and Tabby got our spots picked in and waited for them to come on.

Since they were the new contenders they went on first. The way the battle worked was the new contender played 2 songs then the returning champ played two songs. A 15 minute break for the crowd to get a grasp on the music then the champ plays a song then the newcomers play a song then the crowd picks which plays after another 15 minute break then they play there final songs then a winner is picked. Then the winner gets to play 5 more songs without interruption.

They came onto the stage looking rather scared.

“Hey we’re simple plan all I guess I can say at this point is I hope you like it this is called I’m just a kid.” Pierre said from his spot. Jeff started playing the beginning and they all kicked in.

“I woke up it was seven I waited till eleven just to figure out that no one would call.” the crowd actually started to scream and they seemed to enjoy it.

“Ok everybody I want to see you all jump!” Pierre yelled.

“What the fuck is wrong with me don’t fit in with anybody how could this happen to me wide awake I’m bored and I can’t fall asleep and every night is the worst night ever. I’m just a kid.” the crowd was jumping and screaming and showing a positive response to them. Chuck went to do a roll when he broke one of his sticks and chucked it into the crowd. They went wild. The song ended and everybody screamed. They went directly into when I’m with you. They finished that song gracefully to more shrieks and screams.

“Thanks you’ve been great we’ll be back in a little while.” David said and he Seb and Pierre did stage dives into the crowd. David came running to me.

“How did we do? How did we do?” he asked jumping around like a kangaroo. He was so excited.

“You did great but it is really no wonder why you have a broken arm.”

“What?” I laughed at him then took him over to the bar to get some drinks.

Sum 41 came on and they started out with the song Fat Lip which got excellent crowd response and then went to crazy Amanda bunk face. During the 15-minute break girls were all around the guys and guys were around the girls who were around the guys. Everybody was telling them they did a great job. The fifteen minutes were up sum 41 was back on. Summer and in too deep were the songs they played. Simple plan went back on.

“ok as we have said before we are simple plan and normally we aren’t in these positions but seeing as we knew we had the battle and my man David here, “Seb was saying and he pointed at David, “decided to break his arm he couldn’t very well hold a bass which by the way he rocks at bass. So we had to teach the well can you classify him as a guy? Well teach the guy over there Pierre who is normally our singer the bass. So now that that is said please don’t kill us but we are going to slow it down with an acoustic song because we couldn’t expect Pierre the monkey to learn 7 songs in a week. But anyway this song is called one day.” they played the song and still they got a great response.

“This is our first show ever we are normally playing for Chuck’s stuffed animals in Jeff’s basement so it is great to finally have a crowd that will give us some feedback.” Pierre said.

“Pierre I think I might just be addicted to these kinds of crowds. So we are going to speed it up again with our song addicted I hope to see you all jumping and going crazy.” they played the song and the kids even got the whole I’m a dick I’m addicted to you thing and were singing along before the end of the song. The crowd voted and the guys were playing first after the break. During this break David once again ran to me but was stopped by some stupid girl who threw herself on to him and kissed him. Pat got it on tape. He looked at me and I was speechless I went and pulled the girls hair and scratched her eye.

“Stay away from my boyfriend you slutty ass whore.” I said and David and I walked away.

“I didn’t want to kiss her I swear.”

“I know you didn’t and I was trying not be to all jealous but I’m sorry I was.”

“It ok we get to play first this time isn’t that cool?”

“Very.” David and I kissed until the fifteen minutes was up. They went back and played I’d do anything and worst day ever. Sum 41 played their last 3 songs then the crowd voted. We were in suspense for like a minute then the winner was announced it was simple plan. They were so happy they couldn’t believe that they won. They played god must hate me and you don’t mean anything. Tabby and I were as shocked as the rest who knew Pierre knew so many songs. They went off stage to get a drink of water well all except David did.

“So I don’t know when the guys will be back but I guess I could try to play a song for you. Who would like to see the kid in a cast try to play a guitar and sing?” the crowd screamed. “Ok then” he picked up his guitar and started playing.

“Hey dad look at me think back and talk to me did I grow up according plan. And do you think I’m wasting my time doing things I want to do but it hurts when you disapprove all along. And now I try hard to make it I just want to make you proud. I’m never gonna be good enough for you can’t pretend I’m all right. And you can’t change me. Cause we lost it all and nothing last forever I’m sorry I can’t be perfect and now it’s just to late and we can’t go back I’m sorry I can’t be perfect.” David looked around for the guys. “I try hard not to think about the pain I feel inside did you know you used to be my hero. All the days you spend with me now seem so far away and it feels like you don’t care anymore. And now I try hard to make it I just want to make you proud. I’m never going to be good enough for you I can’t stand another fight and nothing’s all right. Cause we lost it all nothing last forever I’m sorry I can’t be perfect. And it’s just to late and we can’t go back I’m sorry I can’t be perfect.” Still the guys left him hanging. “Nothing gonna change the things that you said. And nothings gonna make this right again.”

“Right again.” Pierre sang as he and the guys finally joined David.

“Please don’t turn your back I can’t believe it’s hard just to talk to you but you don’t understand cause we lost it all nothing last forever I’m sorry I can’t be perfect now its just too late and we can’t go back I’m sorry I can’t be perfect cause we lost it all nothing last forever I’m sorry I can’t be perfect now its just to late and we can’t go back I’m sorry I can’t be perfect.”

“Thanks guys once again we are simple plan and we will see you next month and believe me when I say David will be playing bass again.” Pierre yelled they ran off stage.
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sorry it took so long for the update