Nexus - The Archives

The Birth of Nexus


Once the Earth force’s technology began to almost overtake itself, expanding technology without briefly understanding it, the push to inhabit other celestial bodies had become unbearable. Signs had become apparent, unexplainable to the unperfected technology. Natural anomalies within space spread fear throughout the human race. Society united, forging the epic, overwhelming Gaian Empire. A truly collected force, branching out to increase the already bulking sheer manpower it contained. Earth’s moon was the first to be inhabited, Mars followed suit. Using vast glass domes, venting precious air throughout the domains, drilling far underneath the earth, the first cities where born.

The Gaian Empire and the general populace developed paranoia of what lay in the void of space, thus the Leviathan had risen from the depths of humanities fear. The largest battlecraft ever produced, it had the capacity to forge much smaller and versatile battleships within it’s gaping docking bays. The Leviathan eventually became it’s own military, separate from all other human sects, the central point of all nations and planetary forces. It was the iron fist that crushed justice into the hearts of rogues, silenced wars with the most respectable and awesome repertoire of artillery. Alas, it soon discovered the great terror that was to plague the human race. Previously believed to be extraterrestrial beings, it was humanity itself that was the greatest threat.

A small portion of the original Gaian Empire had dispersed towards an unchartered section of the universe, to further strengthen the heart of the Empire and deliver massive cargoes of resources and newly developed technologies back to the home planet. Unbeknownst to the Leviathan, the newly claimed sector was to become one of the most intimidating and soul crushing branches of the Empire to ever be created.

The newly claimed solar system was appropriately named Nexus, a central point to various other already vastly inhabited galaxies, a priceless advantage. Of the nineteen planets revolving around the vibrant star, one planet was a clear strategy point. It was a bearable temperature, humans could withstand the atmosphere. But above all characteristics, it fit the goldilocks scenario. It was named appropriately after it’s hosting solar system. Nexus.

Nexus was a truly wondrous celestial body, as it rotated on it’s axis, it travelled perfectly in sync in the orbit around the sun. As a result, one side was always light, one side permanently consumed in a torture of darkness. A most perculiar planet, engulfed in shrouds of gleaming wonder, yet the Nexus remained entirely ambitious of the subject of power.

Due to being at such a vantage point, the newly founded Nexus Empire began to mine and farm, foraging natural resources and directing mass cargoes back to the home planet. But the Nexus Empire charged forwards, growing vibrantly and fearlessly. From the cold chambers of the multitude of barracks and training halls marched endless columns of fearless soldiers, earth shaking vehicles of destruction and gargantuan size rolled from the depths of steel forges. Empires signed alliances with haste to the Nexus, a shadow of terror swiftly eating throughout the hearts of Kings and Emperors likewise.

This brought no concern to the Leviathan, the Nexus Empire had not declared war on a single other force, and not a single realm was foolish enough to raise the banner of war against them. But the age of peace inevitably ended bitterly in the fires of humanity and greed.

The Nexus populace was shone underneath a torch of raging fascism, all became barcoded under the reign of control, an encryption which held all personal information, background and the current currency they hold within their accounts. No square metre within the cities where blind to the empire. All who opposed this system of pure control where executed, the majority complied unwillingly.

The Nexus Empire, now disbanded entirely against the Gaian forces, developed a twisted interest in greater technologies. Specifically, genuine artificial intelligence and genetic alteration and engineering. After years of painstaking research and dedication, kept away from the ever-watching gaze of the Leviathan, development and progress slugged along. One individual, tired of the permanent watch of the dark, higher ranked officials, had reached success on the operation. Perfect AI was obtained. Disobeying the direct orders to direct this information the controlling military, the scientist remained silent on the breakthrough.

He developed prototypes of metal cells, capable of multiple different feats. Producing regiments of militant machines from these newly created cells, the researcher began his own reign of terror, bringing on the darkest age that ever spewed into the universe. Self titled as the Black King, none could comprehend the devastation that would become bestowed upon all that faced his battle standard of black blood.

Eventually the Black Reign was brought to it’s knees, after being barraged with endless waves of soldiers and bombing runs, the king vanishing to the depths of dark mystery after the majority of his military incinerated under flames of hatred.

A large mob of outraged Nexus citizens rebelled after the ordeal of warfare, spewing with anger against their leading empire, fleeing the cities to form some of the most vicious and malicious bands of outlaws. Some, more twisted and deranged, lead to form one of the most notorious and unnatural branches of humanity, eventually learning the art of manipulation on a molecular level, eventually, becoming the Orders of Necromancy.

The outlawed corsairs became tired of the heat they now endured, exiled from the mechanically cooled cities, and the empire slowly tired of the constant bombardment of bands of pirates. An agreement was achieved, a peace treaty would be implemented on the condition a vast sphere, the Metal Eclipse, was placed into the atmosphere, constantly travelling in orbit above the rolling plains of desert. The result, a permanent circle of darkness and shadow engulfed the ground. The Pirate City, Orion, was born.

Years strolled past as immense buildings sprung to life like blossoming cement flowers, the bandits finally centralised in the anarchy they so desperately desired, the haven from the fascist regime that burnt into the memories of so many. But the age of peace was again to end in vile gore, reminding future generations by blood painted walls.

The Nexus Empire began to constantly savage the city, raping, pillaging, so closely resembling the stories of Christian Crusaders of old. It was established, the outlaws where to unite against the darkness that consumed life from the light outside Orion. The three golden laws where established, do not rape, do not torture, do not kill an innocent. It was the first time a vast mob of pirates, meshing from different bandit groups, united under separate banners. It was the first time en masse outlawed corsairs established laws of morals.

It had become apparent the empire underestimated the Pirate City, in the eyes of the fascist regime, they had lost control. Dire measures where to take place, the enemies blood had become more valuable than any precious gem or metal. Operation Scorpio was established, a decade of warfare condensed into a single week. Goliath ground vehicles constructed at haste, boasting artillery of the most immense size, entire battalions dispatched on such a grand scale the earth quivered as the soldiers marched.

The Operation was crippled within days, had it been fought by the Orionites alone it would have razed the entire city within a fortnight. The pirates boasted a secret weapon, oblivious and unbeknownst even to them. A demon-beast, genetically engineered and crafted to utmost perfection, a last minute resort, all believed it would have died within hours of release from cryogenics. The previous two prototypes had. It was a leap of faith, that proved to be a throat-ripping saviour, a bloodbath victory.

As time progressed, the pirates regained and recovered, further strengthening their core, viciously pushing towards the ultimate destruction of the Nexus Empire.

Gods, deities and men, combined and united under endless hordes of rippling blood banners, a true force to be reckoned with.
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Yet to completely fix timeline. Thought this most appropriately fits in with archives (yet to be put in) as it is the most important background information. Constructive critacism most appreciated, cheers.