One Day

First and Only Chapter.

I saw him.

He was standing there in my store looking through the magazine. His slender yet masculine fingers flipped through the pages as his deep grey eyes scanned. The look on his face could have been described as bored. His lips were in a line like he was annoyed by something. His nose was scrunched up like he smelled a bad scent. I lifted my arm smelling myself for a second. It wasn’t me.

As he put the magazine back down I could see the shirt he was wearing. It was a dark blue. Like the same shade my mothers old car was. His pants clung to him like a toddler to his mother and were almost as dark as his hair.

Since the last time I had seen him his hair had gotten longer. Now it hung behind him in a tight pony tail that started at the base of his neck. As he walked up to the counter holding the single beer in his hand I knew I had to check his ID. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to interact with him. I just wanted him to hand me the money then leave.

But I knew that wasn’t going to happen.

The second he looked up at me I knew he recognized me. His eyes seemed to get a playful vibe and his body language turned seductive. He leaned onto the counter with a smile sliding across his lips.

“Can I have a pack of Newports. Those red ones.” He said. His voice was deep and musical. I could tell he didn’t smoke. I reached up for the Newport and put them down on the counter. I tried to keep the look off my face.

The look of shame, embarrassment and lust. What he did all those years ago still haunted my mind. I hated what he did but still thinking about it made me want him. I didn’t want to want him. He was a pig.

“Anything else?” I said trying to keep my feelings from my voice but I was finding it hard to.

“Yeah, do I know you from somewhere?” He said leaning in closer. I kept my eyes from narrowing. He knew damn well where he knew me from.

“I don’t remember.” I said now with my teeth clinched. I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t want to remember it.

“Oh, sweetie, of course you remember me... You walked in on me fucking your boyfriend on your kitchen counter freshman year. That's not something you forget.” He said now letting his fingers go from my ear to the tip of my chin. I glared at him wishing my light blue eyes might freeze him to his spot, but it didn’t. His fingers went to my blonde hair and twirled it around his finger.

“You know… I could do the same for you?” He said looking into my eyes. I kept glaring at him when another hand smacked on the counter. I turned my head to see my co-worker Danny standing there glaring daggers in his direction. The man in front of me moved back and I could tell he felt the fire between Danny’s eyes.

“Are you going to buy something or what?” He said sounding cheery. I didn’t even notice Danny come over. The man took out his money and placed it on the counter leaving without his change. I didn’t stop him. As I was going to put the money in the register Danny grabbed my hand softly.

As I looked up at Danny I took all of him in. From the short red hair to his dark emerald eyes. He was tall and it was kind of a nuisance looking up at him. Though he was a beautiful sight to behold.

“Are you okay?” He said not breaking eye contact with me. I nodded my head feeling heat rise in my cheeks.

“I’m okay. It’s just work.” I said putting the money in and shut it. He was quiet for a while just staring at me when he started to walk away. When he was far enough away I took a long breath out and stop clenching my other hand tight.

One day I would let him know me, one day.
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