Status: The scariest and creepiest story i've ever written.

Me, Myself, and Them

Annabell Carter has lived in a mental hospital for three years. She suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). They have finally released her. She is sent to a group home for teens with MPD because her parents can't even look at her anymore. After what she did, no one can look at her. She starts to make friends with the other kids in the home and she even falls in love. Anna thinks that her life is turning around. She has a boyfriend named Wyatt and she has new friends that understand her. Then everything changes once the others come back. Annabell is the good one, Marissa is the dangerous one, and Bethany is the suicidal one. Read along as Marissa and Bethany combine to create Mari-Beth, the most dangerous alter ego ever. Can Annabell survive her dangerous dark side?
  1. Free
    Annabell is getting discharged from the mental hospital.
  2. Going home
    The Matthews' take Anna home.
  3. The first night
    Anna's first night is pretty interesting :)