My Best Friend's Brother

Chapter Fourteen

“Why did I have to get a job?” I asked putting my head on the counter. “You’re the one that wanted to be more independent.” Tom said leaning against the counter. “Because I didn’t want you to buy me a car, you already pay for everything else of mine.”

“Remember the seven or eight years that your parents took Chad and Olivia when their parents were in jail?” I picked my head up and nodded. “This is my way of repaying them, it’s the least I could do.” I nodded to myself and then dropped my head again. “I hate working; I don’t know how you do it all the time.”

“Because I have a job that I like, you just have a job to get money. When you actually start a career in whatever you want to do then you might just enjoy it!”

“Not likely!” I’ve been out of school for a week and pretty much all that I’ve been doing is working while Olivia has been living it up with Dalton and Chad’s been looking for a job. “I wasn’t even really looking for a job and I still got one before Chad.” I said lifting my head and looking at the clock. “Ugh, I have to leave in ten minutes.” I got a job at Forever 21 and the only thing that I really didn’t like about it was the fact that so far I’ve been working from ten to four, I know ten isn’t that bad but I just missed sleeping until noon like I used to.

“Guess who finally got a job!” Chad said with a bright smile walking into the kitchen. “Olivia?” I asked just to mess with him. “I will be shocked if she ever gets a job. She’ll be living off me or her husband for the rest of her life.” Tom said, it was more than likely going to happen but Chad and I just stared at Tom. I felt Chad’s arm go around my shoulder and I looked up at him. “So where did you get a job?” I asked sitting up from the slump position that I was in.

“The gym, I start in an hour.” He said with a smile still plastered on his face. “See, Chad already loves his job!” Tom said coming into the conversation again. “I think he’s just happy that he got a job so he can actually use his car again.”

“Both of those would be the reason actually. In the meantime when do you have to leave?” Chad asked looking down at me. “I actually have to leave now so bye guys!” I said grabbing my car keys off the counter along with my purse and going outside with Chad. “What time do you get off work?” Chad asked leaning against the car as I unlocked it. “I should get back around five at the latest, why?”

“Because I will be back at six and I’m taking you on your first official date.” I smiled, “Nothing fancy though.” I said, let’s face it, I wasn’t one of those girls that needed the fancy things in life. I wanted the simple things in life, that’s why I didn’t want Tom buying be a new car, a used one would have been fine. Thankfully for me it wasn’t a sports car, it was a Volkswagen Jetta but the whole reason I got a job was to pay Tom back for it.

“Fine, pizza and a movie,”

“Pizza’s so typical though.” I said teasing him. “For a simple girl you’re pretty picky.” Chad said before giving me a kiss. “How about Taco Bell or Burger King…actually Burger King sounds really good right now.” Chad laughed, “Burger King it is.” He said before giving me another kiss. “Good, but I really have to leave now.” I said getting into the car and putting my purse in the passenger seat.


“Awe, Chad didn’t drive you to work today?” My co-worker Blake asked as I walked into the store. “How come everyone wants him to drop me off everyday?” I asked before going to the back to put my stuff in my locker. “I can’t help it; you guys are too cute together!” Blake said once I walked back out. “Sometimes I really think that you’re gay.”

“I’m the gayest straight man that you’ll ever meet!” He said with a smile, I couldn’t help but smile back. “I have a straight friend that said he’d go gay if no girl would date him.” I said leaning on the counter. “I probably would if I didn’t have a girlfriend. So is there anything new with you and Chad?”

“Well if you must know, we’re going on our first official date tonight.”

“You’ve been going out for a month and you haven’t gone on a date yet?”

“It’s only been like three weeks and no. Something always came up.”

“So are you guys gonna make beautiful babies?” I just stared at Blake. “Did you really just ask me that?” I asked, I mean it wasn’t as bad of a question that I know that he could ask but I thought he knew me better than that. “I’m not having sex again until I’m married and Chad never has.” I said before someone came up to my register. “Awe, that makes you guys even cuter! I better be invited to your wedding!” I rolled my eyes as I rang up the woman’s things.

“Have a great day,” I said with a smile after I handed the woman the recite. “Now I see why Chad loves you.” I gave Blake a confused look. “You’re always nice to everyone, you’re pretty, everyone loves you, even when you have something bad to say about someone it’s in a sweet way and the list could go on forever.” Blake said getting closer to me. “You know if I didn’t know any better I would think that you were coming onto me.” I said looking up at him. “Don’t flatter yourself.” He said with a smirk. “Actually you were the one flattering me.”

“What would you do if I did come onto you though?”

“I would tell you that I have a boyfriend, which you already know and we wouldn’t be able to be together. Maybe I’d even smack you.”

“See what I mean, you’re always nice even when something like that would happen! Do you think Chad would ever cheat on you?” I was really starting to wonder why he was asking me these kinds of questions. “I don’t like this conversation right now.” I said before a girl that looked my age walked up to my register. “I just wanna know.”

“He’s never cheated before and I highly doubt he would on me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter is kind of boring, or maybe it's just me. Idek. Haha. But I actually have 26 subscribers! Yay! You have no idea how happy that makes me! Thanks again to Nanook and Miss_Somerhalder24 for commenting! They are the ones that are actually getting me to update, ha. But I would also like to thank all of the other commenters and awesome subscribers (:
Keep 'em coming!
Leighton's outfit