My Best Friend's Brother

Chapter Seventeen

“If you leave then what’s gonna happen to Justin?” Sydney asked. Sydney was my best friend aside from Olivia but I don’t even know where we stand on that anymore. But anyways, I decided to stay with her and her friends for awhile. Olivia hated Sydney last time I checked so I wouldn’t have to worry about her or Chad going over to her place at all.

“Well until I turn eighteen Tom is his guardian so I guess he’s staying here.” I didn’t want to leave Justin alone since I am the only family that he has left here but I needed to get out of here. I can’t stay in the same house as my ex and now ex best friend. In the end I knew that it would be better for Justin to stay here since Sydney doesn’t live with the best people ever.

“Okay, I think that’s everything. If I need anything then I’ll just come get it when no one’s home.” I said grabbing my suitcase and purse. Sydney grabbed the other bag and opened the door. We made it to the front door before Olivia came inside.

She looked up and her eyes looked big and puffy but nothing compared to mine. I still wasn’t done crying. As soon as I saw her the tears started flowing again.

I don’t know if I’d even be able to forgive her, at least not anytime soon. She was my best friend and she betrayed me. The two people that did everything they could to protect me ended up hurting me the most.

“Where are you going?” She asked, her voice cracked, when I didn’t reply Sydney answered for me. “She’s coming to live with me.”

“Out of all people, you go to live with her? You’re leaving and going to live with your other ‘best friend’ that was never even there for you?” When Olivia started crying again I wanted to go hug her. But then I remembered she’s half the reason I was leaving here in the first place.

“I may not have been there as much but at least I never stabbed her in the back!” Sydney defended herself. “She’s not my other so called best friend. She is my best friend. As of right now, our friendship is over.” I said going outside with Sydney. Olivia watched us put my things in my car.

I knew that eventually I would make up with Olivia. Whether it was three months from now or three years from now, I would. I just needed time away from them.

“Hey, living with us will be a blast! Yeah, there are a lot of us but at least it’s never boring!” Sydney said with a smile. I smiled back at the attempt of her trying to cheer me up.

“Leighton, I haven’t seen you in forever!” I looked up to see my friend Courtney. She was my best friend in middle school but once we got into high school, she got into drugs. Much like everyone else in this house, but they were the only other close friends that I had. “Hey,” I said faking a smile, it’s not that I didn’t want to see her but I was still thinking of the events that just happened in the past few hours. She gave me her usual bright smile and pulled me into a hug.

“I missed my little Shorty!” Someone else pulled me into a hug. I looked up to see Freddie; he was my best guy friend up until he dropped out of school. Since everyone here practically toward over me, they all called me Shorty. “I missed my big baby!” I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him back. Out of everyone here, I probably missed him the most.

“Not that we don’t want you here but why are you here?” Sandy asked, I was never really close to her but I knew her well enough to know that she hated when Freddie would hug other girls. “Are you two still dating?” I whispered looking up at Freddie. He nodded and didn’t look happy about it at all. “You’re telling me later.” I said before letting go. I saw Sandy glaring at me from the kitchen table.

“It’s a long story that I’d rather not talk about.” I said putting my hands in my back pockets. “Well I guess the other guys will see you later, let’s go get you settled in.” Sydney said grabbing my purse off of my suitcase and going down the hall.

“Well you’re going to have to sleep on the couch unless you want to share a bed with Courtney and from what I remember that might not be a good idea.” Sydney said with a laugh, I laughed too at the memory. It was the night before my fourteenth party and Sydney and Courtney spent the night at my grandma’s since that’s where my party was being held. Sydney was sleeping on my floor while Courtney and I shared my twin bed. By the end of the night I was on the floor since I was on the side that wasn’t against the wall.

“I’ll take the couch, thanks.” I said. “So what do I do with my stuff?”

“I guess you can use my dresser, I half of it is empty.” She shrugged and then looked at me. “Hey, things will get better.” She said patting my back when she saw the look on my face. I smiled up at her. “Come on; let’s go get your mind off everything!” Sydney said grabbing my hand and pulling me back out to the living room.
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Happy New Year everybody!
There's a new update to start off the new year :D. I'm proud to say that this update didn't take as long as they usually do to get posted, I'm gonna work on getting the out faster from now on! I go back to school Tuesday, waaaaah :(
Anyways, thanks to Miss_Somerhalder24, akanevampire19 and Nanook for commenting on the last update :). And of course another thanks to the awesome subscribers!
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