Status: Finished.



I remember your first girlfriend.

We had been friends for about a year. We survived the beginning of high school together. We talked to each other about everything and it was rare to see one of us without the other. Sure, we had other friends, but it was clear we were very important to each other.

One of those other friends was Sabrina.

I knew you thought she was pretty, but I didn’t think much more of it.

It changed when you came to me one rainy April day, your eyes bright and a wide smile on your lips. “I have a girlfriend,” you had said excitedly.

It was like a flick of the switch.

Suddenly, we weren’t spending all of our free time together. I wasn’t the one you called immediately when you had a problem or just wanted someone to talk with. I wasn’t the only one you rambled on for hours and hours about nothing with. I wasn’t the only one who could make you smile or laugh when you were sad or angry. I felt replaced.

You tried desperately to get me to like her, but I was too blinded by jealously to see what a nice girl she was. I thought I hated her. I feel guilty, thinking about how much I must have hurt her with my obvious resentment.

I wasn’t jealous of her because you were dating her though. No, I was simply jealous of how much time you spent with her and the obvious affection you had when you talked about her.

I wanted to be the most important person in your life.

It would only be 3 months before your romance with Sabrina died a natural death, as relationships of that nature typically do. But, at the time, it seemed like it would last forever.

It was because of your first relationship that I got mine. I didn’t date him because I had feelings for him or even because I thought he was attractive. I dated him to get revenge on you. I wanted to show you I could find someone else too.

It was wrong. I know that now. But, back then, I was only concerned with winning back your attention.

Consequently, when your relationship with Sabrina died, I killed mine. The only difference was yours seemed to just fade away peacefully in its sleep, while mine was murdered brutally, with much bloodshed and tears. You were there for me, sticking up for me, and I was grateful.

So, we were both single and back to being best friends. Everything went back to normal.

Life went on.
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I'm adding two chapters tonight because I won't be able to upload tomorrow. Please comment with your thoughts so far.