Status: Finished.



I remember when I started to really notice you.

We were in the eleventh grade by this point and growing up quickly. We’d had some rough patches in our friendship, but we were back to being as strong as ever. Maybe even stronger.

I was at Jessie’s sleepover. It was her seventeenth birthday party. The boys had been over earlier and we all had fun, but they weren’t allowed to sleepover.

We were sitting in Jessie’s living room, with a chick flick playing in the background, talking about boys. I think it was Nicole who first mentioned you.

Anyway, I know for certain it was Jessie who commented, “Oh my God, he’s so hot!” or something to the same effect.

I was surprised. You were my goofy, reliable best friend. It was weird to have somebody gush over your appearance; even weirder when the other girls agreed.

But, sure enough, when I seen you the next day, I realized, with even more surprise, they were right. You weren’t the short little kid who I had mistakenly thought was a girl anymore. You were practically a man.

Since when had your smile become so bright? Since when had you become so charming?

You had been changing right before my eyes and I hadn’t noticed. But, at the same time, I hadn’t really noticed the changes in myself either.

I think it was when I started paying attention, learning not to take your friendship for granted, that I really started to notice how amazing you are. It was when I started to fall in love with you.

It wasn’t until you started dating Jessie that I even fully admitted it to myself.

Oh, I was so jealous! What made her so special?

This time, I was smart enough to remain single through. My last (and only) relationship made me cautious.

But, already, you were the only person I wanted to be with.

You’re the one I love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a quick warning, this is not going to be a fluffy love story.