‹ Prequel: The Bride

Even Fallen Angels Love


The approaching morning casted a warm glow into his small study, making it warm and peaceful.A gentle breeze rattled the tree branches, casting a swift dance of shadows upon the carpeted floor. He strode quietly to the window, leaning against the wall in the shadows, avoiding the cheeriness of the sun. With a glass of wine in my hand,he watched the birds soar and play, like two happy lovers on a warm spring day. He took a swift gulp of the numbing concoction, not wanting to think of love or companionship. He needn't be loved. He was a fallen angel after all.

"Curse my life!" He muttered, his deep voice cut through the silence.

Suddenly, full of rage, he flung his drink across the room, watching it shatter like his heart. Damian wished for love, for life, but dang it all, he was stuck here in hades. Alone. He envied the living souls for their happiness, but was proud that he was an immortal. He could never die after all. Still, he wished for companionship.

Gingerly picking up the shattered fragments, Damian thought of his sister, who rarely comes to see her. He loved her, but she didn't show it back. Of course, he was a monster. Why love a monster for a brother? Damian bent his head, his midnight black hair nearly covered his eyes, a single tear cascading down his face as he clutched the fragments, causing him to bleed. He wanted to be loved. He wanted to be free, but since the day his family condemned him here he could never leave or have a friend. He was alone forever.