Loving the odd

Shaun's POV

I think I've lost him, I've lost my freedom lately. No matter where I go, what I do, he follows, he's there everywhere I look. It's like I'm a magnet of some sort, A danger magnet. As I ran through the dark forest, I could hear him chasing close behind. I came to a sudden stop. The might fall of a rock face inches from me. Listening intently I swirled round to meet my opponent, it was him again! The wolf guy, he'd come back for my blood. I crouched slightly him stood in his wolf form, we circled the area slowly keeping our eyes glued to each other,
"what are you waiting for mutt!" this angered him as a growl erupted from his throat, a unfamiliar growl ripping from mine while my fangs extended. Crouching low we waited for our destiny. I charged at the wolf swiftly as did he. It was a match of strength both determined to win! I for one am ready. The fight has begun. It's time to meet our destiny!
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This is a pretty short chapter hopefully the others will be longer. Hope you enjoy it :) thanks for reading please leave a comment