Loving the odd

Olivia's POV

The darkness has released me, I am free to wander the forest. Lifting my head I saw that the darkness has followed me, the brightness of day now growing dark. Pulling my arms from round me I noticed me jeans soaked in blood, I tried lifting my arm but nothing. Holding my arm up I notices that the wound was going blue, picking my bag up I slung it over my shoulder. Pushing myself to my feet I stood a few moments before falling back against the tree, I leant againtst the tree as the world around me blurred and spun . Finally I pushed off from the tree, pulling my phone from my bag, I find not a single text just a call from my friend,
   "urghhh, Vanity What could you possible want!?"
Shoving my phone into my bag. I begin to wander through the forest, instantly stopping as voices screamed at me. So many voices, all speaking at once, non understandable. One voice clearly whispered in my ear
      "think you can get rid of us!" it hissed
I spun round to find nothing, the voices growing closer, louder. Spinning in circles I caught views of those that haunted me, the shadows great while large. Surrounding me they chuckled to themselves while running circles round me,
        "I DON'T WANT YOU! YOUVE CAUSED SO MUCH PAIN AND TROUBLE!" I screamed to them tears filling my eyes. The shadows circled me, sheer laughter proclaiming from their lips.my cheeks felt wet  as un-noticed tears rolled down my cheeks, i watched the shadows as they danced gleefully.  Sharp pains ran down my back and legs, I could feel the blood trickle down my body. Sighing I closed my eyes forcing the tears back, opening them I looked round. Grabbing my bag I pull my phone out, the bag yanked from my hands the citsence poured out. My belongings sat there in the mud, dropping to the floor I grabbed for the only possession that really mattered,as did one of the creatures. Screaming iyanked at the photo-frame, falling back I laid on the muddy floor hugging it tight to my chest, their red eyes engulfing me,
       "do what you want, I've given up! What do I have... nothing, just this photo!"
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Ok not updated in a few says so I apologise for that but some more readers, subscribers and coments would be nice! I think chap 5 wil suprize you