Loving the odd

James' POV

Now is the perfect time to seek revenge on this ass of a vampire stood in front of me mumbling, the vampire boy I am supposed to call me brother! He thought he was the only one left! The only blood left in this family, but now there are two sides to us. 
        "how are you here?.. I thought yo...." he mumbled, he just stood there staring in disbelief 
         "you thought you killed me! YOU DIDN'T! I'm stronger than the rest of our dumb-fold family were, YOU KILLED THEM!" I snapped at the creature supposedly my brother,
        "W..WH..WHAT! I DIDNT KILL THEM!" he looked down "how could I kill mother, I never touched the females. I killed father then grandfather, that I'll admit, they deserved it but never mother!" the creature blubbered.
         "LIER! FUCKING LIER!" I growled, in seconds I was on the floor, agony ran through my bones, yet another painful change. Shaun dived to the floor yelling at me not to transform,
        "YOU THINK I CAN CONTROL THIS" I growled, his eyes hazed while turning a deep red. The fight was back on, that creature on top of me smashing me head against anything he could find, my inner wolf raging each second. Grabbing Shaun I threw him off me, his body smashing into a rock. Before the wolf could form that creature was back at me, throwing blows I couldn't block. I scampered into the forest, sprinting through the forest I began to pant heavily, hardly able to breath. Falling to my knee's I transformed to a wolf, Shaun close behind, I needed to feast before fighting, I needed energy. Running through the forest in search for food, I came across a young girl, about 15 clutching a photo to her chest, she was mumbling what sounded like devilish remarks, she had to do I couldn't wait longer! 
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Ok suprize :3 James is shaun's brother yes he gets a say in the story at times, I know this chapter is a bit shit help me advance it, leave a comment please, no more updates until I get some co mets or 5-7 readers sorry guys