Loving the odd

Shaun's POV

Running through the forest while dark would be a task for any natural human, gladly I was no human and shared the blood with the creature of the night, the one and only vampire. My blood lust high and senses low made finding my brother that little more difficult, still I sped through the forest like I knew it as the back of my hand. A deathly scream rang through my ears, a scream I recognized, the scream of a young girl in pain.  Stopping I listened intently  for the direction of these wails and screams, running in the this direction, the stench of wet dog grew stronger and found nothing but my brother clamping down on a girl my age. Silently approaching the girl spotted me, she looked from me to the wolf her eyes full of fear and pleading for me to help. I saw my brother rag at her tearing muscle from her arm, she let out a scream and stared at me, she was barely alive. A growl ripped through my throat this startling both her and the mutt, diving at the mutt she squealed as he landed directly on top of her scampering off her his claws connected with her stomach. Diving at him once again he smashed into a tree, I used this as my opportunity to attack, throwing several blows to him the girl marveled at my speed and accuracy yet slowly shuffled away. The mutt spotted this, leaping over me he lunged at her leg clamping down on it withdrawing a sever amount of blood, a deathly scream rang through my ears while tears rolled down her cheek, her body began to tremble as blood seeped from her arms, leg  and stomach. The girl slumped there staring at my eyes looking lost and dazed yet amazed, all I could do was stand staring at her in disbelief as she bit down hard on her lip, blood trickling from her dry lips
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Ok so it's pretty short don't like long chapters sorry, oh and I've got more readers so I'm back to updating :) just that some blinking comments would be nice