Loving the odd

Olivia's POV- meeting a guy

A young pale handsome lad bravely attacked the wolf that feasted on my flesh, his strength and speed impossible, how he kept the wolf against the tree while sending blows to it is beyond me. The wolf now at my leg all I could do was stare at this boy his eyes like no other, pure red almost like blood his pupils small his longish black hair covering half his eyes, his clothes torn and dusty, It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. He stared back at me some how unable to believe my wounds, I pushed myself up holding my weight while stretching a hand out to him, this made him flinch and he averted his eyes to my out stretched hand. He bore down into my arm, I looked down curiously before yanking my arm back. I fell back my arm no longer able to support my weight, I grit my teeth as my head smashed against a rock behind me, I couldn't help it I turned my head to the boy. His eyes following the fresh deep wounds  covering my arms and trailed down my wounded body until he saw the wolf at my leg, He ran at the wolf locking it's throat in his arms, the wolf began to struggle slowly leaning back. I bolted upright staring at the boy before I knew what I was doing I was on my feet struggling to the boy, I stood beside him yanking at his arms, he looked to me confusion rising in his eyes, I looked at him shaking my head tugging at his arm once again.
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I know indont update that much anymore I don't feel the reason to as nobody reads my story anymore :( oh well to those that read I hope you enjoy please leave a comment