Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

A Day At The Asylum,

Turns out me and Jasper really did get along. He ended up sleeping over and had a cute fit of chivalry over me having to sleep in my bed, and him on the floor.

He was like the little brother I never had.

I drove him to his middle school in the morning which was only a couple minutes from mine.

Jasper flashed me a small smile but before leaving the car his face went back to blank and indifferent.

I smiled and left, but i dropped it when i got to the gym, that's when everything that happened yesterday came back to me and i was enraged.

Turns out Lara went from being mad at me to being a bitch. Guess Brittany is contagious.

"Well, Well, well if it isn't little miss tipsy" she laughed.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Get bent"

"You're the expert, why don't you show me?"

And so it went on, I ignored her for the most part. I still didn't know what i had done?! How could she be upset about me kissing Everard (my stomach flipped strangely)?? Maybe she thought I'd hook up with him and abandon our friendship??

But that still didn't make much sense?? Well whatever, i didn't really know nor did i really give a flying fudge, i was still pissed at Damian.

When he found me to give me Fucker Jr. he acted like nothing had happened yesterday, smirking at me but i gave him the cold shoulder and he left.

It seemed Ever hadn't come, i probably wouldn't have either if he'd done to me what I'd done to him' that made the day even more unbearable.

At lunch time i took Fucker Jr. and me to a Subway down the street; eating the cheesy broccoli soup (yum) and feeding him milk, whilst people stared at me like i was crazy. But at least i wasn't at the caf sitting alone while Lara whispered to Brittany some secret about me and they laughed glancing my way like i knew would've happened.

By Art i seriously wanted to shoot myself, more than usual, not only did i fair the test from yesterday but we had to spend all effing period drawing some stupid flippy cartoon. I didn't even remember what i illustrated, and in retrospect i should've checked it before handing it in.

"Guess your my only company today, Fucker" I told my baby- i mean the robot thing.

He starred up at me, from the desk he lay on, with blank plastic blue eyes.

I sighed, "Yeah, i know your mommy's psycho"


3rd Person

Everard sat in his mom's SUV with his hands tight on the wheel and starred ahead trying not to think.

He wasn't driving, the car had been parked for thirty minutes in front of the asylum.

Ever knew he had to go in there eventually, but he really really didn't want to , especially with what had happened yesterday still freshly buzzing around in his mind. He didn't know if he had it in him to pretend to be happy.

But he had to, he owed that to her.

Ever stepped out of the car and went inside; immediately the scent of bleach and alcohol hit him.

"Can i help you, young man?" asked on of the many securities.

He looked at the man blankly trying to concentrate, but then a voice from the front called to them.

"Ah, Ever!" said the woman at the front desk smiling fondly at him then she motioned for the security to back off, "Don't worry, Marty, he's a regular"

The security guard named Marty nodded but looked at him with scrutinizing eyes as Ever walked forward to stand in front of Sarah, the receptionist as she pulled up some files.

"Sign here" she said to him handing a paper and pen, he did as he was told then she smiled once more motioning him to walk with her.

They walked past a bunch of numbered metal doors with only one window to look through, once or twice he caught a glimpse of a person rocking back and forward or being fed like a baby.

"I'm so glad you came" Sarah said, she was around 22, had pretty strawberry blonde hair and light brown freckles on her button nose were pink rimmed glasses sat upon. She'd worked here for as long as Ever had been coming here and it was nice to see a regular happy face once in a while.

"I was so afraid you wouldn't come," Sarah sighed but smiled at him. She was really pretty, and sweet, making this place feel brighter than it really was.And when Ever was younger he used to have a crush on her but now he just found the niceness a bit annoying. But perhaps he was just moody, "I should've known you would. She's been doing well, y'know"

Ever didn't respond, he wasn't about to get his hopes up.

"I think with the extra meds that we started giving her she's become more responsive and even less, er, violent" Sarah continued.

"She isn't violent" Ever snapped at her wanting to kick and scream and... wait no, he needed to calm down. He could already see the tears in Sarah's pretty brown eyes, if he couldn't manage to be complacent around Sarah, the happiest person in the world, how could he do that with Violet?

"Sorry" he murmured sheepishly.

"It's okay," Sarah reassured, "I just meant that her fits are limiting, the last one was two weeks ago and only lasted around five minutes"

Ever shrugged, "She doesn't like negative energy. Keep it away from her and you wont have problems"

Sarah nodded, Ever could tell she was holding back saying 'There are other patients that need more attention than her, we cant possibly tend to her in a happy mood' but thankfully she kept it to herself.

Finally they got to room 1459, inside it was cold as ice but he remained from speaking. The walls were made of a soft white substance and so was the floor. There was no t.v or any other entertainment just a fluffy worn black goth bear against one of the walls.

On the bed (twin sized and plain with cuffs on the sides) sat a girl. She was 16 and rather thin and fragile looking. Her once bright and beautiful dirty platinum blonde hair now lay dingy and oily, scattered all over her head and face. She was starring ahead at nothing and her chapped dry lips kept muttering incoherent words silently whilst she rubbed her hands together trembling.

"She's been asking about you lately" Sarah said as she came round the bed to give Violet some water from a water bottle on the floor. Violet refused and Sarah gave up but kept her smile. Ever didn't reply just wanting her to leave.

"Look Violet, it's Ever! Say hi, Violet!" Sarah exclaimed, with a tone like she was talking to a baby. It killed Ever to see them treat her like that; back before she became like this she'd probably tell Sarah to say hi to her butt or something and then she'd order her to bring her some cherry ice cream, her favorite.

But finally Sarah left not knowing what else to say.

"Hey" Ever said taking a seat atop her bed next to her.

Violet's eyes flashed up at him and she blinked several times but Ever knew better, he didn't dare hope that recognition would suddenly flash in those practically dead hazel green eyes. They were as lifeless as ever.

She kept on starring blankly at him, still moving her lips in unheard words.

"Hi,Sissy" he called her by his nickname for her and unexpectedly her eyes did flicker with recognition as she uttered sorely, "Bro-colli" which was what she'd call him.

Ever got excited but just as quickly as it had come, it left and Violet Grace went back to murmuring quietly and starring into nothingness.

He wanted to cry, but he knew it would upset Violet, she got set off easily by any negativity so he forced a smile. "Guess what, Sissy?" she didn't answer of course. "I met this girl. She's amazing. Her names Andy, i think you'd approve of her"

Ever grinned, "She already cant stand Damian,y'know how that jackass is, Sissy, he goes after every female with a pulse"

Violet didn't reply.

"And i think i love her. I kissed her this past weekend, y'know. Well actually she kissed me. Member how you once told me that the girl i was meant to be with would be the one that made the first move? Cuz apparently I'm a pansy" he rolled his eyes as if it was only yesterday.

Violet showed no reaction.

"Well she did" Ever went on, " she kinda reminds me of you, actually, Sissy. The first time we met she'd defended me against this teacher, isn't that cool?"

Violet didn't respond.

"I thought i felt something,but then she..." he paused remembering yesterday in Art.

Ever made the mistake of frowning. Violet went crazy.

She flashed her eyes to him as her face to the form of shock like if in some scary movie then she stood and started twitching as if someone was attacking her, "Please! No more! Stop!"

"Sissy, no, no ones there!" Ever yelled trying to calm her but she kept flinching going backwards until she hit the wall with such force that if it weren't soft, Violet surely would have cracked her skull open.

"Sissy please stop!" Ever begged trying to take her in his arms but she kept screaming and flinching from hits that weren't there, crying for her attacker to stop.

Suddenly she snapped her head to the side, her eyes widening recognizing someone that wasn't there, her eyes full of worry and blazing pain, "Ever! Go! Run! Just go!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Ever wished the men in white would come and calm her already but they never showed and by the time her fit was over Ever was sobbing brokenly sitting against one of the walls with Violet's teddy bear.

She crawled over and into her brothers arms murmuring painfully, "Don't hurt Ever. Don't hurt Ever."
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To whom this may concern

Nigahiga is awsome.

That is all.