Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

Pepto Bismol Talks Too Much,

You'd think I'd be happy and nearly dead with anticipation on the day before the Valentine's concert, right?

Ha wrong, i was actually miserable as hell.

It was Friday afternoon and i was seated upon my balcony's railing staring up at the dark night. I hated not being able to talk to Everard, and he seemed so sadder than usual. If i looked into his eyes they looked broken and unfocused. It was hard to not reach over and hug him like he'd done for me.

What was even more painful was the way he acted when he had to make contact with me, like this morning when he'd given me Fucker Jr. Ever had actually placed him on the floor 5 feet away from me and walked away quickly. What's more, Lara had seen and she'd smiled triumphantly, what the hell was her problem?!

And on top of all that i was still pissed at Damian. He'd taken to ignore me now, chatting away with some dumb blonde when i was near, which i knew was all an act but still. Hysterically Mr. Opal saw all this and gave us a talking to after class saying it wasn't good for the baby.

The 'sexual tension' between parents, as he had said, was really traumatic for a child to go through. I wanted to kill him but with much effort, i restrained myself and stared blankly at the ceiling until it was over.

Talk about awkward.

"Hey, your dad said to give you this" Jasper said suddenly coming outside with two steaming cups of hot chocolate.

Yeah, if it wasn't for Jasper i wasn't sure how I'd make it through this, he was always there to distract me with endless battles on his Wii.

"Thanks" i murmured taking the chocolate and watching as he hopped on the railing gracefully, without the slightest hesitation.

He raised the cup to his lips as i did and we both sighed from the cinnamoney-chocolatey goodness.

"So I'm guessing it's a guy" he said after a moment of peaceful silence.

I wasn't surprised he could tell, Jasper was a smart kid, with more common sense than most.

"Are you like in love with him or something?" he questioned playing with his snakebites then afterwards murmuring, "I'm so glad I'm not old enough for that kind of thing"

I rolled my eyes, "No way, we're best friends... but i kinda, sorta, kissed him.."

Jasper's eyes widened and he snorted with a smirk, " How can you 'sorta' kiss someone?"

"Fine! I full on kissed him!" I exclaimed flinching as my voice echoed in the quiet atmosphere.

He laughed, Jasper had really gotten a lot less emotionless since last week, though his tone was usually tinged with brutal sarcasm, "I don't see that as a problem and i bit neither does the guy"

I groaned, " But me and Ever aren't like that!" I mean he's like a brother to me, in a way?

"Sure. Well just make up with him or something. If not you can just go back to making out" he shrugged.

And he wasn't kidding, Jasper was always honest with his words, if not harsh, but that's what i loved about him; when he spoke, there was no mask like on his face. No facade no illusion. I thought it was nice. Yes, I might be mental.

After a couple of moments of sipping from my drink i asked, "Are you going to the Valentine's concert?"

He starred at the sky for a moment then answered, "Don't know. I've got a ticket but, eh,"

"You should go!"

He rolled his eyes at me, "I'm guessing it's 'cause you done wanna be a loner in case your little boyfriend goes"

"Har har" i rolled my eyes ,"But no, I just think you're good company"

I was only half lying, did that count?

Jasper pondered that for a moment then yawned, "Fine but can we go to sleep already?"

Jasper and his mom had been staying over for at least a week already, he even had his clothes in my closet now.

I really didn't think anything of it, Jasper had really become a brother to me now.

We climbed off the railing and went back into my room.

It had utterly been transformed; the purple walls were now splattered with black and red (Jasper did that), hair stuff now littered my hair dresser, who knew Jasper took longer to fix his hair than me?, and he had his video games everywhere in sight.

Jasper kicked his shoes off and climbed into his new blow up bed whilst i reluctantly did the same.

"Night"both of us murmured.


Ah, morning, how much of a bitch it is, especially when a kid throws water on your face.

"Happy Valentine's Day"

"W-what was th-that f-for?" i gasped.

Jasper shrugged, "You wouldn't wake up"

I glared up at him incredulously, "So you throw water on me?? what kind of logic is that?? Did you try saying 'wake up'?"

"Slipped my mind" Jasper laughed as i wiped water off my face.

"C'mon, get ready" he ordered at me.

I rolled my eyes, "For what? The concert's at six"

"It's three"


Jasper rolled his eyes at me, "I don't suppose your going like that?" He looked pointedly at my Dr. Pepper boxers and Addams Family black T.

"Well no, but ima just throw something on" I shrugged scratching my bed head and yawning.

He sighed, "No way, c'mon, let's do your hair."

I stood up and stretched, "Are you sure your a boy?"

"About as sure as i am that your not a girl" he snorted, "And living with Sherry entitles me to learn some things about girls, involuntarily of course."

I laughed, "Whatever you say, just don't make me into a ho like your mom"

Jasper did so many things to my hair that i thought it was gonna fall off but in the end it looked nice. It had gone from bland straight and choppy to full of volume and weightless at the same time, he'd also pinned my purple bangs to the back making a cool color affect.

"Purdy good" I commented reaching to touch my hair but he slapped my hand away, "Don't touch!"

Then he went on to do my make up; Jasper actually didn't over do it. He lightly powdered my face then put a plum blush on my cheeks. He ran the eyeliner along my eyes, making a cool swirly design at the edges. He added a smokey purple shimmery eyeshadow thingy then coated my lashes with black mascara.

"Whoa" i warned as he reached for some lipstick, "I only wear lip balm"

Jasper rolled his eyes, "Amateur. Now, c'mon Andy"




"We've only got an hour left!"


"I'm gonna bite you"

"I'll bite you back"

"Why do you have all this make up if you don't use it?" He growled.

I shrugged, "My dad gave it to me when i started wearing a bra, he went a little over board"

Jasper laughed then settled for a pink lip gloss over my pepperminty shimmery Chapstick.

"Mmkay, Ima just put on my skinny jeans and a band T"

Jasper stopped me with an incredulous look.

"No effing way! A face like this deserves more than just some ratty old clothes!" and with that he disappeared into my closet.

I groaned, "We have less than an hour!" but Jasper didn't respond, though i heard him shuffling around in there murmuring something about me having no normal clothes besides band t-shirts.

Finally, a gazillion years later, he came out holding up an outfit.

"No way!" i exclaimed at once, "No friggin' way am i gonna wear that!"

Jasper grinned, "Thirty minutes"

I growled knowing i didn't have a choice.


3rd Person

Ever was laying on Damian's bed throwing his cousin's baseball up and then catching it whilst said cousin got ready. He didn't even wanna be here. Ever couldn't stand Damian anymore but his mom and aunt had agreed that they should go to the concert together.

Ever would've protested but he had no other friends to go with so here he was.

Damian was taking a long time to get ready, what was the big deal anyways? They went to this every year,what the hell was so special about this one??

"It's Sum 41 " Damian said combing his hair for the billionth time.

"As if you knew who that was" Scoffed Ever.

Damian shrugged, "Does it matter?"

Ever rolled his eyes, "Whatever. We taking Danny?"

Damian laughed, "No way dude, the 'rentals are taking DJ, we've got a date."

"Sorry, D, my boat doesn't float in that direction"

Damian rolled his eyes, "I meant with Brittany Barnes and Lara White"

Everard groaned sitting up quickly, "What the hell?! I don't want a date! 'Specially not with Lara White! I hate that chick!"

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, it's just because Andy rejected you"

"At least she doesn't hate my guts" Ever snapped but what Damian said still felt like a punch to the stomach.

But finally they headed outside and into his cousin's car; Ever waved at Danny as he passed.

Danny was a thirteen year old kid. He was kind of chubby and had Damian's brown hair and brown eyes, but save for that they were complete opposites. While Damian was social and popular, Danny was a loner and usually quiet. And he tended to be super serious that it was scary especially since the kid knew a lot of things about people.

But Ever liked him.

"Uh, uh , uh!" Damian said pointing at Ever to get in the back.

They drove in silence. Ever wasn't really in the mood for hard rock but he needed a little distraction. The past week had been really shitty. Every time he ran into Andy his heart would thud painfully and his stomach would drop.

Even the fact that she was pissed at Damian didn't cheer him up. Though he didn't know why she was mad at him, Damian hadn't wanted to tell him. Ever guessed it had something to do with his cousin's man whore ways. but who knew?

And then the last visit to Violet still scarred his heart. He wished he could take her out of there, he'd take care of her and make her better. But Ever's mom thought it'd be best to keep her in there under a watchful eye. Sometimes he hated his mom for keeping her in there, letting Violet waste away and not even visiting her.

But he knew his mom felt really bad and he guessed she didn't need a constant reminder of the pain in her life. Some day though, Violet was gonna get better, Ever knew it, but she couldn't do it in there.


Ever looked up and saw Lara White climbing into the seat next to him.

"Er, hi" Ever replied trying to make it obvious that she repulsed him.

Being the dimwit that Lara White was she didn't catch on to his tone and giggled something in Brittany's ear from behind.

Both Brittany and Lara were dressed in skanky clothes. Lara was in a short strapless bubblegum pink dress that fit her oddly. Ever guessed that it was supposed to cling off her and emphasize her curves but Lara White didn't have any curves. She looked rather like a bottle of Pepto Bismol and Ever had a hard time resisting blurting that out.

Brittany Barnes, though, was in a sparkly red tube-top that barely managed to hold in her humongous breasts let alone cover anything else. The bottom half of her wore a leather black skirt that was only about four inches long.

Not to mention they were both wearing foot long heels.

Just great.

Through the ride he'd managed to tune out off the trio's mindless chatter. But when they arrived at the arena Lara immediately grabbed hold of his hand.

What the hell was with this girl??

Unfortunately he couldn't shake her off so Ever had to be dragged into the arena by an eighty pound girl.

Pathetic much?

The place was full though, he noticed, practically all the seats were filled but the cool thing about this place was that there was a section around the stage were you could just stand and dance. The floor was lowered so that the people who were sitting could still see (mostly old people that were only here for charity).

Lara led Ever there were there were already tons of teens mulling around sending excited vibes everywhere.

At once Lara started babbling about who knows what; Everard wasn't listening, his eyes were wandering off boredly.

That's when he saw her.

Ever's heart thudded rapidly, his stomach flipped several times, and he actually stopped breathing for several seconds.

Andy looked beautiful, more than that she looked hot. She was wearing a purple and black corset top that showed off a lot of her that Ever had never seen. It was fitted tightly around her chest and torso but had a triangle cutout that showed her usually hidden pierced bellybutton. Her shoulders were bare but a purple veil hung lightly from them. Then on the bottom she had on a sexy Gothic black skirt with waves that flowed around her thighs as she moved.

Ever had to smile then, because on her feet she wore her ratty old black converse with mismatched laces that seemed out of place with the rest of her. Somethings never changed.

Then he noticed she was fighting with a little kid. He wasn't exactly little, though, Ever thought, slightly intimidating actually. The kid had rugged dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. He even had snakebites!

Ever had always wanted them but his mom didn't approve and besides, it's not like he needed another way to get hurt and he bet it hurt like hell if they were ever ripped off.

But anyways Andy was tugging on a big black hoodie that the kid was resisting to give to her.

Ever briefly wondered if the kid was some kind of punk but then he watched Andy growl at him pointing at her chest and the kid laughed saying what looked like 'no' .

Ever guessed this kid had dressed her up like this by the way Andy crossed her arms on her chest glaring at the jacket, obviously wanting to use it to cover her.

He laughed and somehow Andy's eyes flickered over to him suddenly.

Ever froze watching as joy flashed into her pretty dark blue eyes, then they cringed with regret and embarrassment.

Awesome, thought Ever; she was still embarrassed to have kissed him and obviously regretted every second of it.

But before he could look away and drown himself in Lara's never-ending chatter Andy pursed her shimmery lips and her eyes flickered with determination.

Ever watched nerve-rackingly as she said something to the kid (who looked his way and rolled his eyes at her; murmuring something that earned him a thump on the head) then made her way over to him.

When she reached him, Ever resisted the instinct to cower before her.

They were about the same height but Andy looked like a queen next to him.

Lara noticed her then and her eyes widened at Andy's wardrobe.

"Look what the cat dragged in" Lara snarled with venom but not even she could deny how good Andy looked.

"Oh put a pink sock in it Blondie, or should i say Pepto Bismol?" Andy snapped harshly.

Ever almost laughed, that's what he'd thought.

Lara gasped and ran off offended.

He was scared but when Andy looked back at him she looked more timid.

She cocked an eyebrow at him, "Nice company"

Ever shrugged indifferently, "She was your best friend"

"I guess" she shrugged also, looking away.

He started getting more anxious, what did she want? Because she obviously wanted something. Was she gonna order him to stay from her? or what?

Finally she spoke but she didn't sound mad, "Look Ever, I'm sorry"

"For what?" Everard responded automatically.

"Oh don't make me say it," she whined, "For kissing you, alright?"

"You made that clear already" Ever murmured pathetically.

Andy looked confused "Why are you upset? Were you okay with me kissing you??"

Ever rubbed his arm nervously, "I didn't think anything of it" he lied, "You were drunk. I know you didn't mean it."

Unexpectedly she flung her arms around him, "Really?! oh my gosh and I'd been hallucinating that you'd be majorly uncomfortable around me after that! That's why i didn't want to face you! Oh Ever! I missed you so much!"

The weight that had been pressing upon his heart lifted and suddenly he felt over-joyed as the words sunk in.

Andy hadn't hated him, she'd been worried he hated her!

Ever hugged her back inhaling her pepperminty scent gratefully, "I thought you'd thought that of me?"

She brought back her face but didn't let go of him, "No way! Dude, your my best friend!" She laughed, her eyes shining with relief.

They grinned at each other and she looked so pretty that Ever had a hard time not kissing her.

Wouldn't that be a mood spoiler?

But he was very aware of their bodies pressed together in the hug.

It sparked him like an electric current every time Andy's exposed flesh touched him.

Ever pulled away not wanting to get turned on, which was pretty effing hard right now.

"I missed you, too. Y'know you kind of look like royalty right now" He blurted out.

Andy laughed, "How so?"

"Well your all commanding and stuff" Ever nodded. suddenly Andy took on a British accent. "Then bow before me peasant!"

He laughed and did as he was told, "Your majesty, this poor slave would like to know how Sir. Damian of Jerkville offended thee"

Andy's eyes narrowed but she kept her character, "Sir. Damian the Dimwit told thee that he was in love with her after the bloody commoner dressed thee in revealing maids clothes!" she said outraged.

Ever swallowed nervously, "What?"

"Oh yes, dear Everard of the servants, and he attempted to defile my royal lips! Your Queen told him he was bloody mental and then if you shall believe it, he took back his words!"

"No!" Ever gasped though he could actually imagine that happening.

She patted his shoulder comfortingly, "Do not worry I shall deal with him soon enough"

Ever grinned, "Shall i clean the guillotine?"

Andy gasped, "Ever! How dare you?! Of course not! The bloodier the merrier i say!"

Then they both laughed, "i think this is getting a bit murderous" Ever said.

Andy grinned, "Yeah, I'm just glad I've got you back"

She cared about him, he realized.

A lot.

He grimaced internally, Great, that isn't gonna make this whole I'm-in-love-with-you-but-you-love-me-like-a-gay-best-friend issue any easier!

But right then and there, it didn't really matter, as long as Ever got to have Andy around in some form it was all alright.
♠ ♠ ♠
In a perfect world, all the geeks get the girl.