Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

An Injection of Sulfuric Acid,

The concert was amazing, nearly everyone was dancing even if they didn't like rock. They started off with Best of Me, which i think was my favorite.

"I'm sorry, it's all that i can say, you mean so much.."

It felt like things had worked out in the end. Not to sound cheesy, of course.

"Oh hey!" i exclaimed to Jasper as we made our way out. He looked at Ever who was by my side and muttered, "Douche"

I rolled my eyes, for some reason Jasper really disapproved of Ever.

"Ever, this is Jasper, my Lil bro"

"You have a brother?"

I laughed, "Well not biologically. In spirit mostly. His mom's the cougar lady."

Ever grimaced but Jasper remained indifferent, "Hey ima take a ride with a friend and sleep over"

I nodded then he threw my hoodie at me before he left, "Call me if you need anything!"

As i put it on gratefully, i beamed at Ever, "Wasn't it bad ass?" i was super happy and a strange fuzzy warm feeling kept running through me.

He yawned grinning, it'd kind of lasted five hours, "Definitely"

We walked out where teenagers were still hanging around.

"Who'd you come here with?" i asked.

"Damian" he answered bitterly, "He brought Lara White and Brittany Barnes"

I groaned, "Typical"

"Speak of the devil.." Ever murmured and i looked towards were he was looking at. Damian, Brittany-the-bitch, and backstabbing Lara were walking over to us.

Lara looked annoyed, Brittany looked pissed and I'm guessing that's cause Damian was checking my body out through my unzipped jacket.

Just great.

"Hey, Cuz, We're leaving, you coming?" Damian asked still staring at me.

Brittany put her arm around his waist territorially and Lara came bounding over to Ever's side; Her pink dress flowing in the wind making her look like a circus tent.

"Yea, Pandora, you should just go" She smiled with fake sincerity.

What the hell was her fucking problem?! I thought, annoyed to death, seriously! Ever since the party she'd been totally fucking pissed at me!

What the hell had i fucking done that night, other than kiss Ev...

Understanding shocked me, rooting me to the spot.

No. i thought horrified, but as i watched Lara bat her eyelashes at Ever. it confirmed my thoughts.

She always did that to guys she liked! or as i called them, her next victims.

I should've known, oh god, how more oblivious could i be?? She'd been weird even before the party and always when it involved Ever! Lara had even told me she had a crush on someone i knew! Who else did i know besides her, Ever, Damian, and Brittany?!

And in art! I'd stupidly passed off her jealousy as jealousy for our friendship! which was totally retarded because she didn't care about our friendship!

That's when the complete words fell in my mind and made it real.

Lara liked Ever.

And that's when i realized I was SO not okay with that.

A strange anger filled me. It burned ten times worse than my pissed-offness at Damian, which i hadn't known to be possible. It was like Sulfuric Acid was running through my veins.

MINE! My mind seemed to scream at Lara.

"Ha, sorry, Lara, I offered to give Ever a ride" I said calmly and coldly, interrupting whatever Ever was saying.

The atmosphere suddenly turned as cold and thick as ice cream as me and Lara glared at each other.

Ever looked uncomfortable, Brittany looked slightly triumphant, and Damian was starring at both of us thrilled as if hoping for a fight.

"No" Lara said impassively, "Damian brought him. He can certainly take hm back."

I thought i saw her move to grab Ever but i stepped in front of him protectively, "Nah, it wouldn't cause me any trouble."

We glared at each other for a long while until Ever broke the tension with an awkward laugh, "Uh, D, ima go with Andy, hope you don't mind"

Then he pulled me away because for some reason i was resisting leaving, wanting any excuse to punch Lara White's pretty little whorey face into hamburger meat.

Ever stopped when we couldn't see them anymore; we were now behind some large green van and i had to stop myself from kicking it from all the pent up anger i had.

"What was THAT??" Ever asked half amused, half afraid.

I breathed trying to calm myself, "That? Oh that was nothing"

"Andy, you nearly massacred Lara!" he exclaimed, "And i wasn't aware you'd offered to take me home?"

He cocked an eyebrow at me and I snapped, "Fine! Go back to them!"

I seriously didn't know why i was so angry, i just knew Lara couldn't have Ever! He was MY best friend. He was MINE. Not HERS. MINE!

I growled and turned to leave but Everard caught my arm, "I don't want to go with them! I just don't know why your so pissed?"

His touch calmed me a bit but the sulfuric acid still burned in me and i needed more reassurance than that.

I looked into his warm concerned hazel brown eyes. Ever was the most genuine person I'd ever met, he was an original and I'd seen way too many guys destroy themselves over Lara, I just couldn't let that happen to him. Not to mention that my mind kept screaming "MINE".

I sighed and gulped, trying to keep my voice neutral, "Ever, um, do you like Lara? Sorry for sounding so middle school" i murmured.

Ever stood silent for a whole minute, "You're serious?"

I nodded afraid of what i was gonna hear. Well maybe it wouldn't be so bad. (MINE). I mean Lara isn't that bad. (MINE). We would still be best friends. (MINE)

"No, no, no, Andy. He is MINE, and i will kill you if you let Lara take him" My mind seemed to say.

Boy, my mind is dramatic... And violent.

Then he burst out laughing.

I stared, bewildered, "Why are you laughing??"

Ever wiped the tears that had come from his eyes for laughing so hard. "B-b-because, that's th-the most redi-diculous question I've ever heard!" he chuckled.

I glared.

Everard sobered up, "Of course not, i told you from day one when you made me try to get along with her. Lara White is a dimwit"

My mind calmed down a bit. "Good boy, sit" i said to it.

Maybe i am losing it.

Then he stared accusingly at me, "And you're asking because..?"

"Cuz, it's obvious Lara likes YOU!"I exclaimed.

Ever gasped, "Nuh-uh!? Gosh, i could've NEVER figured that out! I mean, when she practically crawled into my lap on the way here i just thought she was being friendly! Gosh darn!"

"Drop the sarcasm" I ordered.

He cocked an eyebrow at me, "What i meant was, SO? SO Lara White likes me, why are you mad at that??"

I had the sudden urge to blush, (what the hell is up with my adrenaline these days??), but i told my blood vessels to cool it and answered, "Because I've seen what Lara does to guys. I don't want that to happen to you" I sniffed falsely, trying to make it less serious, "You're my bestie!!"

Then i threw my arms around him emphasizing the joking mood. He smelled like chocolate as always and i inhaled deeply before stepping back.

Ever was looking at me like he was questioning my competence, "You DO know I'm not gay, right??"

I laughed feeling weightless suddenly, and daringly winked at him him before making my way to my car, "Oh silly Ever, that's what makes it all the more fun"
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The assumption song on youtube, check it out :)