Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

I Shall Conquer Your Boxers!

"By the way, Fucker Jr. needs more diapers, can I borrow some?" I asked as I drove onto Ever's street.

"Sure" he answered, "Where's the baby, anyway?"

"Oh, he's at home" I answered non nonchalantly, not wanting to admit I'd taken out Fucker's batteries and had thrown him into my closet when i got home from school yesterday.

Ever looked at me suspiciously through his bangs that had found their way to his face as he had slept.

Not to sound like a perv but he looked so adorable asleep! His head had lolled lightly on my shoulder, his hair tickling my cheek and Ever's lips had been slightly parted emitting cute soft snores.

Of course, he had freaked out when he woke up, saying some nonsense about girls being the ones that fell asleep on guys shoulders. Blah, blah, blah.

I hadn't listened to him really, not even now was I listening; I was still glancing every now and then to Ever's cute disheveled hair.

"Are you even listening, Andy??"

I blinked, "Oh, um, yeah, something about prostitutes, right?"

He stared dumbfounded at me, then thumped his forehead, "Why do i even try?" he shook his head.

I laughed childishly, we had gone back to our idiotic arguments, "Because I'm awesomeness?"

"That's not even a word" Ever pointed out.

"Says who?" I challenged.

"Says Merriam-Webster"

"Who the hell is that??"

Ever sighed but couldn't hide his grin, "Never mind"

I pulled up to his house and Ever got off, "I'll bring you the diapers, stay here"

He said the last two words with such affliction that I just had to defy him and follow a few seconds later. The inside of Ever's house was the same but it was filled with a yummy aroma of freshly baked banana nut bread.

The door slammed behind me then.

"Ev, is that you, Hun?" called a pleasant voice from the kitchen. I had just started thinking of what to reply when a woman appeared before me.

She was shorter than me but that didn't limit her model features. She had long thin legs and arms, her skin a bronze warm color, with a small waist. The laugh lines around her bright hazel eyes and ruby red lips classified her as middle aged. Her hair was a warm light brown and was in a curly up-do. She also gave off a friendly delicate aura.

I recognized her from the family portrait in the living room!

The lady was taken aback by my presence but quickly gave me a welcoming smile.

"Well, hello, dear!" she beamed at me, "I'm Joyce, Ever's mom, are you a friend of his?"

I gulped glad that I had an over-sized jacket to cover my indecent outfit, "Yeah, I'm Andy Night"

"So your Andy, i can finally place a face to the name!" She chuckled, "Come in to the kitchen, Dear"

Ever's mom led me to the huge dining area and over to the bar that separated the kitchen from the dining room. She instructed me to sit on one of the stools whilst she brought me some homemade chocolate chip cookies and ice cold milk.


"Ev's told me a lot about you" She smiled.

"Does it involve me being a ranting maniac?"

"Afraid not"

"Then I have no idea what lies he's been telling you"

Ever's mom chuckled and ran about making dinner. Then Ever came bounding down the stairs staring horrified when he spotted me.

"Andy, what are you doing?! I told you to wait in the car!" He whined waving the pack of diapers wildly in his hand.

Mrs. Grace tutted at her son with her hands sternly on her hips whilst i giggled, "Ev, be a dear and sit down." Then she laughed, "You've talked so much about Andy that i wanna get to know he as well."

Ever blushed madly, grimacing but did as he was told and sat next to me, stealing one of my cookies. I growled at him but he ignored me looking a bit nauseous for some reason.

"Would would like to stay for dinner?" She asked me.

"No" Ever said.

"Yes" i replied ignoring him and texted my dad quickly that i was gonna stay at a friends.

Mrs. Grace started up a conversation about my dad then, said she had known him when he was younger and had always known he'd be a great writer someday.

I kept waiting to hear her say, "it's a shame that he sired you so young" or "Poor him, having to give up his life to raise a child of sin" like everyone always said but surprisingly Mrs. Grace just beamed. She said she loved his articles on 'The Do's and Dont's When Having a Teen In The House', said they were outrageously helpful. I did my best to not roll my eyes.

Then a timer rang and Mrs. Grace smiled at us, "Go on up and freshen up, Dears, I'll call you down when I've gotten supper ready"

We did. Then Ever stopped at his room to deposit the baby diaper's which wouldn't be needed for a long while.

Everard's room was cool, blue walls and a black ceiling. The floor was covered by a black carpet and his bed was as huge as mine; covered by black sheets and pillows along with black Gothic bear.

I jumped on his bed giggling, "I like your mom's cookies."

His bed was so comfortable and the rest of his room looked like it too; i just wanted to close my eyes and sleep.

"D'you think your mom'll let me sleep over?" I asked randomly.

"Possibly" he shrugged leaning against the door frame, "She, like you, will probably forget that I'm a GUY and your a GIRL. And that, according to ancient laws, it's unholy to sleep together unless we'd be wed" though he was trying for a serious look his lips had started to pull up at the corners.

I rolled my eyes, " 'S not like we're gonna do anything, Captain Obvious."

I could tell Ever had started thinking of the stupid kiss, "Gimme a break, Ever, i was under the influence" i rolled my eyes sitting up.

He laughed, "Whatever.. How come you don't wanna go home? That lazy?"

"Cuz Jasper's not there and it's weird when i don't have him to distract me from the fact that the Cougar and my dad are sleeping in me same room.." I shivered to emphasize the disgust, but on the inside I was sad, I hadn't wanted to admit that.

"Then your welcome here" Ever said quickly, "But I get the pillows"

I grinned at him feeling better, "You got music?" I asked happily.

Ever nodded walking over to his iPod speaker thingy and pressed play. I laughed as i looked at the violent posters covering the walls, "The American Revolution? French Revolution? Civil War? Seriously, Ever, History of all things??"

He shrugged with a cool grin walking back to his place against the door frame, "History's bad-ass, wars are WAY manlyer than stupid fake wrestling"

I rolled my eyes then i heard the song coming out, "OH, EM, GEE" i squealed like a girl, "Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings!!"

"...Check yes Juliet, are you with me? Rain is falling down on the sidewalk. I won't go until you come outside...?"

I couldn't help it, I started jumping around, singing to the lyrics.

"What are you doing?" Ever laughed over my horrid singing.


"That's dancing??" he laughed sarcastically but I was way too hyped up so I actually grabbed Ever's hand dragging him over to dance with me.

At first he just stood there awkwardly but I kept bugging him so he fell in step with me doing crazy moves.

"...Lace up your shoes (ay oh, ay oh).Here's how we do. Run, baby, run.Don't ever look back. They'll tear us apart if you give them the chance...!" I sang as we did something that resembled the Egyptian, "Run Baby Run!! Don't ever look back!"

We were laughing our asses off when it ended trying to do the waltz but failing miserably, "Play that again!" I commended.

Ever doubled over, "Oh please, dear god no! the horrible singing! It makes my ears bleed!!" he yelled.

"What!" I exclaimed taking on a stiff posture and gasping, "How dare you, servant!"

Ever played along "Please your majesty, no more, I'll clean out the pigs sty if you'll just shut your mouth!"

I screamed outraged, "You have offended the queen! Off with your head!!"

"Please, your majesty! I have four kids and three wives!!" he begged falling to his knees.

"Liar! I know you have not! Only a measly dog that will be better off without you!" I growled keeping a straight face, "Off with your head!"

Ever started mock-sobbing grabbing onto my shins, "No!"

"Get off me you filthy--ahh" i lost my footing and fell.


I had a sudden wave of deja vu but I didn't know why, "Sorry!" i laughed trying to find a way off him but when I'd fallen I'd extended my arms in front of me to catch my fall so now they were trapped in between our bodies.

Ever laughed, "Nice, Andy, I think your friends get even more injured than your enemies do"


3rd Person

Ever lay there under Andy chuckling at the irony.

"I resent that!" She growled trying to get off him. The movements, Ever noted, made her hips contact with his. He felt strange, especially when her skin brushed his, a weird thrill started running through Ever's body making the tiny hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

Aw, shit.

He was getting majorly turned on, great, he was turning into as much of as a pervert as D.

"Um, Andy, care to get off me?" Ever said interrupting her fit of laughter at who knows what, already his voice was getting rougher.

And Andy wanted to sleep in his house?! Does she know what the thought of having a girl (no less their crush) sleeping in the same room does to teenage boys his age?? I mean, Ever can barely resist her during the day, as it is!

But finally she managed to push herself off him.


She had bruised his chest. Andy stood and helped him stand, "I'm sorry!" but she couldn't stop beaming, probably glad to not have to go home.


They ate dinner; whilst Andy and Ever's mom chatted, Ever stayed quiet. He was waiting for it; for when his mom would go way overboard with the motherliness like she always did and Andy would realize how weird his family was and run away.

Jenny did. The next day she'd broken up with him, calling him a freak and his mom an over-bearing psychopath. Of course, he hadn't mentioned that to his mom; he lied and said they just had a conflict interest, but he almost wished he had so she'd cool it with the mom stuff.

Strangely, though, Andy seemed enthralled by his mom. And of course his mom immediately loved Andy like Ever knew she would, not even hesitating in agreeing to her proposal of sleep over.

By the time both of them went back up stairs, Andy was calling his mom Joyce.

"Why are you so silent?" Andy asked sitting on his bed once again.

Ever leaned on his door frame shrugging a bit suspicious, "Doesn't my mom come off too over-bearing? It doesn't bother you how motherly she is?" he asked with a grimace.

Andy stared at him incredulously with a hurt look in her eyes, " Ever, in case you hadn't noticed, my mother is dead. So, no; your mom is not to motherly, as if I would know what that feels like"

Suddenly he felt like such a jack ass, "I-I forgot, I'm really sorry"

She shook her head sadly, "You should appreciate your mom more" and before he could say anything she stepped out.

"Idiot!" Ever murmured thumping his head. Then sighing he got out some green pajama bottoms and a 'You Suck' black, vampire shirt. He slipped into his bathroom to shower wondering how he was supposed to sleep only inches away from Andy?

He popped out his clear contacts; Ever had finally gotten them this year, no more "Four eyes" from Damian. Too bad he couldn't call him "Mr. Chubby" like he used to when they were little.

Ever took an ice cold shower purposely, to calm his stupid hormones. When he came out he was shivering like crazy but at least that put a downer on his little buddy.


I wandered down the stairs to where Joyce sat in the living room watching the late night news. My head was still buzzing from Ever's insult towards her.

Joyce seemed like the best mom in the world, especially to someone who didn't have a mother, and he was ashamed of her, seriously??

I sat down beside her and she smiled at me warmly, "Do you want some more banana bread?" She offered kindly.

"No thanks" I smiled patting my stomach through my zipped up jacket, "Still full"

She looked at my jacket, "Hun, you can borrow some of Ev's jimjams if you'd like?" then she laughed her radiant laugh, "I'd lend you some of mine but I'm afraid I sleep in my birthday suit"

I chuckled, Ever would probably be mortified if he'd heard that, "Sure"

She stood up and I followed her to the laundry room. Joyce grabbed a nearby laundry basket with freshly washed guy clothes, "Take your pick. The bathrooms up the stairs down the hall and the first door to your right."

Joyce smiled then disappeared. I looked through the basket wanting to find something comfortable looking, like what I usually wore to bed.

Alas; a pair of Ever's boxers that had cute hearts on the black material and one of his many non-conformity t-shirts. This one was black and had 'That's what she said' in red which I found ironic since I'd be wearing it.

I stepped out of the room and bounded up the stairs, being the backwards person that I was I ended up opening the first door to my left but before I could close it, my curiosity got the better of me.

The room was as big as Ever's and comfy looking as well. The walls were splashed multicolor on a black canvas. The carpet was pink, though the rest of the room clearly clarified whoever slept here certainly disliked that color.

It belonged to girl, I could tell, but she was a major punk. Black covered mostly everything and so did red. She even had a bad-ass bass guitar leaning on one of the walls which looked antique.

But something about the room screamed that it hadn't been used in a long time. I stepped inside exploring it and noticed the pictures on the walls; they were of the bespectacled boy and rockish girl that were down stairs, but in these they were always together. They looked really happy and playful.

I smiled but then the unoccupied-ness of the room got to me and I left and went to the restroom. Letting the hot water run I thought about the small girl. She was Ever's sister, that much i could tell, but I hadn't seen her. I wondered where she was, maybe I could ask Ever?

I decided against it, what if she was dead or something? Ever would tell me if he needed to.

I peeled off my jacket and skanky clothing, as well as the clips in my bangs.

Climbing into the hot water I let it wash away all the make up and hairspray as well as the stress and mixed emotions of the day.

I'd taken along time, I noted, for the lights in the hall way had already been turned off. I tiptoed silently to Ever's room, feeling a strange thrill to be wearing his clothes.

When I got there I chuckled quietly, Ever was sprawled on the bed over the covers, having been waiting for me, but consequently falling asleep.

I dropped my clothes on the side of the bed and sat on it, "Ever?" I called trying to get him to get up so I could get the covers from under him.

He snorted and mumbled, "The redcoats are coming!"

I chuckled, he was such a dork, but aw, he looked all innocent, so I grabbed the blanket at the foot of the bed and covered us both with it, then I clapped once and the lights turned off.


Ding dong.


Ding dong!



"Alright already!"

I groaned as I tried to roll over but hit something warm and soft.

I opened my eyes confused, ah Everard, I'd rolled onto him by mistake, thinking I was in my room. But he took no notice, just kept on snoring softly.


Growling I got off the bed and went downstairs, "I'm coming!!" I yelled wondering if Joyce had gone to work or something.


I opened the door prepared to tell off whoever it was, but instead I laughed; before me stood a very disgruntled Damian, his hair was stuck up at all sides and his eyes were barely half open. But the funny part was that he was half-naked, dressed in his boxers.

"Mum said if you had any---" Then his eyes widened as he noticed me, "Andy???"

I yawned, "'S my name, don't wear it out, you need something?" I asked with a touch of bitterness, I was still angry at him after all.

Damian was still staring at Ever's clothing on me questionably, "Were you two...??"

I sighed and thumped his head grumbling, "Can't a girl and a boy be friends without there being sex involved?"

Damian looked at me like I was speaking a different language.

"I don't wanna talk to you, Playboy, so tell me what you want or ima slam the door in your pretty little model face" I rolled my eyes.

He looked at me up and down but before he could say anything I slammed the door in his pretty little model face.


3rd Person

"Forward-March!" Ever yelled suddenly and awoke hearing a doorbell ring downstairs.

He yawned for a long time then finally got up wanting his mom's daily freshly baked coffee cake.

Food was all that he was thinking of so imagine the shock he received when he came down the stairs and found Andy wearing his clothes while munching on said coffee cake.

Some part of his mind reminded him that she'd slept over, but for the most part Ever could only think about the fact that she was wearing his clothes.

Andy turned, spotted him and smiled, "Dang your mom's baking is good."

She grinned like an angel. A naughty angel.

"Uh" Was all that Ever could come up with. Andy cocked an eyebrow at him questionably, "You okay? You look kind of feverish"

Ha, more like a full blown heat stroke! He thought but managed to control himself, "Um yea, I'm great. Who was at the door?"

Andy shrugged while he took a seat next to her on a bar stool, "Oh, y'know, annoying people asking for donations."

Everard couldn't make sense of what she'd said, so he just went along with it, trying not to pry upon her bare long legs.

Dammit! He needed to stop this, Andy was supposed to be like a sister to him! Gosh, what was wrong with him?

"By the way thanks for the pj's, your mom offered," she smiled joyfully and Ever laughed.

"Of course"
♠ ♠ ♠
Bowling For Soup is the greatest band ever<3