Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

The Calm Before The Storm,

After all that drama in the past couple of weeks it was really nice to have a peaceful week. Sure I was still mad at D, and Fucker Jr. bugged the crap out of me but now that I had Ever back it was all good. While he was at my side Lara kept away knowing she couldn't compete with our friendship.

And it was relaxing at home even though the cougar was here most everyday, I had Jasper to keep me company and distract me.

It was pretty good.







"GRR" I growled and reluctantly sat up to answer my cellphone. I threw a pillow at Jasper who was so not asleep, that little faker, "I'm listening"

"It's me Ever"

"Rawr, Ever, what the eff do you effing want?? It's like three a.m!"

"Andy, it's eleven a.m"

"Blah" I countered rationally.

"Um, anyways, there's this pool party going on like at two, wanna come?" he asked nervously.

"Pool party? In February?! I'm freezing!" I shivered to emphasize my words.

I could hear him laugh through the phone, "Andy, do you have AC?"

"Duh, who does--Oh" I looked up and saw the air vent blowing straight at my face.

"Exactly and anyways it'll be fun!" His excitement sounded forced.

"Wait, where's it at?" I asked suspiciously.

Ever paused a long while, "Er... At Damian's..."

"Wait, what??" I exclaimed, "No way am I going then!"

"Please!" Everard begged desperately, "You think I do?? My mom's making me! I don't want to be there bored to death.. you always make things more exciting.. and mom said she wanted you to come too, you and your dad actually, I thought you said you liked her?? That's not fair Andy, c'mon--"

I interrupted his rambling, "Fine but don't expect me to bring a bikini."

He laughed, "Wouldn't dream of it, you'd probably punch"

"Your right. So I'll see you there, "

"Okay, bye"

"Oh and Ever?"


"Wake me up before noon on a weekend ever again and I will decapitate you" I threatened in a low voice and then added sweetly, "By the way, tell your mum I said hi"


Three hours later we were headed for Ever's. Jasper and the cougar were coming too. I didn't mind it 'cause she was wearing actual clothes and not some skanky bikini. Jasper, though, was wearing only black swimming trunks, perfectly okay with showing of the rest of his body. I on the other hand had on a large white t-shirt over my Black two-piece.

The parentals were talking to themselves whilst me and Jasper chatted semi-quietly.

"Show a little skin, will you?" he mused poking at my stomach where my belly button piercing was located.

I scoffed, "As if, I'm not even planning on going into the water"

Jasper rolled his eyes, "Don't suppose you'll be hanging with him all day?" he pointed at Fucker Jr whom was fast asleep in my arms.

"Nope, he's going with my other partner."

Jasper smirked at me, "So you're just coming cuz that Ever dude asked you to?"

"What are you insinuating?" I grumbled narrowing my eyes at him.

"Oh, y'know, " he shrugged nonchalantly, "That you'd do anything for him, even walk to the end of the Earth" he sang, " Because you wuv him!"

He made kissy faces at me and I flicked his ear, "You are such annoying little brother!"

Jasper grinned, "And you are such a lovestruck hormonal older sister"

We laughed, then the car stopped. We were here.

The street was lined with cars and there was people walking behind Ever's house, I noted, as we got off; a lot of adults as well as teens.

"Hey, i know this place" Jasper said as I placed Fucker Jr. under the seat, I didn't need people passing by thinking I had a baby.


I looked over and saw Joyce greeting Sherry and my dad. She beamed at them warmly saying something to my dad that made him blush and I laughed.

"Isn't this...?" Jasper murmured but I wasn't really listening to him, mostly fixated on Joyce's movement toward me when she spotted me. She smiled brightly and enveloped me in her arms; Joyce, like her son, had the ability to make people feel safe in her arms.

"Andy! I'm so glad you could make it! Ever'll be glad to see you, dear"

"Thanks, Joyce, this is Jasper, my dad's girlfriend's son"

She let me go and rushed to hug him. I laughed; Jasper's eye's were wide with surprise. Guess he wasn't used to caring mothers.

"Follow me" She said then, the parentals had already left and were now hanging out with the other adults in Joyce's backyard.

There was a handsome older man who was the center of attention; he was cooking hamburgers and hotdogs on a grill whilst laughing joyfully and chatting with everyone. The man had wavy brown hair, sparkling brown eyes, and a radiant smile. He was pretty normal except for having a tall blonde beauty wrapped in his arms.

Damian's parents, I guessed, though it was weird how a woman like that could settle with a man like him. Damian's dad was, from what i could tell, a happy-go-lucky average guy. His mom was the extravagant one. She even had on diamonds and gold jewelry and expensive brand clothes.

I shook my head, who knew?

As we got closer I could see past Ever's lawn into Damian's. "Go on, have fun" Joyce said and ran off to hang with the other parentals.

Damian's yard was like freakin hotel yard. I almost expected a waiter to come and offer me something in french. Damian had a really big pool, which was where all the teenagers were mulling around in, talking and playing beach ball. Toward the side was a large jacuzzi and bar with drinks and stuff. Then I noticed at the opposite end was a pretty garden with one tall tree. It had a tree house and upon it was a young boy looking at the party going on wistfully with a pout.


I looked back and found Ever in front of me. He was in green swimming trunks and a loose jade green shirt.

He grinned his half smile brightly then looked at Jasper, "Hey, little dude"

"Bye, big boy" Countered Jasper then ran off in the direction of the tree house. Ah how offensive that kid was.

Me and Ever walked over to some lawn chairs by the pools edge. I lied down and tilted my head back to soak up some of the sun's nutrients. I was terribly pale so might as well take advantage of times like this; me being outside: which only happened like two times a year.

"You look pretty by the way" Ever said spontaneously. I cocked an eyebrow at him curiously, "Delusional, much? I'm in a huge elephant sized shirt. Not wearing an ounce of make up and I barely even combed my hair??"

Ever chuckled taking off his T as he got ready to dive, "The fact that you don't TRY to look pretty makes you pretty" he nodded knowledgeably.

He dived and I rolled my eyes calling "Delusional!!" after him as he swam away.

I lay my head back again and breathed deeply listening to the music and singing with it, "-Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end. Oh well, i guess, we're gonna pretend, Let's see how far we've come, Let's see how far we've come.."

I smiled remembering that it was was the song me and Ever bonded over, that day in Health.

"You sing pretty."

I looked back up, Damian and some chick were standing before me, "What's wrong with you people?? PRETTY well never relay to me as long as I live" I grumbled, "And what do you want?"

Damian frowned like if he hadn't expected me to reject his comment, but the girl next to him cracked a smile. She seemed nice. No cruelty in her pretty electrifying blue eyes. She also had long black hair like me, except hers looked nearly blue in the sunlight. She was around five, four, short but slim and poke-able looking. And that's a compliment coming from me.

I didn't recognize her from my school nor my grade although she looked sixteen as well and I guessed she went to the boarding school north of Lincoln's Pass, Lincoln Prep it was called.

"You do not take compliments well do you?" Damian mumbled with pursed lips.

"Nope now go away" I commanded bitterly adding nicely to the girl, "You can stay though, if you'd like"

The girl smiled and sat on Ever's used-to-be seat, "Thanks, I'm Mindy Winters."

"Andy Night" I nodded.

Damian rolled his eyes at us crossing his arms over his bare chest, "What do you have against me??"

"Hm, I wonder" I said sarcastically, "Could it be that you're a self-absorbed jackass? Gee, of course not"

Mindy giggled and Damian sighed running his fingers through his slightly damp gorgeous brown hair. Although I truly didn't want to, my eyes roamed the rest of his body.

He was in a pair of loose dark-blue (expensive looking) trunks. Although he was slim and lean, he had a well developed body for a sixteen year old. Damian's chest looked hard and his abdomen had a layer of healthy abs. His shoulders looked strong and his arms even had muscles. Damian's skin had a nice glow to it, not a tan exactly, just like healthy sun kissed skin; right now it was coated slightly with water making him look almost godlike.

I hated to admit it but even his smile (a usually cocky grin) appealed to me, in fact I could almost lean in and...


"Huh??" The totally unexpected word shocked me out of my gaze.

"I'm sorry" Damian repeated earnestly, "Y'know, for doing what i did"

I looked at him for a long while as he stared back and Mindy just sat there awkwardly. He nervously fingered a shark tooth pendent than hung around his neck.

Suddenly I was angry,"What?!" I stood and towered over him, because he was now seated next to Mindy who looked terrified, "You expect me to accept that?"

"I-I" he stuttered.

"No! Gosh you're a rich spoiled brat who get's everything you want without hesitation" I growled slightly sending an apologetic look towards Mindy who smiled weakly. I stepped away to emphasize my disgust for him.

"Andy-" he reached out and jumped back, "No don't touch--!"


Suddenly there was no floor beneath my feet; water engulfed me. I hadn't been ready for it so I came out coughing.

"You okay?" Mindy asked appearing on the pools edge whilst Damian roared with laughter.

Although the water had cooled my temper for the most part, I wasn't ready to forgive him just yet, "Yeah, watch this" I smirked mischievously at her.

She looked at me with confusion but I ignored her,"Hey, D..." I purred with a low voice.

He stopped laughing and looked at me clearly bewildered at my tone, crouching down at the pools edge like Mindy was, "Yeah?"

"Well I was thinking about..." I led off running my fingers through my wet hair, twirling it flirtatiously. I could feel a lot of people's eyes on me and Damian but I didn't let that get to me, "Y'know, silly!" I giggled, "The kiss we almost had!"

Mindy fell back on her butt in surprise, I guessed she hadn't figured me as that kind of girl, and D stiffened, his lovely brown eyes searching mine with excitement, "What about it?"

I giggled again, hoping I didn't sound too off and kept on twirling my hair, "I dunno, why don't you come find out?" And then I swam closer, suggestively.

His eyes bugged out but he leaned down and I tilted my head up whispering, "Closer". Damian jerked his head forward; our lips only centimeters apart and it seemed like everyone had gone quiet, my mind did. I almost let myself do it, let myself kiss Damian James, but just as his breath touched my lips and he closed his eyes I reached up, grabbed his shark tooth necklace and pulled down, hard.


Everybody who was watching us burst out laughing and so did Mindy as Damian came up spluttering.

"What was that for?" He gasped just as Ever showed up beside me laughing, "Nice"

I shrugged and swam up to the pools edge, taking a seat next to Mindy who was giggling uncontrollably, "You had me going for a second"

"I should be in show-business, don't you think?" I grinned.

Damian rolled his eyes at me but then smirked, "Well at least one good thing came outta this.." he was eyeballing my body. The white shirt had gotten transparent from the water and my black bathing suit stood out boldly from underneath.

"Perv" I muttered taking off my now useless T-shirt, causing him to whistle and Mindy to scowl. Everard smacked his cousin but I wasn't really mad, being the non-debutant that I am, I wasn't usually gawked at. Sue me, but sometimes a girl needs a little attention.

"Well you're forgiven and that was me getting even" I told Damian.

He smiled at me, which was weird because it wasn't tinged with arrogance but before I could react some girls passed behind me;

"--I know, Lara said her dad was a kid when she was born, apparently the freak's just as likely to get prego--"

"--Bet 's why Damian James has taken such a liking to her"

They both giggled.

I wanted so badly to punch them both in the face but from the looks of it mostly everyone around me was talking about the same thing. Whispering and laughing, glancing at me shamelessly. And it was just too much.


3rd Person

Everard watched as Andy ran off. He was angry, how could people say that about her, especially her used-to-be friend?? And it was worse that it was his fault. Lara was jealous and when girls like her get jealous bad things occur.

"Man, she's got a nice---" Ever smacked Damian again, "Seriously dude??" he asked bitterly then he followed her.

Ever still wasn't on speaking terms with Damian but it mattered less with Andy around. The adults noticed nothing as they ran past them, all caught up in drinking beer and joking around.

She paused at his house and took a seat on one of his mom's rocking chairs. Ever did the same staying quiet for a while as Andy started ahead with pursed lips, "Y'know, how ironic is it that I'm like the only virgin in junior year and I'm also the most likely to get pregnant, apparently?"

There was a bitter note to her voice, "I'm a virgin too, " Ever admitted wanting to make her feel better.

Andy laughed, "Yeah, but I'm guessing you cant get pregnant, Ever"

He shrugged, "You never know," he said impassively.

She laughed again, "Nice... Thanks, you always make me feel better"


Ever looked away from Andy's radiant smile to Jasper and Danny.

"Hey" Andy said to them, "I'm guessing your Danny. I didn't know you two were friends?"

"Try best friends, they are so annoying. They shoot at mom's cats at night when Jasper sleeps over" Ever corrected.

"So you knew Jasper before I did?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, though I never knew his name"Ever shrugged wanting them to leave. As mean as it sounded he didn't care, he wanted to be alone with her.

Danny nodded, "And you are the uncatchable fish. Nice to know my brother has something he can't have"

She rolled her eyes, "I am not a thing nor a fish"

Danny and Jasper laughed, "What'd i tell you?" Jasper said to Danny with a knowing grin.

"Boys" Andy scoffed frowning slightly.

They laughed again sharing another insider then sat down.

"Why don't you guys go in the pool?" Ever suggested.

Jasper shot him a contemptuous look, almost warning Ever to keep away from his illegitimate sister, but Danny sighed.

"Damian won't let us" He grumbled, "It's only for highschoolers, apparently"

"What?" Andy exclaimed.

"Yeah" Danny continued, "He even lets the losers from Lincoln Prep in but not his own brother!"

"Stupid purple uniform wearing snobs" Jasper murmured bitterly.

Andy pouted, thinking for a second, "Follow me you two" She said to the smaller boys.

Ever watched as she led them towards her dad's car, opened the door, took out Fucker Jr. and handed it to Danny.

Danny looked at the plastic doll with revulsion but then she whispered something to them and they ran off excitedly.

"Come!" she laughed motioning for Ever to follow.

He complied and they stopped near the fence that separated Ever and Damian's lawns.

Danny and Jasper ran up to Damian who was flirting with the blue-eyes girl that was with him earlier. He looked disgruntled as his little bro and friend came up to him yelling something. Danny held Fucker Jr. over the pool threatening to let go.

Since Fucker still had the speaker system connected to him, it'd mess up if it got wet and Ever was kind of anxious.

But thankfully Damian muttered something and Danny threw him Fucker then jumped into the pool with Jasper trailing behind him.

Andy and Everard laughed, "Real nice" He muttered amused.

She grinned at him and Ever teasingly walked away from her.

"Hey!" she growled, quickly following him, "Oh no you don't!"

Then unexpectedly Andy leaped on Ever's back, "Oomph!"

Although she wasn't the least bit heavy, his knees still wanted to buckle over, the feeling of her body against his was giving him exciting chills.

"Andy" He groaned, concentrating on the sisterly feelings he should have for her instead of this.

She laughed, "What? Am i too heavy? *Gasp* Are you calling me fat, Ever?"

Ever rolled his eyes, but none-the-less she climbed off him and they began to walk back to his porch.


"So.." I said taking a seat on the chair again, "That was Damian's little bro?"

"Yeah" Ever nodded then he laughed, "You probably wouldn't believe it but D was exactly like Danny when we were younger"

I raised an eyebrow, "What happened to him?"


Both of us burst out laughing simultaneously.

Maybe Damian had some potential in him after all?
♠ ♠ ♠
Alex's mom comes out in this chapter!