Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

I'm Dating Your Cousin, But It's Not What It looks Like!

It was weird being friends with Damian James, the weird part wasn't the fake 'dating' but that we got along. I'll admit it was mostly my fault that we didn't at first, the whole crush thing got to me deeper than I actually thought. Pathetically, I had gone with the stupid status quo; freaks and jocks can't get along.

That's how it's always been and I guess I should've given Damian a chance before judging him based on his manwhoryness; there's always good in every person.

"That went well" I laughed as we came out of the caf and headed outside to the football field. I was talking about Damian's friends reactions to, well, me. They literally dropped their jaws. But even more astounding; once they got over the shock of 'ME' they welcomed me like I'd been their friend since kindergarten.

Damian chuckled, flipping his golden brown hair back and smirked at me, "I think they like you" he whispered like it was a crime.

I hadn't wanted to sit with him and the rest of the popular crew, but seeing as Lara wasn't my cafeteria partner anymore i didn't really have a choice and Ms. Robbins had taken over lunch duty, which means she was now watching us with hawk-like eyes.

We agreed on this whole fake relationship and to keep it going for a few weeks, we were gonna keep it on the down-low, but by lunch period everybody knew that Mr. Popular was going out with Ms. Bite Me, though they called me 'The Freak'. I didn't mind it but Damian made them stop calling me that.

In fact he reminded of Ever--


"Hey, where's Ever?" I asked Damian interrupting his talk about Brittany now sitting with the nerds (yeah, it gets better; Lara's there too).

"He didn't come, doctors appointment I think, though he said he was coming back before school ends, said something about wanting to talk to you" Damian shrugged.

How was I gonna explain this to Ever, surely by the time I saw him he'd hear the rumors, but how would he react?

Suddenly my stomach churned feeling guilty, but why should i? I'd be in juvi if I didn't fake go out with Damian. But no matter how much I tried to convince myself that I shouldn't worry, that Ever would understand if I explained it to him, the feeling did not go away.

Finally as I walked to Mr. Opal's class I relaxed a little, Ever hadn't shown up for Art, maybe he wouldn't come and I could go over to his house and tell him, even joke about it with him. I mean, c'mon, Damian and me? Really?

Damian met me along the way putting his hand through mine and smiling at people passing by, whilst I barely managed to walk a straight line. Then we walked in; the other students weren't in their seats. They were surrounding Ever, Damian, and my table.

It was like this morning but no, someone was in the middle, the center of attention and strangely enough by the dark brown hair I could tell it was Everard.

"What's going on?" I asked trying to get to the middle.

Some brunette with braces turned to me giggling excitedly, "It's Ever Grace, he got in a fight! Isn't that so manly?" Then she sighed looking like she might faint.

The bell rung, "Class take your seats," Mr. Opal ordered making the crowd part.

The person in front of me barely even looked familiar, let alone be able to pass as Ever. But it was him, alright. His face was stark white making the scars on his face stand out even more. He had stitches along his forehead that looked like they might burst. One of his eyes was bright purple and black, swollen shut, and the other was bloodshot. There was a huge lump standing out above his ear and his bottom lip had a bloody cut on the side.

I gasped, "What happened to you?" I asked, Ever had been looking at his shoes but when he heard my voice his head shot up and his eyes widened... then narrowed in contempt.

"What happened to YOU?" He snarled back starring at me and Damian's intertwined hands and I saw a glint madness in his hazel eyes.

I let go of Damian's hand and took a seat next to him. Damian did the same, only sitting next to me, and that really wasn't helping.

"I'm serious, Ever, what happened to you, because you certainly were not in a fight" I growled.

"Guess I'm to weak and fragile right?" he hissed back at me, "Little Ever isn't strong enough to fight anyone, not like Damian right?"

"That's not what I said or meant!" I protested, "You're twisting my words! And it isn't what it looks like with me and Damian, I swear!"

He laughed bitterly, "I'm not blind, Andy, nor stupid, for that matter."

But before I could object Mr. Opal hushed us and began his lesson on what tobacco does to our lungs.

The whole class period I was making constant attempts to talk to Ever, but he put on his iPod earphones on midway and ignored me. I hated this. I wanted to yell at him, every time we stopped talking it was a stupid misunderstanding and Ever avoided me.

He was just too stubborn, I knew I was too but I wouldn't loose a friend without putting up a fight, especially when I've only had like three best friends in the course of my life. I couldn't believe he would, without even knowing my side of the story.

At the end of class I finally got really angry and ripped out Ever's earphones, but before I could even get three words out, he rushed off shushing my angry calls by grabbing that brunette's hand and whisking her out of the class.

"Who's that?" I asked Damian, my lips pursed angrily.

"Jenny Miller" Damian shrugged grabbing his school bag and placing his notebook in there next to Fucker Jr. He'd taken off the batteries like I always did, "Ever's ex" he continued when I shot him a confused look.

"Gah, your cousin's an idiot, y'know that?" I groaned while we headed outside

Damian laughed, "Weird, since he's supposed to be the smart one" Then he threw his arm over my shoulder as we passed the principle's office.

"How are you guys related?" I asked out of curiosity.

Damian high-fived some random jock then looked back at me, "Our mom's are sisters... i think... or maybe our dad's are brother's?"

"You think?" I questioned incredulously.

"Well I don't really see Ever's dad around much, he goes away for work and my dad never talks about him"

"But you guys are neighbors!" I objected.

But Damian just shrugged apathetically, leaving me at my car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song of the moment: Mr. Brightside by The Killers :P