Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

Why Am I Always At The Wrong Place, At The Wrong Time?

Walking the streets at night isn't a very good idea, especially for a helpless teenage girl but I decided to risk it, my mind was boiling over with thoughts and confusion.

I mean, the kiss with Jasper was nothing, he and I both knew it but that moment of confusion and "what the fuck?" seemed to overload my poor brain.

And was it even possible to miss a person this much?? It was like Ever left a hole in my heart that I just cant seem to fill completely, no matter what I do. Not to sound like Bella from twilight or anything, that chick had it coming to her for dating a vampire, of all creatures! Personally I'd gone with the werewolf but whatever.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself against the chilly wind, there was a storm coming, you could tell because Gray clouds clouded the moon tonight. I wondered vaguely if my dad would notice I was gone but then laughed at the thought.

Sherry was right, i wasn't his little girl anymore and the sooner I accepted that, the sooner I could think about what to do with this whole predicament. Obviously I wasn't gonna mess with the wedding again; Jasper deserved to see his dad.

I took my phone out and texted Ever (To :)Everr:(11:55) I'm taking a walk. I really wanna talk. Reply plz?) knowing he wasn't gonna text me back, he'd probably blocked me or something, and then an urge hit me to text Damian.

To DamianXD:(11:56) U up, playboy?

I didn't even have to wait that long for a reply.

DamianXD:(11:57) Itz Tuesday night, a school night. What do you think, of course I am! Y? U wanna cum ovr? *wink* XOXO-D

I rolled my eyes but none the less replied with a yes and hurried my pace. The streets were mostly empty and no house had their lights on. As I passed Everard's I vaguely wondered what he was doing, wondering if he was thinking of replying to my text and then I chastised myself, he was asleep, I needed to stop daydreaming idiotic things.

A rustling of the leaves spooked me and I looked around wondering if anyone was here, then I spotted Damian.

He met me up halfway to his house and he shushed me gesturing me to his little brother's tree house.

I raised an eyebrow, "Seriously?"

He narrowed his pretty brown eyes at me and I reluctantly followed him. He climbed up the stairs then I did the same, Damian helping me up when I reached the hole.

The walls were filled with posters of bands and sci-fi books, the floor was littered with other sci-fi books that seemed to have been read billions of time. There were also a lot of journals that I could tell were filled up cover to cover despite the darkness.

"Wow" I said leaning back against the opposite wall Damian was on, "And Danny lets you into this place?"

He grinned at me mischievous, "Nope" Then he help up a key that I hadn't noticed before.

I rolled my eyes, "You should be nicer to your little brother"

Damian yawned, "Whatever, so how come you wanted to see me?"

"YOU invited me over, remember?" I challenged.

"It took you like two minutes to get here, either you ran (which I highly doubt) or you were already out when you texted me" He smirked.

I groaned, "When did you get so smart?"

He shrugged running his thin fingers through his disheveled hair, "Brains AND brawns, isn't that a turn on?"

"You're in rubber duck pj's and fluffy bunny slippers" I grinned, "I don't think that's in the category of "Turn ons" for a girl"

Not that I should be saying anything, I was wearing my usual band T (Forever The Sickest Kids) and a pair of worn and torn The Simpson's pajama bottoms.

But Damian didn't retort, instead he smirked, "In that case" and he took off his pj top. Damn, not even I could disagree that Damian looked majorly hot half naked.

But I rolled my eyes, "Why do you have to take off your clothes??"

"Oh you know you like it" He coaxed nearing closer to me.

"About as much as I like chocolate covered raisins, which is the most disgusting thing ever invented with chocolate" I retorted, but Damian didn't back down, he just kept coming closer while I held my stance. I was so not gonna flinch away; I was stronger than him.

He stopped about an inch from me, "You cant hide it, you want me, you can't resist me" he said with a low teasing voice.

"Watch me" I said with mock surprise and I tried to push him away but obliviously I hadn't noticed the heat burning in his brown eyes. When I touched his bare shoulder it seemed to increase tenfold.

Damian pushed back, planting his lean strong arms on either side of me against the wooden wall, trapping me. He seemed to take in my appearance for a second, staring deeply into my eyes. I seriously didn't know what to do, because this was a turn on as much as I hated to admit it to myself.

And then slowly he leaned in, still staring into my eyes, the fire burning within them but contained for a second, he was trying to tell me I could push him away if i really wanted to though it was gonna hurt him if I did.

I hesitated, what the hell was happening?, and that seemed like an opening to him. Damian gently brushed his lips along mine making my heart beat faster, they were damp and soft, then very slowly he pressed them fully.

He was a damn good kisser and that fact made me lose myself for moment, closing my eyes, as our lips synchronized, moving in rhythm, and he entangled his fingers in my loose hair.

During our whole fake relationship thing, he had kissed me once or twice, but it was for show, and NEVER like this. This was real, this was his raw self; this was a Damian I'd never seen, or more appropriately, felt before.

Then one of his hands trailed down my back, to my waist, playing with the hemming of my shirt, I payed no attention at first lost in the kiss but then it traveled up. Feebly I tried to tell him to stop but I ended up moaning into into his lips which increased the tempo more and his hand itched even more upward.

Damian let his hand roam my lower stomach and spine, then he began slowly lifting my top off.

I lightly pushed his chest to stop him but I got distracted by his warm muscular chest and I "mmm"d into the kiss accidentally which made him fully pull my top off. I was going to object, but I figured "what's the harm?" and melted back into the kiss.

Then Damian started playing with the edges of my bra where the clasp was. My eyes widened and I gasped when he tried to unhinge it, "YOU'RE NOT READY!" kept blinking in my mind. I pushed him fully away and he staggered back confused.

"I-I gotta go" I stuttered hurrying toward the entrance grabbing my shirt on the way. How could I let it go that far?? I let a boy take my top off and nearly my bra as well?? What would my dad say??

But I didn't have time to worry about that because as I climbed down the steps and turned, trying to put my shirt back on, the silent figure at on the other side of the fence stopped me. I was an idiot; that rustling of leaves hadn't been Damian.

Regret, guilt, anger (at myself), and slight longing washed over me as I took in Ever's appearance.

He was in one of his black pajama bottoms and a loose black shirt, nearly blending into the night, his arms were scared with old and new cuts and his face was contorted in anger.

"Yeah, 'talk', right." He scoffed eying my half naked appearance with disgust and glancing over my shoulder to where Damian probably was, frozen and half naked.

I was gonna retort that he should've texted me or something but then his stiff shoulders dropped and he unclenched the fists he'd been making.

All of a sudden there wasn't an angry teenage boy in front of me; Ever looked back at me with brokenly sad, disappointed (my stomach dropped) watery hazel brown eyes; all of a sudden he was vulnerable looking. Like Jasper's bipolar change an hour ago. But Ever didn't move towards me.

He took a deep breath and the corners of his lips lifted into a sad hypocritical smile, "Bye, Andy" Ever whispered, his voice carrying in the wind. Then he retreated blending back into the shadows.
♠ ♠ ♠
"I lose myself in all these fights; I lose my sense of wrong and right. I cry, I cry. I'm
Shaking from the pain that's in my head. I just want to crawl into my bed and throw away
The life I'd led. But I won't let it die. But I won't let it die.

But it's over, it's over. Why is it over? We had the chance to make it. Now it's over,
It's over. It can't be over. I wish that I could take it back.

I'm falling apart, I'm falling apart.
Don't say this wont last forever.
You're breaking my heart, you're breaking my heart.
Don't tell me that we will never be together.
We could be over
And over, we could be forever.

It's not over. It's not over, it's never over, unless you let it take you, it's not over,
It's not over, it's not over, unless you let it break you. It's not over."

-It's Not Over, Secondhand Serenade <3