Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

Don't Deny It, Don't Ignore It; We Need Each other And You Know It! \Part 2/

I was seated on my bed cross legged with an absurdly huge hoodie on me. What can I say? I got cold. I was reading Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone with only half the enthusiasm. Mostly I was keeping my ears wide open (if that was even possible) for any strange noises.

Unfortunately, I was home alone. The newly wed parentals had taken off to California with the grandparentals for their honeymoon and Jasper was over at Danny's. I'd reassured him that I would be fine and encouraged him to go off and have fun.

Truth be told I've NEVER been home alone in my entire nearly seventeen year old life.

And truth be told I was completely scared shitless.

A rattling noise spooked me making me drop the already fragile paperback book.

I gulped, "Calm down, Pandora. It's just the wind." I muttered slowly, picking the book off the floor.

After dusting it off I made my eyes focus on the page;

"Kept what from me?" said Harry eagerly.

"STOP! I FORBID YOU!"yelled Uncle Vernon in panic. Aunt Petunia gave a gasp of horror.

"Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh," said Hagrid.--

Suddenly a clambering noise made me jump and fall off the bed screaming, "Your a wizard, Harry!"

"Ouch" I groaned rubbing my elbow, "Stupid" I chastised myself but when I stood up I could clearly see a dark figure outside my glass door climbing onto my balcony with the rain hammering down on him.

I screamed again wrapping my jacket sleeves around me feeling like my arms had become jelly. The person came nearer and started pounding on my sliding door, sort of hunched over as if the rain was weighing him down.

"G-go away!!" I screamed loudly, "I've got pepper spray! And my dad's a black belt!!"

"Open" The guy groaned but I could barely hear him over the rain. My heart pounded but I didn't know what to do; should I call the police? Well of course I should but my stupid cell phone was somewhere in the mountain of clothes I had on the other side of my--

And then lightning struck illuminating everything outside, including the perpetrator's face.

My heart missed a beat and my stomach dropped; Ever, oh dear god.

I rushed across the room without hesitation, unlocking the glass door and opening it widely. Ever staggered in completely drenched and shivering wildly, then he crumpled to the floor.

Closing the window, I went to him, kneeling down beside him my nerves killing me now with worry, "Ever?" I asked as he trembled like a vibrator for god's sake.

But he was hugging himself tightly in a ball with his eyes closed shut groaning slightly.

Some type of instinct kicked in and I took a deep breath, "Your gonna get hypothermia" I muttered standing up making way for the bathroom.

I grabbed a dozen of towels and went back. He was still in that position shaking madly.

Without one word I started undressing him, I mean c'mon, he'd yelled at me to stay away from him the last time I'd seen him, what was I supposed to do? Ask politely "May I take off your clothes?" Besides, I didn't think he could comprehend much right now.

Ever didn't speak a word of protest as I slipped his slightly torn but completely wet t-shirt off him. He had bruises on his chest too. Scars as well. And then there was that nasty cut on his neck, it was closed with stitches now. I placed a couple towels on his torso as silent tears ran down my face.

Why was it that Ever was the only guy that could make me cry over and over again?

"Ima go get you something to warm you up" I murmured wiping the stupid tears away, then his arm clenched on mine.

It seemed to take Ever a long time to stutter out "I-i-i-it h-h-h-h-hurts. P-p-p-pills?" and even then he wouldn't open his eyes.

"Kay" I said trying not to let my voice sound as broken as I felt inside. His arm dropped back down and he curled back into a ball clutching the towels I'd laid on him like life preservers.

I gulped and went to the kitchen; I popped a class of the instant hot cocoa I loved in the microwave and went to look for the pain meds my dad had in his restroom cabinet. I tried my best not think through all this. To keep my mind blank. But it was as possible as trying not to think of elephants when somebody screamed "ELEPHANTS!" at the top of their lungs.

After I thoughtfully crushed the pills and put it in his the chocolaty drink I went back up stairs. Ever was still trembling even more so thanks to my AC.

I sat back on my wooden floor, "Ever?" I said tentatively but he still wouldn't open his eyes nor do anything much but shake with cold. I took another deep breath and grabbed him, pulling him towards me.

The blood curdling scream was so heartbreaking it made it hard to hold back the sobs stuck in my throat, watching his face contort with pain but I kept moving him towards me; I lied his head on my legs and gulped, "Ever, drink this" I ordered strictly for now he was starting to doze off.

Forcefully I tilted the very warm drink to his whimpering lips. I made him take a very long drink, then more short drinks after that until he his trembling slowed. Then I just ran my fingers through his wet dark brown hair soothingly watching his face intently as it turned peaceful again.

Get better, please get better, I begged silently, hoping my first actual semi-prayer was answered.

Then finally his shivering stopped all together, as well as the painful whimpers. Ever opened his hazel brown eyes as I continued to stroke his hair and he stared at me with a mix of emotions swimming in those deep hurt eyes.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. The words themselves carried the pain inside of him.

I shook my head at once, "Don't talk, just get better please" I pleaded and tipped the last of the hot cocoa into his mouth. He gulped and closed his eyes again breathing easier as the pain pills kicked in.

"Don't fall asleep" I murmured quietly, what if he had a concussion?

But Ever shook his head slightly, "Just resting" he mouthed to me.

A couple of minutes he opened his eyes again and started to get up.

"You shouldn't" I said at once, "I need to call an ambulance"

But he shook his head vehemently and sat up facing me with a tired expression, he cleared his sore-sounding throat, "I'm okay"

At once my anger came butting in, "'Okay'?! Seriously, Ever, you're 'okay'?!"

But he shook his head again, his eyes avoiding mine as he held the towels closely to his body, thankfully I hadn't been grown up enough to take off his wet jeans, boy would this have been an awkward moment.

And then surprising us both I threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly to me. I ignored his yelp and held on taking in his, always, chocolaty scent mixed with rain. After a moment Ever's arms wrapped around me as well and I felt him start crying on my shoulder.

My hoodie and loose hair absorbed most of the salty tears he shed but his already wet self mostly just mixed with the fresh tears leaking out of my eyes. And then rather bravely I whispered, "What's happening to you?"

After a moment as he controlled the crying he replied, "M-my dad, h-he beats me"

I pictured the man that had been in the photograph in Ever's living room. That must be him.

"He b-beat my twin sister Violet, until she went insane one day" Ever murmured into my shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked weakly, my stomach feeling nauseous, what kind of person can actually do that?? And a father?

"I told you..?" I murmured.

I groaned and pulled away from him; irritation taking over my compassion, "Barely!" I exclaimed furrowing my eyebrows angrily, "You should've told me sooner!"

Ever drooped his head, muttering, "You were always with Damian... I didn't want.. and Jenny said...--"

"Yes, because what darling Jenny says MUST be completely true!" I said with sarcasm dripping off my words knowing that Jenny had probably told Ever even more rumors about me and Damian.

His eyes peeked out from beneath his damp hair warily, "So It's not..? You and Damian.. but I saw you..."

"Gah!" exclaimed standing up to pace like I do when I'm irritated, "THAT'S what I've been trying to tell you, you idiot, there is COMPLETELY nothing between me and that jackass. The stupid dating thing was fake, Damian was trying to keep me out of juvi"

"--Do not ask" I said when he looked at me questionably, "It's a long story"

Then Ever's eyes narrowed, "But I saw you! In Danny's tree house, you can't honestly say that wasn't real"

I rolled my eyes as I paced angrily, "Damian was making a move on me, what else is new? I thought you knew better, besides, I stopped him didn't I?"

I could tell he was dying to say 'after you got half-naked' but instead he blurted, "Why did you?"

"Cause I have absolutely no intention of losing my virginity to a disease-written spoiled Mr. Prince Charming. I am not Cinderella, like I said before, that poor unfortunate girl had to marry that selfish bastard to get away from her misery," I ranted.

Ever's lips twitched making a half smile, "Yeah? So what are you planning to do, then?"

"I dunno, marry the Prime Minister" I grumbled kicking the floor impatiently.

"The Prime Minister?" Ever said with a small chuckle.

I smirked although I hadn't wanted to, but then I shook my head, "I just cant believe you kept all this secret?? What about your mom?? Does she know??"

Ever's smile dropped and he looked down once again as he fingered the damp towel, "Yeah, she takes care of me.. you know.. after.."

I scoffed in outrage, "I-! -She-! How--?!" He stood up and blocked my way to the door before I could even take one step.

"Don't, she's not there, and anyways it's not her fault" Ever said with much difficulty. I wanted to push past him and run till I found Joyce. How could I have thought she was the best mom in the world when she let one of her kids get locked up in a mental hospital and the other get beaten right in front of her and not do one thing??

But Ever looked so week there holding my arms back with his hands although he could barely even stand up right, because of his hurt ankle.

"That's not fair! How could she--!- how could HE--!! GAH!" I growled, "How could they friggin' let you get fudgin' hurt like that?! And you idiotic imbecile! You should've told me WAY before this! But no you just HAD to be all pissed off at me for no reason! Cause seriously who gives a shit about me and Damian?! How could you just push aside your fuckin' torture just because you thought I was dating DAMIAN! I mean off all the fuckin' things in the world, Ever, you---"

And then he mashed his lips onto my angry ones quieting them down at once. But more unexpected was the electric current that radiated throughout me, all the way to my toes and then back. As my lips moved with his they tingled pleasantly. Ever tasted of chocolate and I didn't know if it was him or the hot cocoa he'd drank but I didn't give a platypus's piehole, I just knew that this felt good. No, way better than good... like eating 100,000 extra chocolate chocolate cakes without ever getting sick of them.

And then all too soon he pulled away; Ever stumbled back, falling on the bed, shocked at what he'd had the courage to do, "Holy shit, I-I'm sorry, I-I-"

That was like the best kiss in all existence and he was apologizing?!?

I contemplating as Ever stammered over his words, I mean even D's kiss.. wow and he was way more experienced and stuff.. but (and I nearly laughed as I realized this) Ever's kiss gave me fireworks. Psh, and I always thought that was a stupid myth created by over-hormonal girls.

With a small smile at Ever's nervousness and his blushing despite all the trauma he's endured I stared right into his eyes. "Spill it" I said wanting to hear that he had feelings for me because suddenly my stomach lurched in a good way as I looked at him knowing, finally, that I liked him. Probably loved him.

Ever stammered over his words for a few minutes; the summery was basically 'I like you'.

I grinned, my heart thumping erratically in my chest and my stomach full of new butterflies. He looked at my grin weirdly and then with no more restraint left in me, I threw myself at him and we fell back on the bed just as I kissed him, intertwining my fingers through his slightly damp silky hair. His chest was bare and even with my large hoodie between us I was oddly sensitive to him.

Ever went along with it and I'd probably would of pinned him down if he didn't, he had me hooked on his live wire kisses. But obviously I knew we had to breath some time so I got off him gasping slightly as I lay next to him staring at my ceiling and those glow in the dark stars that barely gave off a green shimmer as they bathed in the light from my light bulb.

"What was THAT for?"Ever asked completely bewildered as he sat up to stare at me.

I wasn't too good with the whole sharing feelings thing so I muttered sarcastically, "You tell me" but I could feel my cheeks blazing red.

"You know I'm not gay right??" He blurted out.

I sat up and gave him a "WTF" look, "Well duh, Ever, and what would make you think I though you were gay? I'm pretty sure a gay guy doesn't kiss girls and the girls probably don't kiss back"

He smirked, "Is this your way of saying you lubb me?"

My cheeks felt even more feverish, "Gah, you and Jasper but yes, happy? I 'lubb'' you" then I looked down embarrassed.

"But... why me?"

"Am I really that bad? I though you liked me too?" I asked insecurely, did I misunderstand his mumbled words?

"NO!" He said at once and I looked up. Ever was genuinely shocked, but the good kind.

"I'm not like a lottery prize or anything" I said sheepishly.

"I just meant that you choose me over.. Damian?"

I mulled that over in my head blurting out stupidly, "Your kisses have fireworks"

"Really?" I could hear the amazement and amusement in his voice but he was still doubting me.

I breathed deeply, "Yeah, look I dunno, Ever, I'm new at this 'love' thing. Honestly, I never really believed in it but somehow I need you and you need me! Don't deny it! Not to sound dramatic but I honestly miss you like crazy when you're not around and your the only the guy that I've ever cried for" My heart beat faster as I admitted that, "and you make me blush which completely retarded" I grumbled rubbing my red cheeks "I hadn't even known that was possible. And then the whole jealousy thing.." i trailed off remembering the night at the concert.

"Wait, you were jealous? " he asked and I thumped him as he grinned.

I cleared my throat, "UHM! I'm trying to share my stupid feelings with you, Sherlock, honestly! To think you'd be a little bit more compassionate!"

He grinned more, and I guess that was part of it too, we made each other laugh through the serious moments. "Sure, well finally after like 500 years"

I shrugged, then faked getting up and jumped on top of him once more to kiss him.

This was gonna be one long night..
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