Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

God Works In Mysterious Ways... (1)

Author's Note:

Okay, well it is my responsibility to allow you the chance of some satisfaction with my story. If you really REALLY care about it (and I doubt any1 really does)and care about all the characters and such and were just jumping up and down on my last chapter for Ever and Andy then... stop reading please?

Because if your one of those people that just LOVE 'Happily Ever After's and hate when things don't work out then I'm sorry for what happens in the next chapters, that's if you even care at all (which you probably don't). I'm terribly sorry and really do advice you, my reader, to stop reading and pretend that the last chapter was actually the LAST.

That they ended up together forever, that Andy's dad somehow left the wicked step-mom, that Damian somehow became gay and was best friends with Andy and Ever and was completely non-jealous about their relationship; that Joyce left Ever's dad and filed abuse charges so they put him away; that Jasper got to see his dad; that Mindy had her baby healthy and happily; that everything basically turned out like a story for little kids (besides all the cussing and sexual parts).

So I'm giving you the chance to look away and pretend all that--^ happened and smile and be undisturbed by the chapters to come.

Okay! Fine, I get it, you're not looking away, you sadistic bastards, your just too curious for your own good! Gosh, curiosity killed the cat, y'know!, yeah, yeah, the cat had nine lives, but guess what? You're not a cat! So ha!

Anyways-fine continue, 's not like I can stop you,, just know that I warned you... *glares at you*


3rd Person

Ever snorted and rolled over; a pain hit him in his ankle. Oh, right, he thought remembering what happened. And then he remembered what else happened last night. He opened his eyes slowly to see if it was really true or maybe he was just imagining it... but no, he was sleeping in Andy's bed with Andy right next to him cuddling her rainbow seahorse.

Ever's jaw dropped, he couldn't believe it; he was not a virgin anymore; and even more unbelievable; Andy was his!? How could he possibly go from being alone, beaten, suffering, wallowing in pain to having the girl that he loved in bed with him and basically being on the greatest high ever.

Chuckling slightly he climbed out of bed slowly dressing in some of Jasper's clothing he found in the closet, hm, they were the same size.

Though Ever would much rather stay here with Andy, he had to go check on his mom.

The phone rang, ugh, it'd been ringing off and on for the last 15 min, it wasn't his though, his was at his house, it was Andy's. Who would wanna talk to her this bad?

Ever ignored it and turned it on silent so Andy could rest before he got back, but she caught him as he was going out her balcony.

"Grr, where are you going?" She growled groggily rolling over.

He grinned, "On an errand, I'll be back soon, love"

"None of that luvvy duvvy stuff!" Andy ordered though Ever could see her lips struggling to keep down a smile.

"Whatever you say, mistress" then he went out to the balcony.

"Ever, there's such a thing as 'stairs' and a front door, y'know, they're magical things that transport you outside without having to climb down a vine and break your neck" Andy called after him sarcastically.

He swung both his legs over the railing then sent her a wide smirk "Oh, I know, it's just more fun this way" then he climbed down said vine.

The ground was moist as Ever stepped onto it, he didn't have any shoes but he could care less. He felt so 'AHH' I suppose, like nothing wrong could possibly happen after this. God had taken away Violet from him but he'd brought him Andy. He works in mysterious ways.

As Ever walked onto his street heard sirens in the distance and the closer he got the more he could smell something strange; and then when he was two houses away from his house he saw it. The billowing cloud of gray and black smoke up in the air. All the neighbors were gathered so he couldn't see his house.

His heart pounded in his chest, "MOVE!" He yelled to the people in front of him until finally they let him past.

The sight in front was one Ever would never forget and would constantly have nightmares about in the years to come, it was what would change everything from then on; his house, his home, the place he'd lived in for his whole life, was on fire.

And his mom was still in there
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Aw, I'm in love with the book; "The Goddess Test". It's amazing <3