Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

The World Is Burning To The Ground

This cant be happening, this cant be happening, this cant be happening, this cant be happening, this cant be happening; that's what went through Ever's mind for the 5 seconds he stood there paralyzed.

It was when his neighbors surrounding him realized whom he was and tried to reach and comfort him that he snapped out of it and jerked forward. No one tried to stop him or maybe he just couldn't hear their screaming protests because his ear drums were pounding too loud to let noise in.

"Mom!!" Ever yelled as he charged into the burning house; all around him were the bright flames; it was like the world was burning to the ground.

"MOM!!" He screamed again and although he couldn't hear his words himself it seemed that one of the firemen outside the house had. The man ran inside and grabbed Ever around the waist trying to pull him out.

The fireman yelled something in Ever's ears but he couldn't comprehend anything but the fact that his mom was still in there, he didn't know how, but he knew it, deep inside his gut, he knew his mom needed rescuing.

Some how Ever managed to pry the really strong fireman's arms off; he ran forward past the kitchen (he thought maybe she'd be in there having been making breakfast but no) and ran up the stairs then; the walls were already crumbling into pieces and he doubted the second floor could support his weight but he didn't give a fuck; he went running into his parents room.

Ever saw the bright scarlet blood on the floor before he noticed the flaming dresser that the door he opened had slammed on making it wobble uncertainly.

His eyes widened and he jumped backwards barely avoiding certain death but in doing so the dresser knocked the door back and shut him out of the room.

"NO!!!" He screamed pounding on the sizzling hot door; the door knob scalded his hand when he tried to turn it.

Ever kicked at it and did everything he could think of before he gave up sobbing and slid down the door to the floor, if his mom was dead then he should die with her.

He waited for the fire to eat him up with closed eyes but it was taking far too long and he was just considering running head forward into something burning when he noticed the blood on the floor. It hadn't been just inside his parents room, it was out here as well, leading him some where.

Ever's heart pounded even faster as he got to his feet and ran following the trail of his mom's blood; it ended outside his closed door's room. Adrenaline seemed to course through his veins making him ignore the blazing pain from his scalded back (from the burning door he'd leaned against on) and hand and kick his door down.

Automatically the acrid smoke billowed straight into his face making him cough hard but he ceased the collar of Jasper's shirt and covered his nose and mouth with it whilst he charged in.

The heat was unbearable for everything inside his room was flaming on fire but he could only notice the limp figure on the ground.

He panted faster(which was a bad idea because the smoke was starting to choke him); fear eating his nerves, what if she was already dead?

But no matter that he ran to his mum. He screamed seeing that she was charred nearly black, but for the two still seconds he stood there in agony he noticed her chest heaving rapidly.

She was alive! But only just; he needed to put out the fire on her clothes and get her out of there.

Ever took off Jasper's shirt at once and patted her down with it, coughing hard, but the fire from around his room was nearing them as if wanting to finish his mom off. He didn't think as he covered his mom tightly with the shirt and picked her up.

"I've got you, mom, it's okay, you'll be okay" He murmured with tears in his eyes as he turned back to get out of his room.

But the door to his room was now on fire as well and there was more smoke coming from outside the door which told him there'd be no exit out there.

His heart pounded in his ears again, what was he supposed to do?!

"HELP!!!!!" He yelled but a coughing fit took him over and it took him all his strength to keep hold of his unconscious mother.

But why was there more smoke in the hallway than in here? Shouldn't it be even since the door was now open? He spun around then as the answer struck him; his window was wide open letting the smoke travel through there to the outside.

Ever didn't hesitate, running towards it, ignoring the fact that his bare feet were raw and scalded with boils. He looked outside the window, "HELP!!" he yelled to the firemen and people outside.

When they noticed him, the people looked at him stunned and he could recognize his Uncle Patrick and Aunt Lola just standing out there screaming something but not moving one bit to help him.

The Firefighters where too busy trying to put out the fire to do anything either.

"Guess I'm on my own, mom" Ever murmured as tears ran down his face; the heat instantly made them evaporate.

Then with more determination than he'd ever felt building up inside his body, he shifted his mom to a more secure position and put both his feet through the window sitting a bit on the sharp thingy before pulling his mom through completely as well as his head.

He could breathe easier now in the semi fresh air so he just stayed there a second holding onto the window with one of his hands breathing in the oxygen and coughing out the acrid smoke.

Ever knew he had to do this; the house was already crumbling on the left side, how long till it did the same on this part? He couldn't wait for the firemen; it was either die with his mom or die for his mom.

A weaker man would've never done the latter but Ever was brave.

With one last gulp of air he let go of the window not looking down and turning slightly before he pushed himself off, that way when he landed his mom would be on top of him and not suffer any injuries.

Ever? Well, he didn't matter much right now to himself.

The last thing heard before he landed was the rush of the wind in his ears and his mom's frightened yelp.

She's awake!

And then he passed out.
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Sorry i lied about the chapter being about a flying cow going to steal back her maple syrup from the Russians. That's another story. :)