Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

Everything I Ask For

"It's that mouth and those lies, try not to taste 'em! Da-da-da! Girl's do what they want! Boys do what they can!" I kept singing over and over with the song playing on my radio, it was weird how girl-ish I felt at this moment.

I was prancing around my room in my pj's and the base of my hairbrush pressed to my lips as I pretty much screamed the lyrics making the floor vibrate under me.

The song changed again and I don't think I really noticed I just kept bopping my head to the beat, singing breathlessly, "You're 21, I see your eyes, your barely sober!!" I twirled stupidly falling on my butt but got up and kept on singing, "AND I SAID "WOAH WOAH!"!!!"

"I'm on a trip! I cant get off! I cant get over! I want it all! I want it all inside of you!!"I panted slightly and finished off the song, "I know I know I know, I'm gonna fall, and you'll be waiting for it all,"

"YEAH YEAH YEAH!!" I sank to my knees screaming those last words with so much emotion tears rolled down my laughing cheeks.

Then I fell back laughing feeling absolutely high, I closed my eyes and smiled when the hysterical laughs ended; I dropped my hairbrush and pressed both hands on my heart.

Don't let this end, I whispered inside my head.

"No encore?"

My head snapped up, "Oh, it's you" I said with absolutely no contempt at Damian.

He seemed confused at the lack of sarcasm and anger in my voice considering Friday's events but I just couldn't hate anything at this moment, "You better take advantage of my lapse of hatred" I smiled.

Damian couldn't help but grin, "of course", I noticed his hair was wet as tiny droplets of water rolled down his forehead.

"Why are you wet?" I asked, "And how come you just burst in without calling or knocking?"

Damian shrugged, "I'd been at the pool doing some laps and when I knocked you didn't hear me, I was out there for like 5hours and I'd forgotten my phone at my house so I couldn't call you, which reminds me," then he seemed to remember why he came here, "By any chance, have you been writing in the journal for Fucker Jr.?"

I shrugged kind of annoyed that he would choose to bore me with this conversation when I wanted to start dancing and singing again, "Nah, I doubt Mr. Opal will ask for it till May, I'll just make something up or whatever"

He sighed and rolled his eyes obviously expecting this response, "Andy, he's had it on the white board for nearly a week that the babies and journals are due tomorrow for the final grade which is supposed to count for 75% of our semester average"

My jaw dropped and I sobered up, my heart started to beat nervously, "Please tell me your kidding me? I haven't gotten less than a B since pre-k!"

Damian shook his head making his hair drop water on my floor; "Nope, luckily for you, though.." And then he threw me a small blue journal; his journal, "I saved the day"

I rolled my eyes but grinned thankfully getting up to go search for my purple journal, "D'you think Ever has his done?" He murmured.

"I dunno" I said absentmindedly as I poked through the clothes in my closet struggling to find the notebook., "Maybe, he didn't say anything about that last night"

"AHA!" I yelled as I spotted a purple journal peeking out from under one of my shoe boxes, then I came out grinning triumphantly but Damian didn't join in in my celebration.

His eyebrows were scrunched up together and he had an unpleasant blank smile on his face whilst his light brown eyes searched mine, "What do you mean 'he didn't say anything about that last night'?"

I could feel my cheeks burning, not only by his accusation but by the reality of it; last night's events played in my head and it was all I could do to not start giggling like a girl, "I-uh-um, er, what I meant to say was that, uhm, Ever, uh, i-i mean he-he uh well sort of talked to me last night over the-the phone" I cleared my throat, since when did I get so bad at lying?

Suspicion clearly crossed his eyes and he searched around the room; oh fuck, Ever's damp clothes were still sprawled in front of the balcony and near the foot of my bed next to a pile of some of my clothes; the pj's from last night.

"Are you sure?" Ever's voice replayed in my head, All I felt was this burning passion spreading through out my body, I needed him, I wanted him, if he let me go it felt like I would surely break into thousands of pieces; his touch was like a reassurance that he was MINE, he belonged to ME, no one could ever hold his heart because it was mine now, just like my heart was completely his, "I'm more sure about this than I've been about anything and everything; I love you" I whispered between the burning kisses...

I shook my head to clear it from the steamy memory whilst I tried to calm my breathing and cool down my burning cheeks.

Damian picked up Ever's torn shirt and looked at me with betrayal etched in his eyes, "Really?"

At first I felt sheepish but then I realized why should i be ashamed? Psh, I loved Everard, and was SO not ashamed to admit it... but then his face fell and it made my throat feel swollen; I never liked hurting people; if it were up to me I'd throw myself in front of a train to save a complete stranger.. "I.." I whispered not knowing what to say.

And then the sadness and vulnerability in his face got covered up with a mask of spite and anger, "Why do you even like that stupid loser?"

Of course my comeback reflex came butting in, "You're the sore loser here, just give it up, why don't you? Don't you get it, you cannot have me; I don't care if your mommy told you that you could have everything you ever wanted; it was a big fat lie" I growled, "And how could you say that about your own cousin? Your own flesh and blood?"

The last part did nothing to make him feel remorse and he approached me with a hard face and blazing angry eyes, "You're a bitch you know that? Just a fucking tease that was born as a mistake to teenage parents"

Ouch. That one hurt. But I couldn't let him get to me; I laughed coldly, "Yeah well who's the one attracted to said bitch?"

His lip snarled as we stood vehemently, are hard faces so close are noses were nearly touching but both of us refused to look away then almost unexpectedly he grabbed my shoulders roughly and forced my lips to meet his.

I was SO over being surprised by that that I automatically fought back but his strength, I was ashamed to say, over-powered mine and he forced my lips to move against his, "Don't you feel that?!" He practically yelled as he stepped back.

"Feel what?!" I screamed angrily, that was the third time he kissed me without permission.

"That spark!" Damian yelled almost with desperation, it was like he was begging me to respond.

I wiped my lips glaring at him cruelly as I walked back wanting to get away from him, "NO! Okay? Don't you fudging get it? I don't like you that fucking way, dipshit! I love Ever, okay, Damian? And he loves me!"

At that statement he laughed rolling his eyes at me like I was a naive little girl, "He doesn't love you, he's going to the Jr. Prom with Jenny Miller"

I scoffed, "What does that have to do with 'love', gosh, you don't get anything do you? Love surpasses all that immature high school shit, Ever's mine and I'm his. End of story, moron"

That didn't seem to please him, and his eyes darted behind me before he crossed the space between us with once step, "We'll see about that"

Then he kissed me again but before I could try to push him away he was flung back to the floor, away from me; I looked around, at my side was Ever; my heart jolted. But he looked different, not only by his appearance (he was in a hospital gown and had gauze wrapped around his right hand and around his feet which were dirtied with mud) but his face, it was contorted in unbelievable pain and anger fused together.

Wordlessly he crouched low and punched Damian in the eye, although I was glad that someone was finally defending me, Ever was going way to rough, he punched him again and again; with each hit he growled "You-Just-Couldn't-Help-Yourself-Could-You? I-Can-Never-Have-The-Girl-Can-I-Dear-Cousin-Of-Mine" The last five words seemed almost like a taunt.

I gulped and tried to grab Everard's arm, "Ever, calm down!" but he just kept punching at Damian, "I've been a pushover for far too long!" He exclaimed furiously, "You think I wouldn't find out about what you did??"

Damian tried desperately to block the hits but Ever was much to speedy and quick for him and soon he was bleeding hard from his mouth and nose, "I didn't do anything!!" He cried.

Unbelievably Ever laughed coldly, "Of course you did" He said letting Damian rest for a moment, "You, somehow, seduced Jenny into seducing ME, Ha, and I thought I was the one with the issues, but no, it's you. You told her to comfort me when I was sad and to kiss me when Andy was around" He shook his head, "I under-estimated you, Damian"

"I-I.. how did you find out?" Damian muttered wiping blood off his chin whilst I gaped at him shocked, how could he do that?

Ever gave him a grim smile, "You just told me" and with that he started kicking at Damian and landing more blows.

"Ever! EVER! STOP!" I screamed absolutely terrified because Damian was looking like he was gonna pass out, "Stop it! STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" I cried desperately trying to hold him back.

Ever stopped and wrenched himself from my grasp, "Why should I?!" he screamed at me, "He ruined EVERYTHING! It would've all been okay! We would've made up before this and I could've been home last night!"

I didn't know what he was talking about but he needed to stop, Damian was bleeding heavily and his eyes were flickering dizzily, "He's your cousin, god dammit, you guys have been friends since before ME! You cant possibly give that up!!"

At that Ever laughed with venom, then he reached into one of the hospital gown's pockets. He took out a folded paper and threw it at Damian but Damian could barely even breathe evenly let alone grab it and read it.

I sidestepped Ever and grabbed the paper; I unfolded it slowly whilst Ever stared at me, it was a birth certificate; Ever's, it listed his name, his sister's name; Violet Love Grace (it was a rather pretty name), and then his mom's and dad's.

"So what?" I asked not getting the point.

Ever grimaced, "Read my father's name"

"Roger Grace, and?" I asked not getting it even more.

But Damian seemed to understand despite his injured state, "Th-that's not.. that's not Uncle Bob..." He panted.

"Good job, Einstein" Ever retorted, "The man living with my mom for 17 years, the man that was supposedly your dad, my Uncle Patrick's, brother is not my father, he's a complete stranger, my real dad died seventeen years ago."

My head struggled to process all this information, "So that means.."

"Yes, that me and Damian aren't related" Ever spit out with a cruel smirk,"We're not cousins, we're not anything but enemies"

And he moved forward to attack Damian once again, "Wait!" I protested blocking him with much difficulty, "Just because you guys aren't blood relatives doesn't mean your not brother's at heart"

Ever laughed the bitter laugh again, "Don't start with that crap, I hate Damian, and I will kill him"

At first I didn't understand the words, I thought he was just exaggerating but the look in his ice cold hazel eyes told me that wasn't the case, "No, Ever, you cant just-Kill him" I said my heart pounding in my chest, "You wouldn't do that, you-your Ever, your-your sweet, m-my Ever wouldn't do that" I babbled incoherently.

Ever looked straight into my eyes, "Watch me"

And suddenly I was truly frightened, the memory of when me and Ever where at Ben&Jerry's came back to me, when he'd asked me if he intimidated me and I'd responded with a laugh. Turns out Ever had changed so much in the last 2hrs he'd been away from me that I was now actually scared to death of him.

But none-the-less I couldn't just let him KILL Damian, that'd be inhumane! "Ever, just listen for a sec, p-please y-you cant do this" I begged trying to hold him back.

He tried to pry my fingers off his arm, "Get off, you cant stop me"

"Ever, don't, c'mon please, just stop and think, please just--" And then suddenly it was like he snapped; he swatted me away like a fly only it was much more hard, he'd pulled his arm forward breaking my grip on it and swung it back to push me away; his hand struck me hard on my chest and I fell back at least five feet; my head hit the floor with a sickening thud and my eyes saw stars for a moment.

For two seconds I lay there waiting for my vision to steady and then I realized Ever had hurt me.

I sat up and stared at him with tear filled eyes; he was standing still staring back at me with his eyes wide open, realization and remorse sinking into him; I blinked the tears away and murmured "You hurt me" in a breathless voice.

Ever's mouth opened but no sound came out of it, it seemed he was as shocked as me and then I felt the sobs coming.

I shut my eyes fiercely (though that didn't stop the tears from coming out) and crawled backwards until my back hit the side of my bed and then I pulled my hands to my face; I didn't want to be seen like this.

It felt like I was hyperventilating; Ever had hurt me, he'd hit me purposely, the world wasn't right. Nothing was right anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
"I don't know what she sees in me
But I'm happy she's happy now that she's with me
And I'm freaking out because I'm just so lucky"
