Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

Room 1459

*six weeks earlier*

3rd person.

Leaving the hospital unseen wasn't an easy thing to do, especially when your in a hospital gown and have bandages all over your body. But Ever managed; he stole some doctors white clothes and snuck out through the back. Grateful to have shoes on he jogged away from the hospital. At first he didn't know where he was going, and then he realized he was taking the same path he'd taken to get to Andy's house the last time. He shook his head. he couldn't go back there again.

He turned around and jogged towards a nearby clothing store. Luckily he had some money. It'd been returned to him yesterday, after they handed him back Jasper's burnt clothing. He'd trashed that but kept the 10 making a promise to repay Jasper someday. He wasted half of that on a plain sweatshirt and sweatpants so people wouldn't see his bandages.

After Ever trashed the doctor's clothes a thought suddenly struck him. He banged his head on a street sign and people stared at him weird, "How could I fucking forget? What kind of person am I?" he muttered angrily to himself.

He walked for a long time towards a bus stop, in a small town like Lincoln's Pass there weren't buses so you had to travel all the way to North Lincoln's Pass. When he finally got there he payed the bus man person two dollars and went to sit down. The people on the bus were your average creeps. Half of them were hobos. Ever wondered how they afforded taking the bus if they were poor? He shrugged it off and combed his hair back with his good hand, starring out the window. He'd always liked watching the road pass by under him when he was in a vehicle. It made Sissy dizzy and she'd complain that she was going to push him out the car but he'd just grin and keep on watching the road saying "round and round" knowing it made her even more dizzy.

He grinned at the memory.

Around two hours later the bus finally stopped for him to get off and he did with a solemn 'thank you' at the bus driver who just grunted and drove off.

Ever took the deepest breath ever and walked up to the Asylum. The same scent of bleach and Novocaine hit him when he walked in and he grimaced. Surprisingly there were more than usual securities around and half of them glared at him. His heart beat not knowing how he was gonna get away with what he was planning to do.

He walked up to were pretty Sarah was working the front desk. "Gonna go see my sister, you don't need to come" Ever said to her signing on the sign-in sheet and walked away towards the hall.

When Sarah finally noticed him she said, "wait! Ever! Don't--!"

But he was already halfway there to Violets room. Room 1459. He slowly pushed the door open, plastering a fake smile on his face already coming up with a way to sneak her out of here, no way was he going to leave her here now that his mom was dead and his "father" had run off to who knows where. Siblings, especially twins, should stay together.

But when he came inside fully Violet wasn't there. Her bed was empty and messy, he looked at it for a full minute not comprehending. Had they taken her to bathe her? Was she being examined by her regular doctor? That's when Sarah showed up running, out of breath, followed by the security guard named Marty.

Sarah's glasses were askew and she was holding onto her chest as she panted, "Ever *gasp* I *gasp* you *gasp* don't!"

"Where's Violet?" Ever asked not knowing what the hell was going on.

"That's what i was trying to tell you!" Sarah gasped, "She's gone!"

Ever shook his head, "What do you mean 'she's gone'? She's not-not dead, right?" Ever asked precariously, he was sick of people dying.

Sarah calmed down, "No" then she shook her head, "I mean i dunno, i--"

"What do you mean you don't know?" Ever asked angrily.

"He took her away" Marty said for Sarah.

"what are you talking about? Who took her away?" Ever asked his heart beating harder than Sarah's was.

"Him" Sarah half-whispered,"the man, i mean, i didn't know, y'know, what had happened, i thought it was nice that y'know, he'd want to visit her for the first time, so i left him alone with her and the next time i went to go check on them Violet Grace was gone."

Marty nodded his head in agreement, "i called the police and we locked down the hospital but he'd gotten away."

Sarah started crying, "And then when the police came, they told us the news, that he was a serial killer escapee, that he'd killed your mom and-and"

Ever looked at her stunned, "you mean, you let him see her. He's a fucking rapist!" Ever yelled at Sarah, "And you let him see my mental sister, alone?? He's the one that fucking put her in this fucking place, you fucking moron!"

Sarah started sobbing harder, "I-i-i d-d-d-didn't know, i thought he was her father!". Marty pushed her behind him, "It wasn't her fault; besides the police are out looking for them. They'll find him." he said, and then Ever got the feeling that Marty had a thing for Sarah, Fucking super, maybe they could live the happily ever after that Ever wouldn't. After a moment the left him alone.

Ever looked back into the room with his hands in fists and his teeth gritted. Ever knew they wouldn't find him. And all that was left of his sister was the worn black goth bear. He'd had an identical one in his room. But it'd burnt down with his house. Ever walked to it and picked it up. He patted it slightly and then hugged it to him. It smelled off Cherry ice cream and his mom's cooking somehow. Sissy's smell. He smiled slightly, lost in nostalgia. But he felt something hard in its stomach. He patted. Yes, there was something in there. He looked for an opening, but there was none. Before he could really think over what he was doing, he'd already split the bear in half with his hands.

A necklace fell to the floor and he picked it up. It was a bunch of ovals over-lapping. The symbol for eternal love. Ever remembered seeing his mom wear it when he was kid. She said his dad gave it to her. He now realized that she'd meant his birth dad, and then she'd given it to Violet at some point, feeling bad about the beatings, probably.

He sighed. Ever knew what he had to do. But he didn't know if he had the strength to do it?

Suddenly Andy's face drifted into his mind and he sighed deeply. Yes he could do it but he needed to see her first.

One last time

After that he left the Asylum with the necklace in his hand and went to look for a gift-wrap shop.
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