Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

God Works In Mysterious Ways... (2)

*one month later*

"Are you okay?"

I coughed and spit into the toilet, "Does it look like I'm okay, Jaz?"

He grimaced and helped me up. I'd puked into the toilet for the second time today. What the fuck? I mean, i bet it was Shelly's cooking but still! I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror as Jasper held onto me. I looked thin. Like hardcore thin. You could see the bones of my chest. My hair was oily and frizzy, my skin was breaking out.

"Want me to call Vick?" Jasper suggested as he handed me a towel when i finished rinsing my mouth and brushing my teeth. Well at least they looked bright and shiny.

I shook my head. Suddenly i was dizzy. God damn, i was always dizzy these days. And nauseous. My head heart a lot and i couldn't even stand to be around pickles. I do not know why. Usually i like pickles as much as the next pickled vegetable but it just makes me want to puke. The only thing i can stand eating is chocolate. Ah, my faithful friend.

"Maybe we shouldn't go to--" Jaz started to say.

I glared at him, "You don't have to come, but i am."

He put his hands up in surrender, "Fine, but are you sure you can drive? Let me"

I rolled my eyes and wiped my mouth with the towel, "Dude, your like fourteen, no way."

He pouted but ignored him and flushed the toilet, then i went down the stairs. He followed. "I'll be back soon" I called to my dad who was typing away furiously in the computer. Probably the story about me.

It was around one o clock in the afternoon and the sun was extra bright on my eyes as i drove. Actually it really hurt. I pulled on some sunglasses. Since when was i sensitive to the sun?

I felt like a vampire for some reason.

"Do you even know where she lives?" Jaz murmured bitterly.

"yeah, she gave directions. It's past Lincoln Memorial Park and around the corner of Lincoln Prep" Just i said that we drove by Lincoln Prep. It was big. I hadn't seen it before. It looked like a freaking castle. I shook my head and concentrating on driving.

And then i stopped in front of a Victorian looking house, it was three stories high and looked like a castle as well. There were only three other cars parked outside. I parked next to them.

"Can i stay in the car?" Jasper asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever pleases your platypus, just don't go for a joyride" and so i exited my car and walked up to the scary-ish looking house. I thought about knocking or ringing the door bell, which would be better, but suddenly the door was opened. It was a young maid, she had an exotic look to her with long dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tanish skin, "Hola, seniorita, como esta usted? Yo soy Maria."

"Uh," I replied, i mean of course I'm taken Spanish, it's required, but i suck at it.

"Ha venido para la fiesta de seniora Mindy, si?" She asked smiling.

I nodded, somewhat understanding that 'fiesta' meant party. She led me into the house where everything was WOW and up the stairs. Oh there were SO many. there were also a lot of Virgin Mary statues and religious pictures along the wall.

"Aqui esta, seniorita," she smiled and left me in front of a door. I knocked. "Come in!" Mindy's voice came from inside. so i did.

Mindy was on the floor cross legged surrounded by three other kids my age and an older woman that i presumed to be her mother. She had a strict look to her, her brown hair was pulled into a tight bun and she had a frown on her dark red lipstick coated lips. She was scary.

"Hi" I greeted Mindy and she beamed at me encouraging me to go sit next to her on the floor. I did, but my head spun and my stomach churned. Mindy noticed. She rung this small golden bell and suddenly Maria was in the room. "Puedes sirvir un baso de agua para mi amiga, Maria?"

"Si, Seniora, de pronto vengo" then she left.

"You don't look so good," Mindy said quietly as not to attract attention from the three other girls (whom where chatting and laughing amongst themselves) and her mother, "I heard about what happened, I'm so sorry, Andy, but you know the Lord does work in mysterious ways. Something good ought to come out of this"

I gave her a small smile, "So your Hispanic?"

She grinned, "From Veracruz, to be exact, my parents moved here before i was born"

I grinned, "Cool. so what do we do in Baby Showers, I've never been to one"

She smirked and her electrifying blue eyes sparkled, "We play games of course"

So for the next three hours we played games. Ridiculous games. Awesome games. Weird games. What-the-fudge games, even. It was fun. At one point i was in an adult baby diaper sucking on a bottle full of honey. Like i said, it was really weird.

Finally, though, it was time to go. Mindy's friends turned out to be her cousins. She had no friends except me that had come. It saddened me a bit but Mindy didn't seem to mind. In fact she was overjoyed at the day's events.

"Well congrats, Mindy, i hope the baby's healthy and for Gish's sake's that it's a girl. Boys are too much trouble." I smiled at her. She hugged and kissed me on each cheek. Apparently it was what they did in Mexico.

"Adios" Maria said, "Que te vendiga Dios"

I waved at her and headed to my car. And then suddenly, two steps before i got there, a pain hit me. Hard. In my stomach. I vomited. Vomited hardcore. Everything that I'd ate at Mindy's party. Jasper saw and got out to help me but the vomit wouldn't stop, and suddenly it turned red.

My heart started beating rapidly and my mind swirled, i was panicking. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe.

Then it stopped and I fell. Before I fainted, though, Jasper caught me. But then his face before mine was gone, the sky was gone, I was gone.


I awoke to the sound of complaining and arguing. I was in a car, that much I could tell.

"--And you couldn't think of asking the people inside to call an ambulance? You just decided to drive? What kind of common sense is that, Jasper? You get it from your father, I'm sure!"

It was Sherry. Sherry was yelling at Jaz. I groaned and tried sitting up but my head spun dangerously.

"No, hun, don't get up" My father's voice said. I obeyed. I drifted back to sleep for a while then i was awoken by a cold liquid in my mouth. Water. I drank it gratefully. My eyes opened then.

I was in the living room. Surrounded by Sherry, my dad, and Jasper, "What's going on? " I asked weakly.

"You passed out, but your okay now" Jaz said. My dad frowned, "ARE you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital? I was going to take you but Sherry said you'd come to soon enough"

"Of course she did" I muttered bitterly. He smiled at that. "But no, I do not need to go to the hospital. It's probably just a stomach flu."

"Jasper said you threw up blood?" My dad asked. I shook my head, "No it was just the punch that they served at the party, not blood."

"But she's been like that for the past eight weeks! You cant just not do anything!" Jasper exclaimed frowning making his snakebites tremble.


So because of that I was now at the doctors office. Ugh, I hate doctors. I don't need someone criticizing what shape my body's in and that I should stop eating chocolate. It's a healthy sweet okay??

And worse than that was the fact that my father had insisted on taking me to my last doctor. Dr. Harold. My pediatrician from when I was five. I growled under my breath at the painted Dora on the walls. I hate that bitch.

"Easy, now" My dad said.

I rolled my eyes at him and picked at the brown paper covered bed thingy I was sitting upon. It felt too small for me.

The Dr. walked in all cheerfully, "Hello, again Pandora, my what a young woman you've grown to be!"

"Pedophile" I muttered under my breath.

"I'm sorry, what?" he replied.

"Nothing!" I said at once feeling guilty. Damn, my period must be coming soon to visit because I've been bipolar nearly all week.

"Okay then well we've got your blood test results." He looked at the chart, "No virus's or flu signs, but there is--"

"Ohmygosh!!" I suddenly screamed, "Am I dying?? DO I like have leukemia?? Am I going bald!?" I grabbed at my oily hair frantically.

Dr. Harold gave a chuckle, "Of course, not, silly, it isn't anything bad, on the other hand I'd like to congratulate you."

"For what? Exercising once a year?" I said sarcastically.

He laughed again and he was seriously starting to test my patience.

"Pandora, let the doctor finish" My father chastised.

I rolled my eyes. "So what's wrong with me? Why am I losing weight and puking everyday? Don't tell me I've got bulimia? Gosh, and I'd always thought it was a choice. Is it contagious? Did I get it from that whore, Brittany Barnes, at school?"

He shook his head and smiled fondly, "No it's not an eating disorder. One of your blood tests came back positive. You're pregnant, congratulations!"

Two things happened then simultaneously. My dad fainted, falling out of his chair. And a picture of Fucker Jr. came into my mind. "Mother Fucker." I growled.


Two weeks later and, surprisingly, I'm still pregnant. It took a moment for it to sink in (in which my dad ordered several pregnancy tests; it wasn't until he saw the ultrasound that he finally accepted it). For a while i thought my dad would throw me out or make me get an abortion, i mean i was so not ready to be *pregnant* but i still didn't want to end a life before it could even begin. But he grudgingly took care of me and made sure i got prenatal care.

When Sherry found out, she did want to throw me out, but my daddy wouldn't let her. She called me a slut as well and her and my dad got into a fight. In the mean-while Jasper just looked at me shocked.Then he grinned, "So you had sex, how was it?"

I rolled my eyes and threw him a couch pillow, "Guys" I muttered under my breath but I knew that what he really meant was "I'm okay with this, i guess, can i be the godfather?". Well maybe not the last part, but you get the point.

I didn't tell anyone outside my immediate family, except Grammy and Grandpa. They laughed. I mean they actually laughed saying it was ironic how they'd had my father at an old age (42) and he'd had me young and now i was going to do the same. I rolled my eyes but i was thankful they didn't think i was a whore.

No one asked who the father was. Somehow Jasper, my dad, and Grammy knew already. My grandpa said he hoped it was someone with strong bones so my kid could be a good at labor work. Ah old people. Sherry just ignored the fact that i was preggers and glared at me every time i passed by with my semi-big belly.

Turns out i was sick because i wasn't eating right and the baby was rejecting the junk food i was eating. It was malnourished so when i started eating healthy food and taking the prenatal vitamins i started gaining weight and i felt healthy again. Though, of course, i had to have my chocolate once in a while and my baby never protested against that.

My baby...

It felt weird to say that. Not in a bad way. On the contrary I felt complete somehow.

"Hey!" i said as i plopped down int he couch next to Jasper who was playing his PSP. He was really in a bad mood since last week. Sherry hadn't let him go to his dad's as planned. It got me pissed as well, especially when my dad agreed with her, i mean What the fuck?? But my preggers mood-swings kept me distracted.

"Hi" he replied in a monotone. He wouldn't let show how upset he was; that was so Jasper.

"Want to go buy some ice cream?" I suggested. The parentals weren't home. Something about going out of town for a couple of hours to go get something.


"How bout going to Game Stop?"

"No, thanks"



"Want to go over to Danny's?" I said desperately.

He looked up at me stunned. For the last two weeks, I wasn't allowed to go anywhere public because of y'know, the preggers thing. But Jasper either, especially not to Danny's. The parentals were afraid he'd tell him. Gossip would spread and y'know. "Why are you trying to cheer me up?" he asked, "Your the one that's pregnant."

I shrugged, "Not the worst thing in the world, y'know"

"Okay" Jaz smiled, "Let's go"

Just as we were heading out the door, my dads car parked up front. "Sorry," i murmured, "Maybe next time" and i proceeded to walking back to the couch but Jasper stayed frozen at the doorstep. "What's wrong?" I asked but he wouldn't answer, he just kept staring at my dad's car, as the parentals go off.

I went back to look. There was a man with them. He was tall with blond hair and watery looking green eyes. He was crying and yet he was smiling. And a second later i understood just as Jasper went running to him and threw himself in his arms.

I gasped, and tears burned in my eyes as well (man i was emotional as hell these days), it was Jasper's dad! No fudging way!! I stared as reunited father and son hugged and cried whilst Sherry stalked angrily past me and my father joined my side. He smiled, "Happy Birthday"

"So you actually remembered the favor i asked you on your wedding day??" I asked in disbelief.

he nodded and put his arm around my shoulders, squeezing slightly, "Yes. I told you your present would get hear in a month. It took a lot too track him down and then our lawyers had to work out a deal. But finally we worked out a time and place"

"S-so Jasper's finally going to be with his dad?" i asked, "Wasn't Sherry mad??"

My dad grinned, "Sharon's a bit peeved but she agreed that it was for the better"

I highly doubted that, maybe my dad bribed her or something but i could care less at the moment. And then Jasper and his dad separated and he ran to me and hugged me. "Whoa!" i laughed, "Pregnant belly, member?"

"Your the best sister EVER!!" he yelled and then he let me go and hugged my dad, screaming, "SHERRY doesn't deserve you, Vick!" Then he let him go and ran down the hall up the stairs, "GONNA PACK!!" he yelled.

I grinned. Mr. Marks came up to us then. "Hello, young lady, I'm Richard Marks, I heard what you did and i cant possibly thank you enough"

I blushed, "Thanks, it wasn't a big deal, y'know,"

"On the contrary; it really was. You have my thanks" then he proceeded to follow Jasper.

For a second i smiled proudly. And then i realized what this meant. Jasper was going to leave. i wasn't going to see him. Tears came to my eyes. My dad hugged me knowing what was going through my head.

I guess God does work in mysterious, painful, really weird, and totally ironic ways.
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Tire Swing by Kimya Dawson! :D