Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

The Hunt For Flying Cows & Lickable Frogs

I'd sort of fallen into a routine for the next two weeks.

Morning; wake up, go to school, don't forget pants, argue with Lara who kept saying i was being a negligent friend (just because i didn't invite her along when me, Damian, and Everard went out with the baby[apparently it was extra credit and we needed all the extra points we could get]), go to class, trying my best not to fall asleep because Dr. Heimlich's (my biology teacher's) voice was like the thrum of a car engine, and basically try to survive the morning.

Lunch; sit with Lara and sympathetically listen to her talk about herself whilst eating chocolate pudding and daydreaming about flying cows and lickable frogs.

Art class; purposely cause trouble, annoy/ enrage Mr. Martins with my presence, and splash paint on the baby to make him colorful whilst Ever looked on disapprovingly but didn't try to stop me.

Health; try not to blush or do anything stupid as Mr. Opal explained (with detail) the human body's sex organs and their functions. Damian's best subject, I'd have to say.

After school; either listen to Ever and Damian's arguments or be a part of them (we never ran out of things to disagree on, for some reason).

It all had become pretty normal; my crush on D was actually lessening as we became friends, though he was still really attractive and caused butterflies in my stomach.

And Everard had become my best friend; though i wouldn't tell Lara that, she was very possessive and i could tell when she saw us goofing off in Art she'd become jealous. But Ever was really something, i couldn't believe I'd never befriended him before; He really was an original.

The best thing though was that i hadn't seen Cougar Sharon lately (that woman really did scare me to the core!), but i had an inkling that my dad was seeing her outside of work. I didn't press the matter though, after all, his actions were purely for me as he'd said. Apparently chocolate was becoming really expensive these days.

So yeah, about the only shocking thing that happened was that the first Friday I'd come home with Fucker Jr. I'd scared the crap out of my dad. See i hadn't exactly told him about the project because i was sort of nervous of what he'd think. So yeah that night i came in the living room with the baby in one arm and the things bottle, diapers, and etc.. in the other; one look and my dad yelled and fainted murmuring things like "No, Rodrigo, stay away from my daughter! The kids not hers! It's not!". It took an hour for him to regain conscientiousness and i explained to him what was going on. Saying it wasn't real and how it was for a grade but he still wouldn't get near it, he practically ran out of the room when i said he was a grandpa!

But we coped with it when it was my turn to take care of it (half of the time i took out the things batteries) and my dad even invited Ever and Damian over for dinner. He basically threatened them both to stay away from my virginity (totally not awkward) or he'd go hunting for them.

That was the best my dad had done at dealing with adolescent boys for most of my High School and Jr. High years. I was proud (*sniffle*).

Anyways, that week was the last week of January and i was pretty excited, on Valentines day there was going to be a charity concert at a nearby arena. It happened every year and they always got some random but fantastic band to play to make money for a local charity of the bands choice. It was still under wraps so we didn't know who it was but there was a rumor going around that it was Sum 41.

Even though they were a rock band, they were pretty well known so everyone was whispering excitedly over the matter. Me and Ever were dying to go, he'd even say he was willing to camp out in front of the Arena.

I appreciated the thought, but i went with a more technical way and booked the tickets online (three for Lara, Everard, and me [apparently Damian's parents were the main donator's in this event so they got free tickets]) but they were outrageously expensive.

"Three hundred and twenty dollars?!" I was complaining to Everard that morning as i gave him a ride to school.

"Harsh, but it is for a good cause" He shrugged rocking Fucker Jr. in his arms,"I already paid my ticket, you want me to lone you cash?"

Unless he was as rich as his cousin, that wasn't possible, "No, I am not taking money from you. Ugh, even Lara"- (Ever grumbled; he didn't like her much)-"paid hers already. I don't know how I'm supposed to come up with three hundred and twenty dollars. My dad could give me half, but that leaves one hundred and sixty dollars!" i groaned.

"Improved in math?" He asked with his grin.

I couldn't help but smile too, Ever was contagious that way, "Psh-as if, I've just got the numbers burned into my mind"

He nodded understanding wanting to offer more than what he could but obviously he just couldn't, "Don't worry, maybe your dad'll get that raise?"

I'd told Ever about the Cougar lady and she seemed to unnerve him just as much as she did to me.

"Unlikely unless my dad gives into her seduction and really, I'm not sure my dad would stoop so low" I muttered bitterly.

I yawned then; the stupid kid had kept me up most've the night with it's stupid glitching speaker, "By the way, where's Damian? I gotta give him back Fucker Jr. before i throw him off my balcony"

He shot a "Shut up" look at me as if the robotic creature would hear me so i repeated what I'd said louder.

"Alright already" he grumbled as i parked the car in front of the gym, "Once the projects done you can do whatever you like with the baby"

We got out of the car and i squealed "Thanks" whilst taking Fucker out of his hands much more cheerfully.

Ever chuckled and headed towards the caf which was were people were in the mornings whilst i nearly skipped to the gym.

"You're still doing that lame project?" Lara asked as i took a seat next to her on the bleachers while everybody was playing volleyball before class begun. I patted the plastic head lightly, imagining running it over with my car.

"Um, it's for the rest of the year?" I said with a dimming smile, "Why are you so annoyed by him?"

That was the first time i called it a 'him'. Again with the defending helpless creatures, i thought.

Lara rolled her eyes and flipping her blonde ponytail from her shoulder and i had the sudden urge to yank it like i had to Brittany Barnes' hair, "Oh nothing, i just don't see why you've got to spend all that time with that Everard Grace kid"

My anger lessened, she was threatened by Ever's friendship with me.

I smiled patting her slim skinny tan shoulder reassuringly, "It's okay, Lara, if you want, i can stop spending Art class talking to Ever."

With a start she looked at me surprised, "You'd actually do that for me?" she asked in disbelief.

I smiled, "Of course and for the Valentines concert how bout we all hang out together?"

"Really?" she asked and i nodded then she hugged me really tight.

"Whoa there, blonde" I grumbled for hugs weren't quite my thing, especially with Lara, it just reminded me how much slimmer and fluid she was.

But i felt I'd fixed our friendship and that's what mattered most; I never suspected how wrong i would come to be.
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kinda sucks that no ones reading my story bt oh well, ther's only so much 'love storys' that are likeable. Yeah i knw , y dnt i actually do sumthin about it-write a non-romantic story bt hey, ther's only so many ideas out there &im no JK Rowling so this is what i do. 'sidz; (yeah i knw im talking to much and ther's probably no1 reading this crap) this isnt just some cliche Popular guy freak girl. It goes wayy deeper nd i personally like the psychotic side of it.XP