Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

I Sell My Soul To The Devil,

To my surprise, Lara looked like she really seemed to be trying to get along with Everard now and i was really proud and happy my two closest friends could get along. It was just that Ever really really didn't like her; he said she was too much of a blonde.

"Just because people are blonde doesn't mean they're BLONDE" I argued, "You're stereotypically judging her"

We were at a Ben&Jerry's in the local mall eating some ice cream (celebrating the change of the chilly weather. My dad had kept me away from cold treats; jeesh he was overprotective), and thankfully Ever shared my taste in chocolate ice cream as well so that saved us another pointless argument; last time it'd been about what the 'D. C' in Washington D.C stood for. But it was fun, especially when I'd do something that totally went against logic and Everard would persistently stick to his facts whilst i stubbornly disagreed.

It was really cool. He was the only one who could have an impressive big word fight with me and still win.

Though, I'd totally disagree saying he did not.

"I'm not talking about all Blonde people, I'm just talking about Lara White" He said whilst sucking on his chocolate shake straw, "Seriously, back in Art i was asking for her thoughts on the Civil War and who she sided with and she just gave me this blank look and stared at me with a creepy smile."

I munched on some of my fries I'd gotten at a the food court in front of us and laughed, "It's because you're too intimidating with all your history knowledge and 'touch me and I'll burn you alive look' you give people"

He cocked an eyebrow at me, "Are you intimidated by me?"

I looked him over, he was wearing ripped black jeans, a dark black shirt that said "My life goal is to push Miley Cyrus off a Cliff" in dripping pink and his old black converse. His hair had grown and darkened too in the past month and his spiky bangs covered a lot of his sweet hazel eyes; i knew how people saw him on the outside; a freaky emo guy that looked like he kept a snake as a pet and fed it kittens for breakfast.

Rebellious almost, it seemed, but only in appearance (don't forget that first day in Art!); to me he was still my totally not dangerous best friend.

"Totally," i said with a serious nod, "I, like, stumble over my words and stuff" Then i threw him a french fry.

He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm and food throwing but grinned his half-smile anyways, "I just don't see why I've got to get along with her"

"Because" i said for the billionth time, "She's my friend and i don't really feel comfortable with her feeling left out and all"

"So she's still coming to the Valentines concert with us?" he concluded.

"Yep, i just gotta get the money for my ticket now" i said trying to hide the worried tone in my voice.

"I just hope the she-devil gets shot by one of cupid's arrows... and not the love kind" he grumbled sticking his straw over and over in his shake but not really killing it. His tone confused me. It was disappointed somehow. He can't hate her that much?

"Not nice" I chastised right before Damian came in; that always seemed to happen, it's like Ever and me couldn't be alone for one second before he burst in- not that there was anything we were doing!

My mind was doing mental chatter as Damian approached and i noticed he wasn't alone.

There he was all godlike (my stomach fluttered as he smiled at me) but next to him was Brittany Barnes, my arch-enemy since pre-k when she put gum in my hair and pushed me off the monkey bars. Dangerous place for children.

"Hey, guys" Damian greeted looking as always arrogant. I didn't know what he was happy about, i sure wouldn't be happy with the scum next to him.

When neither me or Ever answered he took that as an invitation to sit down with us; we were in the booth at the edge of the shop so basically they squished into us; the bitch-*cough*- i mean Brittany, Damian, me and a very uncomfortable looking Everard.

Then Damian had the nerve to take some of my chocolatey goodness ice cream, oh no he didn't! I would've bit him right then and there if there weren't people surrounding us. As if my style didn't come off as vampire enough!

"Where's Fucker Jr?" i asked him with a grumble for it was Tuesday, e.i his turn to take care of him.

"Being taken care of by Danny's old nanny" He answered with a wave of the hand like it wasn't important.

"So what were you guys talking about?" D asked still mooching off my food whilst Brittany leaned forward, that slut!, exposing the top of her breasts for the guys. They stared of course, who wouldn't? She had ginormous boobs; i suspected she'd had a boob job.

"Brittany, why don't you cover yourself up, dear, I'm afraid this isn't the strip club your used to" i snarled trying to sound nice, a bit.

She laughed her hideous chilling laugh making her stuff look like jello being shook, "Oh Andy, aren't you just adorable, with your flea-market clothes and cheap haircut i guess you don't really understand the concept of 'attractive', do you, Hun?" She said pulling off the sugary voice.

"I'll show you 'attractive'" i growled making a move to claw her pretty face off but Everard held me back saying, "We were talking about the Valentines concert; are you guys going?"

Damian answered reluctantly obviously wanting to see a cat fight, "Um, yeah, Mom and Dad got front seats for Me, Danny and--"

"Me!" Brittany exclaimed at me practically screaming "In your face, freak!".

"That's nice" I grumbled not wanting to admit how i was practically the only one without a ticket right now.

"Oh I'm sorry" Brittany said in a false earnest voice, "I know how hard it is for poor people, (from afar, of course) don't worry I'm sure the charity would make an exception for you, being that you are a charity case"

I actually growled, like growled growled; Brittany jumped and i lunged for her, "Ah! Get the wild animal away from me!" she screamed as i pulled at her hair.

Ever tried to pull me away but i held on tight having to be sprawled across Damian's lap and he looked like he quite enjoyed this.

"Ungrateful, bitch!" I yelled and people stared. She tried to fight back but i guessed she was more worried about her pretty blonde hair being torn from her scalp, "Get her off me!! Call animal control!" she screamed uselessly.

"Andy! Stop!," Ever kept saying in protest trying to do anything to stop this, but then the shops employees showed up and pulled me away from her.

"Ma'am, control yourself, please!" said the redheaded employee who was holding me back.

I bet i looked out of control, i could feel how messed up my dark clothes wore, my hair was all over the place and in my face as i panted glaring at Brittany who was being comforted by the other employee being promised a free ice cream cone.

Ever stood and took me from the lady, "Don't worry, we're leaving" he said but something sounded off about his voice; it wasn't until we were outside that he burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing at me?" i questioned in a sour mood, "Did her massive boobs hypnotize you or something?"

He laughed still, "No, but you- you never fail to surprise me, y'know"

I rolled my eyes but gave him a small smile, "Yeah, glad to be of service"

Then he blushed scratching the back of his head like he did when he was nervous, "I--"


But Damian who just came out the door cut him off, "Hey, Andy, listen; about what happened in there--"

"Don't tell me your actually sorry about the fight" i scoffed.

Damian laughed, "Psh-no way, that was hot!"

I rolled my eyes, "Typical"

"But anyways, do you really not have a ticket?" he asked but he didn't look like he meant it as a mocking question so i shook my head warily.

"I could lone you the money" he offered seriously.

"As if, where would you get three hundred and twenty dollars" i scoffed.

"From his pocket" Ever answered but it wasn't a sarcastic comment.

"Yeah" Damian nodded taking out a roll of bills, "I'm rich, y'know"

I looked at him cautiously, "What would i have to do?"

He smirked and i glared knowing what he was thinking. "Fine, not that, but, like, i could use some help with my chores"

"You want me to be your maid?" i asked him incredulously.

He shrugged, "Federica's off till after the Valentines concert; mom's put her to work at the arena and i really don't like having my room dirty"

Clean it yourself, lazy ass, i almost snapped but i really wanted to go to the concert and my dad hadn't gotten the raise he wanted so there was no possible way he could give me the money, "That's it?" i asked.

"Yep" he said tossing me half of the rolled up bills, "Tomorrow after school"

I caught the money and looked up in time to see him give me a mischievous grin, "Oh and Andy, i have a maid's costume you can wear"

Before i could object he disappeared inside.

I counted the money; three hundred and twenty exactly.

"You do know you just handed your soul to the devil, right?" Ever asked looking concerned.

I grimaced, "At least he pays good"
♠ ♠ ♠
*I need to remember to tell you guys later what that means. Hm, if i remember... No i won't, oh well.