Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

Falling For You... Literally.

"Ugh!"i groaned and Ever laughed. It burned as it made it's way down my throat but i drank some more, and indeed i was feeling calmer.

Ever laughed again and took the bottle from me, "Okay, that's enough, you shouldn't drink too much. it's bad."

I pouted my lip but he rolled his eyes keeping the bottle away from me.

"But I'm not even drunk, yet," i protested. For some reason i really wanted to experience getting wasted.

"I'm not gonna let you get drunk" he said as if he were an adult.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, "Where are your parentals?"

"Mom's out with my aunt Lola, D's mom. I think they're at some pie convention or something" he shrugged paying attention to the music, Take My Hand by The Cab was playing.

That's when i remembered; i reached into my skinny jean's pocket and grabbed my cellphone.

The doorbell rung and Ever went to answer it as i checked my phone; 41 missed calls, 39 text messages, 26 voice-mail messages.

I ignored the calls and voice-mail, scrolling down my texts;

:)Lara:(4:43)Biatch, wat happnd wit D?

:)Lara:(4:44)Cmon, jxt tell me..

:)Lara:(4:50) or R U lyk doin stuff? ;O

After 20 more texts from her, there where new ones;

DamianXD;(5:12) Sorry, i bailed. Something happened, i just didn't feel up to bossing you around in the hot maid's outfit i bought you.- I know right? Totally not me. XOXO-D

DamianXD;(5:15)On second thought, maybe you should come over, that maid's outfit sure looks lonely. XOXO-D

DamianXD:(6:23) Party at my house later, come, please? XOXO-D

:)Lara:(6:36): OMG! Damian James is throwing a partayy @ his house!! R U goin 2 b there?!- U btr b!!

I rolled my eyes at that one but then my dad's text was there;

Daddy<3:(6:39) Hun, where are you?

Daddy<3:(6:43) Did you drop the chocolate pudding?

Daddy<3: (6:50) Pandora, sweetheart, if you saw... Honey, just come home please. I want to talk.

Daddy<3:(7:04) Please, Andy, come home. I need to talk to you.

My eyes stung with new tears and i got angry.

To Daddy<3: No thanks. I'm gonna be at a friends for now. Don't want to see you. Not gonna answer any calls or texts. Go back to your little mistress. Bye. -That Girl You Call Your Daughter.

I turned off my phone then blinked the tears away, that's when i noticed the arguing.

I walked to the front door and found Ever fighting with Damian, "-not going to forgive you. Like you mean it" Ever scoffed sarcastically.

Damian looked sad, "But i do, Cuz, i swear i-"

Then he caught sight of me, "Andy?"

"Hey, D" i said wondering what they were fighting about.

He raised his eyebrows up at Ever, "Really, dude?"

"Yes really, and she's just here to hang out, moron" Ever muttered.

"Yeah, hang out" D muttered sarcastically looking at the bottle of liquor in Ever's hand.

"So...?" Ever muttered obviously wanting D to leave.

D rolled his eyes at him, "Fine don't forgive me, your loss" then he looked at me and grinned, "There's a party going on at my house, wanna come?"

Ever began to answer, "Nowa--"

"Yes" i cut him off feeling like i needed to be reckless tonight to get back at my dad.

Damian grinned triumphant and Ever looked hurt.

"But i want you to come too, please?" i asked Ever hurriedly.

He shook his head looking disappointed, "You go, i have homework"

I stepped out but the expression on his face cut me like a knife and i sighed, I'm sorry, Ever, but i need this.

Damian grinned at me and we made our way over to his house.

The inside of his house was even more extravagant. Everything looked like it could be worth a million dollars but the hundreds of kids here were partying like there was no tomorrow.

"It's Wednesday. Who throws a party on a Wednesday?" i asked D as we made our way through, "And where's Fucker Jr?"

He shrugged, "Only time my parentals were out. Gotta take advantage of the situation and they took the little Fucker with them. Thank god."

Josey by Hey Monday was playing on Damian's stereo system and i swayed to the music.

Then Damian disappeared to who knows where. I didn't really know any of these people so i made my way to the table with blue punch.

Some guy with a weird grin served me a cup and winked at me.

Somehow that got me missing Ever and his warm hugs, so i downed the whole cup in distraught. The punch was so good that i got another one. and so went that one.

5cups later..

"Did ju know, th-thas mah fovort song?" I asked some guy dancing next to me.

He looked at me weird but then noted the stack of used cups i had in my hand and nodded, "Mine too, hey you wanna go up stairs? And hang out" he gave me a weird smile.

"You're gettin blurtyy" I laughed feeling like the world was spinning.

That's when Ever appeared in front of me, i squealed with delight, "Eberrr! Diz guy wantzz me to go upstarrz with him!"

3rd Person

Ever sat at the edge of his bed miserably, he missed Andy. His stomach did a weird flippy thing when she was near him. He loved absolutely everything about her. And when she'd shown up crying it simply broke his heart but being able to make her better was the best feeling. The way she'd lay her head against his shoulder, how she smelled of cool peppermint.

"Ugh" Ever groaned, he couldn't believe she'd just gone with his cousin. He should've known, no girl would ever like him when his hot rich cousin lived right next-door.

That's it then, isn't it? Everard asked himself, I like her.

Admitting it made a chill go up his spine.

Oh well, He sighed, D wins, like he always does. As long as she's happy, i guess.

A moment of silence passed.

Who was he kidding? Ever didn't want to let it go. Fine, Andy wouldn't like him that way, but he still wanted her friendship. She's the only one that ever got him. That's the least she could give him, right?

And in that case, it was his job to go watch over her, knowing D, he'd take any chance to get with Andy.

On that happy note, he put on his purple American Eagle hoodie and made his way over to his cousin's.

It was a disaster already, and practically a whorehouse or something; half the people were hooking up with what Everard could bet were people that they'd never even met before.

He sighed, automatically wishing he'd saved that breath, for the atmosphere stunk of weed.

But never-the-less he made his way through the drunk, horny, high people.

Ever didn't have to look that long, Andy was standing in front of the punch table.

She was laughing and swaying in front of some dirty looking guy.

He made his way to her and she squealed when she saw him, "Eberrr! Diz guy wantzz me to go upstarrz with him!"

"Get lost"Ever snarled at the guy and he obeyed, then he looked at Andy.

She was blinking a lot and swaying like if the world was spinning, Ever caught her as she almost toppled over, "Andy, what the hell is wrong with you?"

She pulled away from him and brushed the hair from her face, "Gooooodd drinkkkkzz" she slurred trying to point at the blue punch bowl but completely missing, that's when he saw the 7 empty cups in her hand.

"Andy, can i see the cups?"He asked gently.

She handed them to him as she whirled around trying to dance to the music.

Ever took one whiff and the smell burned his nostrils, "Ugh, vodka" he muttered. He watched her for a while as she tried to dance, but failed miserably.

"C'mon, Andy, we gotta go" he murmured trying to lead her to the door but his darling cousin stopped him.

"Where do you think you're going with her?" he asked his breath reeking with beer but he wasn't drunk... yet.

"She's drunk, i gotta get her home before she hurts herself" Ever snarled. Mine, his mind seemed to growl at his cousin.

Damian looked at Andy who was making a weird noise with her tongue as she looked around not focusing on anything imperticular.

"I think it's time she joins the game then" he grinned then grabbed Andy's hand, "Wanna play a game Andy?"

She squealed with delight, "JESS!" and Ever grudgingly followed them up the stairs, Damian led them to his room where there was a circle gathered of a couple people.

Lara White, the blonde one, looked at Andy and motioned for her to sit next to her which she did, nearly falling over in the process.

Ever rolled his eyes but sat next to D in front of them; Lara whispered something in Andy's ear and she giggled pressing her fingers to Lara's mouth, "SHHH" she said practically spitting on her. Ever laughed, that's Andy for you, always does something amusing.

Then Lara spotted Ever and she smiled waving. He gulped and looked away.

"The Bottle!" Damian announced suddenly, placing a beer bottle in the middle of the circle.

"Spin the bottle? Seriously?" he scoffed at his cousin.

"Seven minutes in heaven, actually, Cuz" He grinned glancing at Andy.

Aw shyt, Ever thought, that's way more than enough time for Damian.

"Me first!" Brittany Barnes exclaimed smirking at Damian, then she bent over, showing more than enough body parts, and spun the stupid bottle.

I guess Karma works because she got stuck with Billy Hanson, a dweeb with a saliva problem; the timer Damian held rang seven minutes later and she ran out screaming about needing to rinse her mouth.

Andy giggled, guess she wasn't drunk enough to forget how much she hated the queen bee. Then she looked at Ever with her sparkling midnight blue eyes and smiled. His heart fluttered.

Stop doing that! He told it and looked away waiting for people to take their turns, he just wanted to leave. Maybe later he could finish that history novel Mr. Graves had lent him. It was pretty long and even though Ever liked history, he wasn't that good with reading, especially not 500pg books. But it was rather interesting despite all the smart words, maybe--

"Yayy" Andy suddenly squealed. Ever looked up and realized it was her turn, his stomach flipped nervously; if the guy she gets takes advantage of her I'm going to rip him limb from--

Then the bottle neck stopped... pointing to Everard. He gulped, he was happy, oh how he was happy, but Ever knew nothing could happen. He just had to survive seven minutes in the closet with the girl he was in like with, whom, by the way, was drunk.

She'll be the end of me, he thought as he took Andy's hand and led her into Damian's big closet, without looking at Damian's probably hostile expression or Lara White's usually jealous face.

Ever sat Andy down in one corner, not turning on the light, and he went to the opposite.

"Ebberr?" she called shuffling around.

"I'm right here," he responded, wanting to keep her as far away from him as possible.

His eyes were adjusting to the dark now and he could see her as she stumbled over her own feet trying to get up, "Ebberr, helbb mez?"

Everard couldn't resist, he crossed the space between them and helped her up but kept some distance.

"Turkey" she muttered.


"Andy means,, thanx" Andy corrected herself trying to keep hold of him.

"Andy, maybe you should just sit over there" Ever gulped, he was never good with temptation but she kept trying to hug him.

"No, Andy likz Ebberrz huggz. Dey smell like chomolate" she muttered and kept trying to hug him.

"What else does Andy like about Ever?" Ever asked feeling a bit ashamed, but hey it wasn't like he was groping her like D would've been doing.

"Andy likz Ebbers pershpeshive- persheptib-"

"Perspective?" mused Ever.

"Jes, that- on zee world" Andy murmured against his jacket.

"Oh really, what else?"

"Andy likes zee way Ebberr fishes wit herr" she slurred.


"Fightzz" she corrected like he was the one who'd made the mistake, "And how Ebberr makezz herr feelz special and unlonely"

Ever smiled earnestly, "That's nice" but he still wouldn't let her hug him.

Andy grumbled and retreated, "Ibb i tell ju a secret will u let me hug ju?"

Ever mulled that over, "sure" he said with a shrug.

"C'mere" she murmured pulling his ear towards her lips, "Pinky promish nots to tellz anybun?"

"Yeah" he gulped, her lips on his ear felt good. Stupid hormones.

"Okay, dont tell Ebberr i toldd ju. Anddyy likezz Ebberr more than Damian" Andy murmured.

Everard's stomach did another big flip like Shamu was in there jumping up and down, but before he could do anything Andy tackled him into a hug.

He wasn't ready so they both fell backward, "Oomph!"

"Ugh," Ever groaned having hit his head on a pair of shoes, "Andy you okay?"

Her hair was sprawled all over his face but when she picked it up her head was leveled with his.

Her eyes seemed to sparkle even in the dark as she looked down at him.

And before he could do anything (not that he knew what he would've done, in retrospect) Andy kissed him.

For a second Ever's head buzzed with incoherent thoughts, all he knew was that her lips were against his. His heart was beating like crazy and it was weird but Andy's lips didn't taste like all that vodka, in fact all he could taste was her pepperminty lip balm.

Ever wrapped his arms more securely around her waist and she tangled her cold fingers in his hair. As his lips completely molded to hers, Andy ran her tongue lightly on his bottom lip. He couldn't help but moan. Then she intertwined her legs with his so there bodies were even closer now and pleasuring chills ran up and down his spine.

Man, this girl can kiss.

The moment was perfect, like Hallmark moment. (aside fact that Andy was drunk, and they were in a closet).

That's when reality sunk in, he was making out in a closet with his totally drunk best friend, whom he was supposed to be taking care of. Though before he could make his attempt to stop (which he probably couldn't have done) a timer suddenly went off and Damian marched in the closet.

The face he made was priceless and Ever would've laughed if Andy's lips weren't still kissing his rather forcefully; she didn't even care that D was standing there.

"Break it up!" he ordered taking Andy off of him.

Ever stood up dusting himself off, unable to get the smirk off his face, as he stepped out while everybody stared at them. Lara actually looked like she could murder Ever, guess this was supposed to be D's shot. Oh well.

Finally Damian came out dragging Andy along, but then...

Everybody screamed and moved away while Ever burst out laughing; Andy had just puked all over Damian.

The idiot dropped her, though, and ran away too, crying "My new shoes!". "Ever?" Andy groaned sounding more sober.

Ever smiled a bit and helped her up, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her.Then he took her in his arms to shield her from whatever came within a ten mile radius.

"I wanna go home" Andy murmured sleepily as her head lolled against his shoulder as they left the party.

In retrospect, Ever knew that this was the night he fell in love with this stupid, idiotic, psychotic, but adorably helpless girl. And he wouldn't have changed that even if he could.
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To Whom This May Concern,

I need friends.. lol, me and my buddy spend three hours at Dollar General. Shoot me, plz.