Status: its a completed story, since i had it on quizilla under the name 'how far we've come', but i was bored so i edited it and posted it here.

In Over My Head

Just. ***ing. Super.

"Good morning."

The voice hit me like a ton of bricks; suddenly i was aware of how bright the sun was on my eyelids and the scratchy ew feeling in the back of my throat.

I groaned and rolled over.

"I've got blueberry waffles" My dad coaxed.

Immediately i sat up.

The world spun before me and i could barely make out my dad standing in front of my bed with a sheepish grin and a trey of said waffles accompanied by a glass of my favorite Mexican cinnamon-spiced chocolate milk.


I was about to snatch it from him when nausea turned over my stomach rather roughly and i recalled what'd happened last night. or at least most of it.

"No thanks" i replied coldly.

He frowned, "Pandora, you were drunk. That's illegal for minors.I though i told you how dangerous drinking is for teenagers?"

"You also told me you loved my mom" I snapped.

My dad sighed and shook his head, "Andy, I-"

"Don't wanna hear it" i objected.

He sighed sadly "Fine, we'll talk later. Get ready for school. Oh and tell that project partner of yours i said "Thanks""

"Huh? who? and why?" i asked.

He narrowed his eyes thinking, "The boy, you know, the one that was in black the time i met him? He brought you home. Drunk but safe and unscathed." Then he shook his head as if that were truly a miracle and left.

I knew Ever wouldn't have let anything happen to me, but strangely i didn't remember seeing him at the party.

Hm, go figure, who knew two sips of that liquor would be that strong?

I stood, trying to keep my balance but nausea churned in my stomach and i barely made it to the toilet bowl in time.

Gah, how can you puke when you've got nothing TO puke??

I took a brief shower, washing the cigarette and beer smell out of my hair, then dressed in a black goth skirt with tights (my legs so did not want to put up with pants today) and a loose All Time Low band T that had a cute robot in the front.

When i arrived at the gym only Lara was there; she was sitting in a curious position on the bleachers with her face in her hands.


She looked up at me and I gasped, Lara White (the ice queen) was crying?!

"What's wrong?" I asked whilst trying to pat her back soothingly but she flinched away from me.

Lara glared at me, "As if you don't know! Don't act so innocent, Pandora!"

"W-what? What are you talking about?" i asked bemused.

She laughed hysterically and left me there confused.

I sighed and shrugged, well, whatever it was, she'd get over it sooner or later.

Groaning I made my way over to Lara's 6th period class.

All day everyone had been staring and pointing at me and sometimes even laughing!?

I had a feeling it was connected to whatever upset Lara so i stood out there and waited for her to come out.

"Hey I-" I'd started to say when i she came out the door but she completely ignored me; chatting with Brittany Barnes and doing that annoying flip of the hair thing as she passed me.

What the hell?

I groaned and walked to the end of the hall were the lockers were located and slid down them, ignoring the chill that the cold metal gave my back through my t-shirt.

I sat against them for a long while completely bewildered by everyone's reaction towards me.

"What the hell did i do?!" i muttered irritated to the core.


I looked up; Damian was walking towards me holding Fucker Jr. in his arms, "How come you have the kid? Wasn't yesterday and today Ever's turn?"

He sat next to me, "Yeah, i know but he's filling in for me this coming Monday and Tuesday. Gotta help out with the Valentines concert thing" He shrugged, "So you coming over today to work off your debt?"

I could clearly hear the insinuation in his voice but i didn't really have it in me to thump him like i normally would have done.


Damian must've noticed my emotion-lacking tone, "What's up? Still hung over?"

I grimaced, ah, i had almost forgotten the constant throbbing headache and dizzying nausea, "Definitely" i sighed, "But like i only had a couple of sips of the stuff and i have no memory at all of what went on at the party?"

Damian cocked an eyebrow at me, "When i found Ever and you, you were nailed, man" Then he paused grinning slowly, "Psh, no wonder you guys made out; ha, Ever really got lucky" He snorted rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry; i didn't quite understand you. The alcohol's messed with my hearing or something, it sounded like you said me and Ever made out?" i asked incredulously.

Damian looked at me bemused, "We played seven minutes in heaven. You and Ever went in the closet and then when i opened the door, um you guys were...."

My eyes widened in horror, "What?! Psh-no way that's true! Me and Ever are just friends! he would never make a move on me!"

Damian cocked an eyebrow at me almost amused, "Um, Andy, you kissed him, from what i could tell. And from Ever's expression he was just as surprised as i was"

A furious blush spread across my face as i recoiled, which was weird because Pandora Night so did not blush.

He nodded understanding, "Yeah, I've done some pretty stupid things whilst intoxicated, too"

I thumped my forehead, "Oh, god, i cant believe it! I kissed Ever?!"

"I know, Ever of all people, and it wasn't just a peck on the lips, either, you were on top of him on the floor!" He shook his head like if it had been a really wasteful kiss.

I gulped, my stomach was punching itself from the inside.I started banging my head against the locker trying to remember said actions but all i got were weird blurry images of some tangy blue liquid, sitting in a weird circle, Lara whispering something about Damian staring at me, looking at Everard from across the circle and him looking at me with a sheepish smile, remembering how his hair looked all touchable and then... Darkness. And something about really good chocolate?

"Oh the humiliation!" I whined while i kept on banging my head against the lockers.

"Yeah, i know, kissing a dweeb? I'd be embarrassed too"

I looked at Damian bemused , "What? That's not why I'm embarrassed?? Ever's my best friend! I cant believe i did that! He probably thinks i like him now and and-and ( i started hyperventilating by this point) he's probably scared I'm gonna assault him again or something! aghh!! I am so not drinking EVER again!" I groaned as i rubbed my cheeks unable to stop the stupid maddening blush.

"You're cute when you blush"

I looked at Damian completely bewildered, was this really the time to be trying to hit on me?? But strangely he looked a bit shocked, as if he hadn't meant to say that aloud and a suddle blush shimmered on his cheeks"

"I-uh- gotta go, Fucker Jr, um diaper-uh..." Damian murmured incoherently getting up and not meeting my eyes.

I grinned, butterflies flew around in my stomach. On a bitter note, though, i hoped that kept me full because i so wasn't going to the Caf.

Ugh, I hadn't seen Everard but how could i possible face him now?

And then i remembered that my dad had said that Ever had brought me home...

Oh god, i could nearly picture me throwing myself all over him!

And after he showed me all that compassion at his home! this is the way i repay him?? By being an out of control hormonal lunatic?!

Groaning i walked to Art. I needed to get out of school, i was not gonna be around Ever today.

Mr. Martins was seated at his desk, which faced the door from across the room, reading a weird western romance novel. When he spotted me walking towards him he hastily put it away and grimaced, "Yes, Ms. Night? Your lunch period doesn't end until seven minutes from now. Neither of us want anymore time together than is mandatory."

I tried to put on my best discomfort innocent face, "I know, sir"- (he scoffed)-"But I'm not feeling quite well. I think I've got the flu"

Mr. Martins snorted, "Ms. Night, do you really expect me to believe that you suddenly have the flu on the day of an exam?"

I hadn't even known that! Ugh, stupid narcissistic bald headed bastard!

"Mr. Martins please, sir, I'll take the exam tomorrow!" i begged.

He seemed to like the sound of my begging, "Tell me the real reason, then"

I grimaced, "Ugh, I just don't wanna be here!"

Mr. Martins rolled his eyes at me, "Ms. Night, not wanting to be here is not an excuse from attending school or doing my test"

I lost my cool, "Look, baldie, I don't want to see someone today, and as much as you annoy me it isn't you!"

He got purple in the face and bald-spot but before he could yell at me I turned, meaning to leave.

The person in the doorway stopped me dead in my tracks.

Aw, fuck-fuckity-fucker-fuckiness-fuckformity-fuckgillion-fuckme-fuckfinity!!

Everard Grace stood there, in his black jeans, blue and black checkered button up, and blue converse. He was rigid as if shocked into place, staring at me unmoving. No emotion played on his face but his eyes looked shadowed like if the expressions were hiding in there somewhere; I'd never seen this face on Ever before. I was terrified.

"Ms. Night, take your seat please. I don't care of your problems with this person. you're still not leaving, or shall i get security?"

Immediately i rushed to the corner desk as the furious blush returned with a vengeance and Ever took the most obvious choice which was the one right next to the door.

The words from Mr. Martins last sentence still echoed around and i was completely mortified, i wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. But, alas, life is a bitch, because if it were a slut, it would be easy.

So we just sat there for four minutes which stretched out like days. Every little noise was amplified by the silence. I could barely breathe and my stomach was all clenched up, killing the butterflies that had once been there.





3rd Person

Everard poked at his green-meatloaf; why did cafeteria food have to be this nasty??

It seemed like a natural law or something;

The sun sets in the west, girls are a mystery, and cafeteria food is revolting.


Ever was seated at his usual table with the average hishschool goths and freaks (every high school has it's cliques), today's subject; why cutting is rad. That didn't really appeal to Ever, he couldn't understand why people would intentionally inflict pain on themselves? He didn't think he'd ever do that, he already had a pain outlet and that was more than enough.

He looked around but Andy wasn't there, her friend, Lara whats-her-name, though, sat laughing with Brittany Barnes and her gang of girls with too much cleavage. (Damian would probably smack him if he ever said that out loud).

Maybe she hadn't come?

He sighed almost wishing he had Fucker Jr. to distract him.

But he couldn't stop thinking of that kiss last night, admittedly it turned him on a bit, but hey, what could he do? He was a teenage boy. That's to be expected.

Finally he couldn't stand it, he got up and threw his plate, leaving the cafeteria to roam the halls.

Ever was a bit anxious, though, what had Andy meant when she'd said she liked him more than Damian?

As a friend? More that that? or just as a fellow human being?

But right after that she'd kissed him! That counted for something right?

Ever groaned, who was he kidding? Andy'd been drunk that didn't mean anything!


As he mentally argued with, and contradicted, himself, voices traveled down the hall;

"-Night" Ever's ears perked up and he followed the voices, "-do you actually expect me to believe that you suddenly have the flu on the day of an exam?"

He recognized that as Mr. Martins voice, and as he arrived at the doorway he saw Andy (in a cute skirt) standing in front of the teachers desk looking stressed.

It seemed to Ever that Andy wanted to home but Mr. Martins wouldn't let her. Maybe she was still hungover?

She begged him to let her take the exam tomorrow but he wouldn't budge, not believing her and asked for the real reason.

Ever felt bad, were hangovers that painful?

Andy groaned, "Ugh! I-I just do not want to be here" she said desperately.

Ever bit his lip, he should probably leave, but he couldn't make himself do that with Andy so clearly in distress, he wanted to help her.

The teacher snapped impatiently about that not being an excuse.

Finally Andy seemed to loose her nerve, "Look, Baldie. I don't want to see someone today, and as much as you annoy me it isn't you!"

She was talking about him.

Ever froze up as she turned.

When she saw him her eyes widened and Andy halted in surprise.

Yep, that proved it, she'd been talking about him.

Mr. Martins snapped something about sitting down. The both of them sat as far away as possible from each other.

Thoughts spun in Ever's head; she'd regretted what had happened and now hated Ever for taking advantage of her drunken state.

Andy knew that Ever knew that he could've stopped her if he'd really wanted to.

He was so embarrassed, almost wishing he hadn't heard this, wanting her to have lied to him later or something.

But it wasn't Andy's fault, it was his..

He ruined everything; screwed it all up! Like he always did.


