Bam? What Kind of Name Is That? It Sounds Like a Cleaning Product!

{Part 10} ~ The End

"Welcome to West Chester!" a voice over the microphone yells, "I would like to welcome the Finnish band, H.I.M to the stage" the voice continues to say and suddenly the building erupts with clapping and screaming.

Behind the stage Anna is ushering Ville, Burton, Gas, Linde and Mige towards the stage, "Have fun" Anna says as she gives Ville a kiss on the cheek. "Bye sweetheart" Ville says as he gives her a quick hug and follows the rest of the guys out onto the stage, "Come on lets' go and watch them" Bam says as he drags Anna towards the copious amount of fans.

"Brandon what are you doing?" Anna asks but Bam ignore her as he lifts her onto his shoulders, the crowd around them watches on in awe as the band begins to play 'Join me'.
"Baby join me in death, Baby join me in death" Ville begins to sing into the microphone, Ville gives Anna a wink as he watches her tower over the rest of the crowd.

After a few songs Bam finally lets Anna down off his shoulders and begins to drag her though the crowd of people and towards the stage, "Where are we going?" Anna asks as Bam lifts her up onto the stage. "This is Ville's surprise for you. Good Luck" Bam whispers in Anna's ear as he gives her a kiss on the cheek, her stomach fills with warmth. Suddenly Anna takes her eyes off Bam and realises that all the fans are watching her with curiosity, "Ready sweetheart?" Ville asks as he thrusts a microphone in to his confused sister's hand.

"Tonight we have a special guest, Anna Valo, my little sister. She has offered to sing 'Heartache Every Moment' for you tonight" Ville says as Anna shoots him a look of confusion, suddenly the music begins to play "I am going to kill you" Anna threatens as she gives Ville a death glare. "Shut up and sing" Ville says jokingly as Anna raises the microphone.

"From lashes to ashes, from lust to dust. In your sweetest torment, I'm lost" Anna begins to sing, "And no heaven can help us. Ready, willing and able, to loose it all" Ville continues. "For a kiss so fatal and so warm" Anna sang thinking of Bam as he watches on in awe at her voice, so many feeling were running through Anna's mind at the moment she was unsure of everything, even things that seemed so clear not so long ago.

By the time Anna had finished singing everyone was clapping and Ville had placed his arm protectively around her small waist, "I hate you" Anna says as she as she gives a wave to the audience. "I love you too" Ville says with a smile as he watches Anna walk off the stage, he can tell something is up but he is not sure what yet.

"Hey Anna that was terrific, I didn’t know you could sing like that" Bam says enthusiastically as he places a small kiss on her cheek, "Thanks, but Ville got all the talent" Anna says as the pair walk over to the bar.

After the concert everyone heads back to Castle Bam, as they enter the house Anna can still not shake the thoughts she had about Bam, somehow they seemed so bad, yet so right.

"Time for a drink to celebrate the success of our little Finnish Princess" Linde says as he grabs some glasses and a bottle off the Pirate Bar, the label on the bottle faded with time. "I cannot believe you did that Ville" Anna says to her brother as Linde begins to pour a drink for each of them, "You had fun, did you not?" Ville asks with a smirk. "That is not the point, you shouldn't have done that, you could have at least told me" Anna says as she takes a sip of the alcohol, "Drinks away" Dunn yells as they all begin to drink and talk merrily.

After a few hours most of the men were passed out on the floor, the bottle of alcohol nearly all gone except for the little which Bam was now drinking from the bottle. Dunn, Novak and the rest of the CKY crew had left to their rooms about half an hour ago, only the band, Bam and Anna were left down stairs on the floor. Linde, Mige, Gas and Burton were all talking over in the corner, but nothing they said made sense through their drunkenness. Ville, Anna and Bam sat on the other side of the room. Ville was in a state where he was about to pass out, Anna sat not even close to being drunk, only half of her first glass was gone; and then there was Bam who was plastered.

As the night continued Bam slowly slid his hand high up Anna's thigh, "Brandon get off me" she said sternly as placed another hand on her breast. "I said get off me" she repeats a little louder this time, Bam is not deterred at all, in fact he is a little turned on. In a matter of moments Bam has Anna lying on the floor, he sits on top of her, his hands tracing the curves of her body.

"Get the fuck off me" she screams as she scratches Bam with her long, sharp nails, suddenly Bam hits her square in the face. "Ville!" Anna screams to her brother as Bam begins to undo her blouse, Ville remains dead to the world, he broke his promise to her once again but this time he would regret it more than anything he had done before.

Within half an hour it was over, Anna had been raped by Bam. No one heard her screams, no one could hear her cries of protest, and no one remembered what happened after that night, no one except Bam and Anna.

It was a well known fact by Bam's friends that he was a bad drunk when it came to liquors such as Jack Daniels, he became violent. The little bottle on the Pirate Bar had been well hidden for quiet some time, the bottle of Jack Daniels, which contained no label what so ever. One day it was bound to be found, but no one knew of the consequences it would cause, but Anna found out the hard way.

Bam was a name far more than a cleaning product; it was the name of the man who caused Anna to run away, a man who broke up the Valo family, a name that never spoke of that night again.