Bam? What Kind of Name Is That? It Sounds Like a Cleaning Product!

Bam? What kind of name is that? It sounds like a c

"Ville you do realise that I was not serious when I told you to call Linde" Anna yells as she walks out of the bathroom after her shower and sees Linde standing over the stove with a spatular in one hand and a frying pan in the other, "Well we were hungry and we would have starved if we waited for you" Bam says as he grabs a pancake off the plate.

"Linde I think I love you" Vile says through a mouth full of pancakes, "Me too" Bam says as he stuffs more food into his already full mouth. "Oh how cute" another voice says, followed by unfamiliar laughter. Anna turns away from the pancake eating pigs to see Mige, Burton and Gas sitting on the sofa, "Oh hey guys, I didn’t see you there" Anna says as she takes a seat in between Burton and Mige.

"Hey" all three men chorus as Anna sits down, "So have you guys got anything planned for today?" Anna asks as she runs her fingers through her long brown hair. "Actually no we don’t" Burton replies as he takes a sip of beer, "Hey Ville will you come with me to get a tattoo?" Anna yells as a sudden urge of spontaneity hits her.

"Of course sweetheart" Ville says as he throws a can of beer over to Bam and begins to reach for one for himself, "Oh no, I don’t think so. I think you had enough alcohol last night, and plus I want you to drive" Anna says as she grabs the can of beer out of Ville's hand and throws it to Mige. "Oh so he can get drunk but I can’t" Ville moans like a child as he begins to pout, "Yes that is exactly what I am saying" Anna says as she grabs the car keys and throws them towards Ville.

"Come on everyone in the car" Ville says as he points towards his latest splurge, a silver viper. "Ville we won’t all fit" Anna says in protest as she looks at all six people around her, "We will make them fit" Ville says with a weird grin as he opens the car door.

"Ok Bam, Gas, Burton, Mige and Anna in the back and Lilly in the front with me" Ville says as he hops into the drivers' seat, "Ville I know that you were never good at math so let me work it out for you, there are three seats in the back and four of us" Anna says as Bam, Gas, Burton, and Linde all get into the car. "Mige you sit on Gas's lap and Anna you are on Bam's" Ville says as he starts up the car, "I hate you" Anna mutters as she and Mige sit on their assigned laps.

"Oh Gas, you look ever so sexy" Mige purrs gaily as he runs his hand over Gas's bald head, "Ok that is a little to gay" Burton says as he shoots a scared look at Anna. "Brandon is that your hand on my arse?" Anna asks as she turns around to look at Bam, "Maybe" Bam says slyly as he begins to smirk.

"Ok everyone out" Ville yells as he pulls up to the local tattoo parlour, everyone jumps out of the car and begins to head inside the tattoo parlour. "Hey Bam come here" Anna says flirtatiously as she bats her eye lashes, "Yeeeeesssssss" Bam says as he stands in front of Anna. "Come closer" Anna whispers as Bam moves close so that their faces are only inches apart, "This is for touching me in the car" Anna whispers in his ear as she lifts her leg and kicks him straight in his male hood.

"Arrgh" Bam yells as he falls to his knees, "Bye Bye" Anna says as she followers her brother into the tattoo parlour.